Spring in Town |
103 |
The Gladness of Nature |
105 |
The Disinterred Warrior |
106 |
Midsummer |
107 |
The Greek Partisan |
108 |
The Two Graves |
109 |
The Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus |
111 |
A Summer Ramble |
113 |
A Scene on the Banks of the Hudson |
115 |
The Hurricane |
116 |
William Tell |
118 |
The Hunter's Serenade |
118 |
The Greek Boy |
120 |
The Past |
121 |
"Upon the Mountain's Distant Head" |
123 |
The Evening Wind |
124 |
"When the Firmament Quivers with Daylight's Young Beam" |
125 |
"Innocent Child and Snow-white Flower" |
126 |
To the River Arve |
126 |
To Cole, the Painter, departing for Europe |
127 |
To the Fringed Gentian |
128 |
The Twenty-second of December |
129 |
Hymn of the City |
129 |
The Prairies |
130 |
Song of Marion's Men |
134 |
The Arctic Lover |
135 |
The Journey of Life |
137 |
Translations: |
Version of a Fragment of Simonides |
138 |
From the Spanish of Villegas |
139 |
Mary Magdalen. (From the Spanish of Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola) |
139 |
The Life of the Blessed. (From the Spanish of Luis Ponce de Leon) |
140 |
Fatima and Raduan. (From the Spanish) |
142 |
Love and Folly. (From La Fontaine) |
143 |
The Siesta. (From the Spanish) |
144 |
The Alcayde of Molina. (From the Spanish) |
145 |
The Death of Aliatar. (From the Spanish) |