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قراءة كتاب Erdgeist (Earth-Spirit): A Tragedy in Four Acts

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‏اللغة: English
Erdgeist (Earth-Spirit): A Tragedy in Four Acts

Erdgeist (Earth-Spirit): A Tragedy in Four Acts

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

class="small">LULU. (Springs over the ottoman, over the fallen step-ladder, and over the platform, down-stage.) A grave! Don't fall into it! (She stamps thru the picture on the floor.) She made a new man out of him! (Falls forward.)

SCHWARZ. (Stumbling over the Spanish screen.) I am merciless now!

LULU. (Up-stage.) Leave me in peace now. I'm getting dizzy. O Gott! O Gott!... (Comes forward and sinks down on the ottoman. Schwarz locks the door; then seats himself next her, grasps her hand, and covers it with kisses—then pauses, struggling with himself. Lulu opens her eyes wide.)

LULU. He may come back.

SCHWARZ. How d' you feel?

LULU. As if I had fallen into the water....

SCHWARZ. I love you.

LULU. One time, I loved a student.

SCHWARZ. Nellie—

LULU. With four-and-twenty scars—

SCHWARZ. I love you, Nellie.

LULU. My name isn't Nellie. (Schwarz kisses her.) It's Lulu.

SCHWARZ. I would call you Eve.

LULU. Do you know what time it is?

SCHWARZ. (Looking at his watch.) Half past ten. (Lulu takes the watch and opens the case.) You don't love me.

LULU. Yes I do.... It's five minutes after half past ten.

SCHWARZ. Give me a kiss, Eve!

LULU. (Takes him by the chin and kisses him. Throws the watch in the air and catches it.) You smell of tobacco.

SCHWARZ. Why so distant?

LULU. It would be uncomfortable to—

SCHWARZ. You're just making believe!

LULU. You're making believe yourself, it seems to me. I make believe? What makes you think that? I never needed to do that.

SCHWARZ. (Rises, disconcerted, passing his hand over his forehead.) God in Heaven! The world is strange to me—!

LULU. (Screams.) Only don't kill me!

SCHWARZ. (Instantly whirling round.) Thou hast never yet loved!

LULU. (Half raising herself.) You have never yet loved ...!

DR. GOLL. (Outside.) Open the door!

LULU. (Already sprung to her feet.) Hide me! O God, hide me!

DR. GOLL. (Pounding on the door.) Open the door!

LULU. (Holding back Schwarz as he goes toward the door.) He will strike me dead!

DR. GOLL. (Hammering.) Open the door!

LULU. (Sunk down before Schwarz, gripping his knees.) He'll beat me to death! He'll beat me to death!

SCHWARZ. Stand up.... (The door falls crashing into the studio. Dr. Goll with blood-shot eyes rushes upon Schwarz and Lulu, brandishing his stick.)

DR. GOLL. You dogs! You ...! (Pants, struggles for breath a few seconds, and falls headlong to the ground. Schwarz's knees tremble. Lulu has fled to the door. Pause.)

SCHWARZ. Mister—Doctor—Doc—Doctor Goll—

LULU. (In the door.) Please, though, first put the studio in order.

SCHWARZ. Dr. Goll! (Leans over.) Doc— (Steps back.) He's cut his forehead. Help me to lay him on the ottoman.

LULU. (Shudders backward in terror.) No. No...

SCHWARZ. (Trying to turn him over.) Dr. Goll.

LULU. He doesn't hear.

SCHWARZ. But you, help me, please.

LULU. The two of us together couldn't lift him.

SCHWARZ. (Straightening up.) We must send for a doctor.

LULU. He is fearfully heavy.

SCHWARZ. (Getting his hat.) Please, though, be so good as to put the place a little to rights while I'm away. (He goes out.)

LULU. He'll spring up all at once. (Intensely.) Bussi! He just won't notice anything. (Comes down-stage in a wide circle.) He sees my feet, and watches every step I take. He has his eye on me everywhere. (Touches him with her toe.) Bussi! (Flinching, backward.) It's serious with him. The dance is over. He'll send me to prison. What shall I do? (Leans over, to the floor.) A strange, wild face! (Getting up.) And no one to do him the last services—isn't that sad! (Schwarz returns.)

SCHWARZ. Still not come to himself?

LULU. (Down right.) What shall I do?

SCHWARZ. (Bending over Goll.) Doctor Goll.

LULU. I almost think it's serious.

SCHWARZ. Talk decently!

LULU. He wouldn't say that to me. He makes me dance for him when he doesn't feel well.

SCHWARZ. The doctor will be here in a moment.

LULU. Doctoring won't help him.

SCHWARZ. But people do what they can, in such cases!

LULU. He doesn't think so.

SCHWARZ. Then won't you at least—get dressed?

LULU. Yes,—right off.

SCHWARZ. What are you waiting for?

LULU. Please ...

SCHWARZ. What is it?

LULU. Shut his eyes.

SCHWARZ. You make me shiver.

LULU. Not nearly so much as you make me!


LULU. You're a born criminal.

SCHWARZ. Doesn't this moment touch you at all, then?

LULU. It hits me, too, some.

SCHWARZ. Please, just you keep still now!

LULU. It hits you some, too.

SCHWARZ. You really didn't need to say that to a man, in such a moment.

LULU. Please ...!

SCHWARZ. Do what you think necessary. I don't know how.

LULU. (Left of Goll.) He's looking at me.

SCHWARZ. (Right of Goll.) And at me, too.

LULU. You're a coward!

SCHWARZ. (Shuts Goll's eyes with his handkerchief.) It's the first time in my life that anyone has called me that.

LULU. Didn't you do it to your mother?
