قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">341

Ancient Glass Vessels 346 Glass Brooch 347 Imitation of Real Stone 348 Ancient Egyptian Pottery 350 Mill and Bakery at Pompeii 365 Bread Discovered in Pompeii 371 Metals and Beads 389 Terra-cotta Lamps 394 Bronze Lamps 394 Golden Cups of Priam. (Found at Troy) 396 Wonderful Vases of Terra-cotta from Palace of Priam 399 From Palace of Priam 400 Lids and Metals of Priam 401 Treasures of Priam. (Found at Troy) 404 Part of Machine of Priam 406 Jewelry of Gold and Stones 406 Vessel Found in the Palace of Priam 407 Shield of the Palace of Priam 408 Gold Necklace of Troy 409 Gold Tassels of Troy 409 Lamps found at Troy 409 Studs and Bracelets of Priam 411 Gold Pins with Set Gems 411 Gold Ear-rings of Troy 412 Spears, Lances, Ax and Chain 415 Shears, Knives and Spears 415 Lances Found at Palace of Priam, Troy 416 Coins or Metals 418 Elegant Brooch of Troy 421 Lamp found at Troy 422 Palace of Sennacherib 427 Discovered in the Palace 435 View of a Hall 445 Columns of Karnac
