قراءة كتاب More Science From an Easy Chair

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‏اللغة: English
More Science From an Easy Chair

More Science From an Easy Chair

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

Gallop—The Dog in Mycenæan Art—What ought an Artist to do?—Attention as a Condition of Seeing—Judgment and Prejudice—Natural and Artificial Paces—Photographs by Electric Spark—Use of Instantaneous Photographs—Errors as to the Size of the Moon—The Painter and the Moon—The Moon on the Stage.

V. The Jewel in the Toad's Head 55 The Decay of Credulity—A Sceptical Physician—How to Test a Toadstone—Other Magical Stones—Medicinal and Magical Stones. VI. Elephants 65 The Indian and the African Elephant—Size of Modern Elephants—Ears and Teeth of Elephants—Earliest Elephants brought to Europe—The Elephant's Legs—Tusks used in Digging—Elephants used in War—Geological Strata since the Chalk—Ancestral Mammals—The Typical or Ancestral Set of Teeth—The Peculiarities of the Teeth of Elephants—Extinct Relatives of Elephants—Ancestors of Elephants—Origin of the Elephant's Trunk.

VII. A Strange Extinct Beast 92
Fossil Skeletons and Jaw-bones—The Skull and Teeth of Goats—The Teeth of Rats—The Rat-toothed Goat—Origin of the Rat-toothed Goat.
VIII. Vegetarians and Their Teeth 102
Teeth of Carnivors—Mixed Diets—Disease-germs in Food.
IX. Food and Cookery 113
Special Diet of Various Races—Food and Habit—Nervous Control of Digestion—Wholesale Food and Mechanical Cookery—The Burnt Offering of the Jews—Women Neglect Cookery—A Great German's Appreciation.
X. Smells and Perfumes 126
Smells and Memory—Accidental Qualities—Bacteria and Smells—Some Remarkable Smells.
XI. Kisses 134
Kissing and Smelling—Variations in the Sense of Smell—Radiation and Odours—Attraction by Smell—Unconscious Guidance by Smell.
XII. Laughter 144
Why do we Laugh?—Varieties of Laughter—The Laugh of Escape from Death—The Laugh of Derision.
XIII. Fatherless Frogs 152
Fertilization of the Egg-cell—Egg-cells Developing Unfertilized—M. Bataillon's Discovery.
XIV. Primitive Beliefs about Fatherless Progeny 159
Harvey and Milton—Reproduction by Budding—Stories of Virgin Births—Spiritual Theory of Conception.
XV. The Pygmy Races of Men 167
Characteristics of Pygmies—Colour of the Skin—Egyptian Stories of Pygmies—Congo and New Guinea Pygmies—The Causes of Small Size—Smallness a Correlation.

XVI. Prehistoric Petticoats 180
Early Carvings and Pictures—Paintings in Caverns—Painting of Human Figures—Artistic Sympathy—Aurignacians and Bushmen Allied.
XVII. New Year's Day and the Calendar 191
Make-believe and New Year—Divisions of Time—The Difficulties of the Calendar—Pope Gregory's Ten Days—The Astronomer Royal and the Shah.
XVIII. Eastertide, Shamrocks and Spermaceti 201
The Real Shamrock—Sham Shamrock—Leonardo or Lucas?—Various Fats.
XIX. Museums 209
The Muses—The Museum of Alexandria—Picture Galleries and Museums—The Purposes of Museums—The First Business of Museums—National Value of Museums—University Museums—Not for Children but for Adults—Screens and Electric Lifts—Frames and Setting of Pictures.
XX. The Secret of a Terrible Disease 227
The Angel of Death—The Tyranny of Parasites—Typhus and Monkeys—Typhus Fever in Russia.
