قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

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The Great Pyramids and Sphinx 469 Ruins of Baalbec 473 View of the Pantheon at Rome 475 Pantheon at Rome 477 Half Section of the Pantheon 478 Obelisk of Heliopolis 481 Jupiter. (or Zeus) 491 Apollo. (From an Ancient Sculpture) 495 Pluto and His Wife 503 Ceres. (or Demeter. From Pompeii Wall Painting) 512 Juno. (or Here) 516 Diana. (or Artemis) 520 Vulcan. (or Hephaistos) 526 Minerva. (or Pallas Athene. Found at Pompeii) 530 Ancient Sculpturing on Tantalos 537 Urania. (Muse of Astronomy) 538 Jupiter. (or Zeus with his Thunderbolt) 544 Thalia, the Muse 550 Laocoon, the False Priest 555 Grecian Altar. (3000 years old) 563 Themis. (Goddess of Law) 565 Euterpe. (Muse of Pleasure) 577 Thalia. (Muse of Comedy) 584 Numa Pompilius Visiting the Nymph Egeria 591 Polyhymnia. (Muse of Rhetoric) 603 Sphinx of Egypt 607 Calliope. (Muse of Heroic Verse) 614 The Origin of Man 617 Erate. (Muse of the Lute) 623 Terpsichore. (Muse of Dancing) 625 Ancient Sacrifice. (From Wall Painting of Pompeii) 631 Melpomene. (Muse of Tragedy)
