قراءة كتاب The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

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‏اللغة: English
The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen
an old tale retold

The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

for the
Mouse to creep through.

“Quick,” she whispered to
the Mouse, “run as fast as you
can and bring back a stone
just as large as yourself.”

the mouse hauls a stone

Out scampered the Mouse,
and soon came back, dragging
the stone after him.

the mouse hauls a stone up the road

the mouse pushes a stone

“Push it in here,” said
the little Red Hen, and he
pushed it in in a twinkling.

Then the little Red Hen
snipped away the hole, till
it was large enough for the
Cock to get through.

“Quick,” she said, “run
and get a stone as big as

the rooster hurries away

Out flew the Cock, and
soon came back quite out
of breath, with a big stone,
which he pushed into the
sack too.

the rooster runs

Then the little Red Hen
popped out,

the hen races along

got a stone as big as
herself, and pushed it in.

Next she put on her thimble,
took out her needle and thread,
and sewed up the hole as
quickly as ever she could.

the hen sews up the sack

When it was done, the
Cock and the Mouse and
the little Red Hen ran home
very fast, shut the door

the hen and the rooster run quickly

after them, drew the bolts,
shut the shutters, and drew
down the blinds and felt
quite safe.

the mouse runs

all three run quickly

The bad Fox lay fast asleep
under the tree for some time,
but at last he woke up.

“Dear, dear,” he said, rubbing
his eyes and then looking at
the long shadows on the grass,
“how late it is getting. I must
hurry home.”

So the bad Fox went
grumbling and groaning
down the hill

the fox walks carrying his sack

till he came to the

Splash! In went one foot.
Splash! In went the other,
but the stones in the sack
were so heavy that at the
very next step down tumbled
Mr. Fox into a deep pool.

the fox is in the water

And then the fishes carried
him off to their fairy caves
and kept him a prisoner there,
so he was never seen again.

one fish

And the four greedy
little foxes had to go
to bed without any

four little foxes

the hen comfortable at home

But the Cock and the
Mouse never grumbled
again. They lit the fire,
filled the kettle, laid the
breakfast, and did all the
work, while the good little
Red Hen had a holiday, and
sat resting in the big arm-chair.

No foxes ever troubled
them again, and for all I
know they are still living
happily in the little house
with the green door and
green shutters, which stands
on the hill.

The End


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color thumbnail   title page

dedication   halftitle

'Once upon a time...'   color thumbnail

'A Cock'   'and a Mouse...'
