قراءة كتاب A Short System of English Grammar For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester (1759)

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‏اللغة: English
A Short System of English Grammar
For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester (1759)

A Short System of English Grammar For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester (1759)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

shou'd have had; thou must, might'st, wou'd'st, cou'd'st, or shou'd'st have had; he must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had. Plur. We must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had; ye must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had; they must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had.

Preterpluperfect Tense.

Sing. I must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd had had; thou must, might'st, wou'd'st, cou'd'st, or shou'd'st had had; he must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd had had; Plur. We must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd had had; ye must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd had had; they must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd had had.

Future Tense.

Sing. I shall, or will have had; thou shalt, or wilt have had; he shall, or will have had; Plur. We shall, or will have had; ye shall, or will have had; they shall, or will have had.

Infinitive MOOD.

  • Present —— to have
  • Perfect —— to have had
  • Future —— about to have.


  • Present —— having
  • Preterperfect —— having had.

To BE.

Indicative MOOD.

Present Tense.

Sing. I am; thou art; he is. Plur. We are; ye are; they are.

Preterimperfect Tense.

Sing. I was; thou wast; he was; Plur. We were; ye were; they were.

Preterperfect Tense.

Sing. I have been; thou hast been; he hath been. Plur. We have been; ye have been; they have been.

Preterpluperfect Tense.

Sing. I had been; thou hadst been; he had been. Plur. We had been; ye had been; they had been.

Future Tense.

Sing. I shall, or will be; thou shalt, or wilt be; he shall, or will be. Plur. We shall, or will be; ye shall, or will be; they shall, or will be.

Imperative MOOD.

Present and Future.

Sing. Let me be; do thou be, or be thou; let him be. Plur. Let us be; do ye be, or be ye; let them be.

Conjunctive MOOD.

Present Tense.

Sing. I may, or can be; thou may'st, or canst be; he may, or can be. Plur. We may, or can be; ye may, or can be; they may, or can be.

Preterimperfect Tense.

Sing. I must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd be; thou must, might'st, wou'd'st, cou'd'st, or shou'd'st be; he must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd be. Plur. We must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd be; ye must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd be; they must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd be.

Preterperfect Tense.

Sing. I must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have been; thou must, might'st, wou'd'st, cou'd'st, or shou'd'st have been; he must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd, have been. Plur. We must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have been; ye must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have been; they must, might, wou'd cou'd, or shou'd have been.

Preterpluperfect Tense.

Sing. I must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had been; thou must, might'st, wou'd'st, cou'd'st, or shou'd'st, have had been; he must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had been. Plur. We must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had been; ye must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had been; they must, might, wou'd, cou'd, or shou'd have had been.

Future Tense.

Sing. I shall, or will have been; thou shalt, or wilt have been; he shall or will have been. Plur. We shall, or will have been; ye shall, or will have been; they shall, or will have been.

Infinitive MOOD.

  • Present —— to be
  • Preterperfect —— to have been
  • Future —— about to be.


  • Present —— being
  • Preterperfect —— having been.

Of  Regular VERBS.

Regular Verbs are those that are conjugated by some established Rules.

The Termination of the Infinitive Mood Present Tense, of the Verb Active, in regular Verbs, is always the same as the first Person of the Indicative Mood Present Tense singular; as to love, I love.

The Termination of the second Person Singular is formed out of the first by adding st or est; as I love, thou lovest; I read, thou readest.

The Termination of the third Person singular is formed out of the first by adding th or eth; as I love, he loveth, I read, he readeth; or only by adding s; as he loves, he reads.

The Termination of the first Person Preterimperfect Tense singular, is formed out of the first Person Present Tense singular by adding the Syllable ed; as I love, I loved.

The Termination of the Participle Present of the Verb Active, is always formed out of the first Person Present by adding the Syllable ing; as I love, loving.

The Termination of the Preterimperfect, the Preterperfect, and the Preterpluperfect of the Indicative Mood; and the Preterperfect, the Preterpluperfect and the Future of the Conjunctive, and the Participle Passive is in regular Verbs the same; as I loved, I have loved, I had loved, I may have loved, I might have loved, I shall have loved, I am loved. And

The Termination of every other Tense, Number or Person, is the same with the Infinitive.

Of a VERB Active.

A Verb Active regular is conjugated by the auxiliary Signs, the auxiliary Verbs, and the general Rules foregoing.


Indicative MOOD.

Present Tense.

Sing. I love, or do love; thou lovest, or dost love; he loveth, or loves, or doth love. Plur. We love, or do love; ye love, or do love; they love, or do love.

Preterimperfect Tense.

Sing. I loved, or did love; thou loved'st, or did'st love; he loved, or did love. Plur. we loved, or did love; ye loved, or did love; they loved, or did love.

Preterperfect Tense.

Sing. I have
