قراءة كتاب A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

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‏اللغة: English
A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@26723@[email protected]#CHAPTER_XVIII" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">184

XIX. Faith Writes a Letter 194 XX. The Capture of the Fort 208

A Little Maid of Ticonderoga



Faith Carew was ten years old when Esther Eldridge came to visit her. Faith lived in a big comfortable log cabin on one of the sloping hillsides of the Green Mountains. Below the cabin was her father’s mill; and to Faith it always seemed as if the mill-stream had a gay little song of its own. She always listened for it when she awoke each morning.

“I wonder if Esther will hear what the brook sings?” thought Faith as she drew on her moccasin slippers and dressed as quickly as she could, for her mother had already called her twice, and Faith had just reached the top of the stairs when the third call of, “Faith! Faith! I shall not keep your porridge hot another instant,” sounded from the kitchen.

“I’m coming, mother dear,” the little girl called back, and hurried down the stairs, wondering to herself why grown people who could always do exactly as they pleased should think it best to rise before the sun was really up.

“Your father was off to the mill an hour ago,” said Mrs. Carew, setting a bowl of steaming porridge on the end of the table beside a narrow window, “so you will have to eat your porridge alone.”

Faith sat down at the table, looking out through the open window toward the mill.

“I do hope Esther Eldridge and her father will come to-day,” she said. “Do you think they will, mother dear?”

“Yes, child; they will probably arrive before sunset. Your father expected them yesterday. It will be a fine thing for you to have a little girl for a companion. But she is a village child, and may not be happy in the Wilderness,” responded Mrs. Carew.

“Why, of course she will like being here! Just think, she has never seen wheat ground into flour! And she can see that in our mill; and she has always walked on real roads, and here she will not even see a road; and I know many pleasant paths where we can walk, and I can tell her the names of different trees and flowers. I’m sure she will think the Wilderness a fine place,” said Faith, nodding her head so that her yellow curls seemed to dance about her face.

“I hope they make the journey from Brandon safely. Your father has been told that the Indians have been troublesome to the settlers near Lake Dunmore; and besides that, there are many bears coming out into the clearings these fine autumn days. But Mr. Eldridge is a good shot, and I am seeking trouble in naming Indians or bears. Finish your breakfast, Faithie, and run to the garden and bring me in the ripest of the pumpkins; for I must make some cakes for our company.”

The Carews lived in a log house on a slope of cleared ground running down to the mill-stream. There were no roads, only rough trails, and they had no near neighbors. Faith’s father had a large grant of land, a “New Hampshire Grant,” it was called, which ran toward the eastern shore of Lake Champlain. Faith had no playmates, and when Mr. Eldridge, of the town of Brandon, had sent word that he was coming to see Mr. Carew on business and would bring his small daughter with him, Faith had been overjoyed and had made many plans of what she would do to entertain her visitor.

Faith finished her breakfast, and helped her mother clear the table and wash the dishes, and then went up the slope to where a number of fine pumpkins and squashes, growing among the corn, were ripening in the early September sunshine. She looked about carefully, and selected a yellow pumpkin. “This is about as large as my head,” she said aloud, “and I guess it is about the same color,” and she ran back to the house carrying the pumpkin, which Mrs. Carew set to bake in the brick oven beside the fireplace.

“When it is baked may I fix the shell for a work-basket for Esther?” asked Faith.

“Yes, indeed,” answered Mrs. Carew smilingly. “Your Aunt Prissy was greatly pleased with the one you gave her when she visited here last autumn.”

“I wish I could go to Ticonderoga and visit Aunt Prissy,” said Faith.

“Why, so you shall some day. But ’tis a troublesome journey, since one must be set across the strait,” replied her mother. “But look, child! Can it be that Mr. Eldridge has arrived at this early hour?”

“Yes, indeed. I see his little girl! Look, mother! Father has lifted her down from the horse; and Mr. Eldridge is walking, too! Oh, mother! See the fine hat she has on!” and Faith ran to the open door to get a better look at the little girl who was walking so slowly up the path to the log house.

In a moment the little girl looked up toward the open door and Faith waved her hand.

“She didn’t wave back, mother dear,” exclaimed Faith, and then the travelers were close at hand, and Mrs. Carew was greeting the tall, grave-faced man and welcoming Esther.

“My little girl was so tired that we stopped for the night at your neighbor Stanley’s house, five miles east,” said Mr. Eldridge; “and that is why we are in good season this morning.”

While Mr. Eldridge was speaking Esther held fast to her father’s hand, her large black eyes fixed on Mrs. Carew. Faith looked at her admiringly, wishing that her own eyes were black, and that her feet were small like Esther’s, and that she had a hat with a wide scarlet ribbon.

“Esther, this is Faith,” she heard her mother say, “and she will try and make you so happy here that you will wish to stay all winter.”

The two little girls smiled shyly, and Esther let go her clasp on her father’s hand and followed Mrs. Carew into the pleasant kitchen. Faith watched her eagerly; she wondered why Esther looked about the big room with such a curious expression. “Almost as if she did not like it,” thought Faith.

The little gray kitten came bouncing out from behind the big wood-box and Esther gave a startled exclamation.

“It’s just ‘Bounce,’” said Faith, picking up the kitten and smoothing its pretty head. “I named it ‘Bounce’ because it never seems to walk. It just bounces along.”

Esther smiled again, but she did not speak. Faith noticed that she was very thin, and that her hands looked almost like little brown shadows.

“Are you tired?” she asked, suddenly remembering that she had heard her father say that “Mr. Eldridge’s little maid was not well, and he thought the change would do her good.”

Esther nodded. “Yes, I’m always tired,” she answered, sitting down in the low wooden rocker beside the light stand.

“For pity’s sake, child, we must see to it that you are soon as strong and well as Faith,” said Mrs. Carew, untying the broad scarlet ribbon
