قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27988@[email protected]#imagep227" class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">227

Toilet Articles found at Pompeii 231 Wreath of Oak. (Life Saving) 247 Tabulæ, Calamus, and Papyrus 283 Tabulæ, Stylus, and Papyrus 283 Tabulæ and Ink Stand 284 Libraries and Money 284 Gold Lamp. (Found at Pompeii) 287 Candelabrum, or Lamp Stand 289 Candelabra, or Lamp Stands 290 Standing Lamp 293 Ancient Lamps 293 Scales and Weights 295 Vessels. (From Pompeii) 296 Drinking Vessel 297 Glass Vessels. (From Pompeii) 302 Cups and Metals 304 Gold Jewelry. (From Pompeii) 305 Heavy Gold Pins 306 Brooches Inset with Stone 307 Safety Toga Pins 308 Plundering Corinth 317 Greek Vase 321 Etruscan Vase 324 Roman Vases 325 Vase Representing a Marriage. (Found at Pompeii) 328 Vase Representing Trojan War. (Found at Pompeii) 333 Vase. (Found at Pompeii) 334 Vase Representing Greek Sacrifice 336 Vase 2,000 Years Old 337 Silver Platter 339 Silver Cup. (Found at Hildesheim) 340 Vase of the First Century 341 Dish of the First Century public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@27988@[email protected]#imagep341b"
