قراءة كتاب What a Young Woman Ought to Know

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‏اللغة: English
What a Young Woman Ought to Know

What a Young Woman Ought to Know

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3


BREATHING. How often we breathe — What is accomplished by breathing — Office of oxygen in the blood — Breathing our measure of ability — Breathing gymnastics, their value — Importance of the diaphragm in breathing 47 CHAPTER VI.
HINDRANCES TO BREATHING. Effect of sitting attitudes — How to counteract this — Wrong positions in standing — Restrictions of clothing — Rule for the tightness of clothing — Why tight dresses may feel comfortable 55 CHAPTER VII.
ADDED INJURIES FROM TIGHT CLOTHING. The effect upon the heart — Danger of exercising in tight dress — Effect of tight clothing upon the kidneys, upon the liver, stomach, and bowels — How the bowels are held in the abdomen — Influence of tight clothing upon the pelvic organs — Upon the circulation — A tapering waist a deformity 61 CHAPTER VIII.
EXERCISE. The purpose of physical culture — Balance between waste and supply — Gymnastic dress a necessity — Value of housework — Bicycle riding — Dancing — Skating — Lawn tennis — Running up and down stairs — Bathing 69 CHAPTER IX.
BATHING. Beauty of complexion — Condition of skin indicates condition of digestive organs — Pimples — Constipation — Thermal bath — Foot bath — Time to bathe — Daily baths — The use of soaps — Wrinkles — Care of the hands 77
CREATIVE POWER. We have Godlike powers: reason, imagination, conferring life — Organs of individual life same in both sexes — Differences between the sexes in size — Dignity of man 87 CHAPTER XI.
BUILDING BRAINS. Babies born deaf, dumb, blind and helpless — The activities of the baby build its brains — Our brains develop through cultivation of the senses — Certain areas of brain govern certain movements of body — Can learn how to build up any part of brain — Professor Gates' experiments in training dogs — Creation of habits — Effects of malevolent passions, such as anger, worry, etc. 93 CHAPTER XII.
YOU ARE MORE THAN BODY OR MIND. You are neither body nor mind, you are spirit — Your relationship to God — God's obligation to us — Our obligation to Him — God's school — His method of teaching us. 99 CHAPTER XIII.
SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Differences between boys and girls — Boys need our sympathy — The crisis in the girl's life — Sex in mind — Description of the sex organs 105 CHAPTER XIV.
BECOMING A WOMAN. All life from an egg — The human egg — Menstruation — Girls may injure themselves through ignorance — Value of sex. 113 CHAPTER XV.
ARTIFICIALITIES OF CIVILIZED LIFE. Menstruation should be painless — Dr. Mary Jacobi's opinion — Dr. Emmett on the artificial life of young women. 119 CHAPTER XVI.
SOME CAUSES OF PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. Woman not necessarily a semi-invalid — Effects of wrong clothing on the young girl — Evils of novel reading — Evils of constipation — Congestions produced by displacements — Serious results of abdominal displacements — Value of abdominal bandage — How to make one — How to wear it — Effects of wrong attitude — Standing on one foot — Correct attitude. 123 CHAPTER XVII.
FEMALE DISEASES. Displacements of uterus — Leucorrhea — Patent medicines — Honest physicians — Sitz baths for reducing congestions — Age at which menstruation first appears — Non-menstruation and consumption — Mechanical hindrances to menstruation — Suppression — Scanty flow — Profuse flow — Treatment. 135 CHAPTER XVIII.
CARE DURING MENSTRUATION. No long walks or rides — May pursue usual avocations — If pain, keep quiet — Do not use alcoholics of any kind — Use of heat
