قراءة كتاب More Science From an Easy Chair

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
More Science From an Easy Chair

More Science From an Easy Chair

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

class="tl">Carriers of Disease

235 The Entrance of Parasites—Man as a Carrier of Disease—House Flies and Disease. XXII. Immunity and Curative Inoculations 241 Inoculation of Smallpox—Antitoxins—The Wonderful Properties of Blood—Germ-killing Poisons in the Blood—Opsonins or Sauce for Germs. XXIII. The Strange Story of Animal Life in New Zealand 251 Strange Birds—Destroyed by Europeans—Introduced Animals. XXIV. The Effacement of Nature by Man 259 Disappearance of Great Animals—Man's Reckless Greed—Hope in Irrigation.

XXV. The Extinction of the Bison and of Whales 266
Drowning in a Dead Whale's Heart—The Value of Whalebone—No more Turtle Soup.
XXVI. More about Whales 273
The Shape of Whales—Enormous Pressure of Gas in the Blood—The Killer and the Narwhal—Fossil Whales.
XXVII. Misconceptions about Science 281
What Science does not explain—Darwin's Theory is adequate—The Aquosity of Water—Need for Interpreters of Science—The Exploded Ghost called "Caloric"—Nightmares Destroyed by Science—When did the Soul arrive?—The Great Silence.



1. Flower of the Yellow Sage 4
2. The Edelweiss 5
3. "Folding" of Rock Strata 8
4. A Man Extracting the Jewel from a Toad's Head 58
5. The Palate of the Fossil Fish Lepidotus 60
6. The Indian Elephant 66
7. The African Elephant 67
8. The Crowns of Three "Grinders" or Molars of Elephants Compared 71
9. Skeleton of the Indian Elephant 81
10. The Teeth in the Upper and Lower Jaw-bone of the Common Pig 84
11. A Reconstruction of the Extinct American Mastodon 86
12. Skull and Restored Outline of the Head of the Long-jawed Extinct Elephant called Tetrabelodon 87
13. Head of the Ancestral Elephant—Palæomastodon 89
14. Restored Model of the Skull and Lower Jaw of the Ancestral Elephant—Palæomastodon 90
15. Head of the Early Ancestor of Elephants—Meritherium—as it appeared in life 91
16. Skull and Lower Jaw of a Goat
