قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

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Clio. (Muse of History) 642 Ancient Art and Literature 645 Painting. (2600 years old) 655 Dying Gladiator 689 Mosaic Floor 696 Mosaic Doves 697 Apollo Charming Nature 701 Ancient Authors 709 Library of Herculaneum 723 Trojan Heroes 735 Ancient Metal Engraving 745 Socrates Drinking the Poison 762 From Ancient Sculpturing 775 King Philip. (of Macedon) 784 Augustus Cæsar. (Found at Pompeii) 795 Julius Cæsar. (From an Ancient Sculpturing) 805 Virgil and Horace 813 Euclid 824 Alexander Severus 831 Egyptian Tomb 835 Sarcophagus, or Coffin. (With Noah's Ark Cut in Relief on the Outside) 841 Coffin of Alabaster. (Features of the Deceased Sculptured) 843 Discovered Tomb with its Treasures. (At Pompeii) 847 Articles Found in a Tomb 852 Hieroglyphics 857, 858, 859 Egyptian Pillar 862 Egyptian Column 867 Sections of the Catacombs with Chambers 874 Plan of the Catacombs at Rome 875 Stone Coffin 878 Stone Coffin with Open Side 879 Inside View of the Catacombs
