قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

Etc.—Silver Goblet and Vases—Weapons of Troy—Terra Cotta Mugs—Condition of the Roads—Lack of Inscriptions

385-422 Nineveh and Babylon. Explorations of Niebuhr and Rich—Excavations at Kouyunjik Palace—Sennacherib's Conquests—Highly-Finished Sculptures—North Palace, Kouyunjik—Temple of Solomon—The Oracle—Description of the Palace—Modern Houses of Persia—Chambers in the Palace—The Walls—Grandeur of Babylon—Building Materials—History of Babylon—Karnac and Baalbec (Page 461-473)—Stupendous Remains—Temple of Luxor—Chambers of the Great Pyramid—The Great Temple—The Pantheon at Rome—Egyptian Obelisks—Obelisks 423-484 Religion or Mythology. Mythology—Mythological Characters—The Pythian Apollo—Phœbus Apollo—Niobe and Leto—Daphne—Kyrene—Hermes—The Sorrow of Demeter—The Sleep of Endymion—Phaethon—Briareos—Dionysos—Pentheus—Asklepios—Ixion—Tantalos—The Toils of Herakles—Admetos—Epimetheus and Pandora—Io and Prometheus—Deukalion—Poseidon and Athene—Medusa—Danae—Perseus—Andromeda—Akrisios—Kephalos and Prokris—Skylla—Phrixos and Helle—Medeia—Theseus—Ariadne—Arethusa—Tyro—Narkissos—Orpheus and Eurydike—Kadmos and Europa—Bellerophon—Althaia and the Burning Brand—Iamos 485-642 Fine Arts. Egyptian Sculpture—Etruscan Painting—Renowned Painters—Parrhasius—Colors Used—Sculpture Painting—Fresco Painting—Sculpturing (Page 667-694)—Sculpture in Greece and Egypt—Sculptures of Ancient Kings—Animal Sculpture—Modeling of the Human Figure—"The Sculptor of the Gods"—Grandeur of Style—Statues—Description of Statues—Work of Lysippus—The Macedonian Age—Roman Art—Copies of Ancient Gods—Mosaic (Page 695-702)—Mosaic Subjects—Battle Represented in Mosaics—Grandeur of Style 643-702 Literature. Homer—Paris—Achilles—The Vengeance of Odysseus—Sophocles—Herodotus—The Crocodile—Artabanus Dissuades Xerxes—Socrates—Socrates and Aristodemus—Aristophanes—Plato—The Perfect Beauty—Last Hours of Socrates—Demosthenes—Philip and the Athenians—Measures to Resist Philip—Former Athenians Described—Oration on the Crown—Invective against Catiline—Expulsion of Catiline from Rome—The Tyrant Prætor Denounced—Immortality of the Soul—Julius Cæsar—The Germans—Battle of Pharsalia—Virgil—Employment of the Bee—Punishments in Hell—Horace—To Licinius—Happiness Founded on Wisdom—The Equality of Man—Plutarch—Proscription of Sylla—Demosthenes and Cicero Compared 703-832 Tombs and Catacombs. Extent of the Tombs—An Acre and a quarter in a Tomb—Sculpturings—Painting—Burying According to Rank—Mummies—Mummy Cases and Sarcophagi—Roman Tombs—Inscriptions—The Catacombs (Page 873-910)—Inscriptions—Catacombs—Christian Inscriptions—Early Inscriptions—Catacombs, nearly 900 miles long—Utensils from the Catacombs—Paintings—S. Calixtus—Lord's Supper 833-910 Truth of the Bible. The Assyrian and Babylonian Discoveries—1100 Christian Inscriptions—The use of the Bible for Excavators—Accordance with Ancient Writings—Frieze from the Arch of Titus—No Book produced by Chance—God the Author—Its Great Antiquity—The Pentateuch—Preservation of the Scripture—Its Important Discoveries—Its Peculiar Style—Its Harmony—Its Impartiality—Its Prophecies—Its Important Doctrines—Its Holy Tendency—Its Aims—Its Effects—Its General Reception—Persecuted but not Persecuting 911-944

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Destruction of Pompeii 17
View of Pompeii. (From a Photograph) public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27988@[email protected]#imagep023" class="pginternal"
