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قراءة كتاب The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen
an old tale retold

The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

class="indent">“And now, who’ll help
me to make the beds?”

I shan’t,” said the Cock.

I shan’t,” said the Mouse.

mouse slinks off

hen at the top of the stairs

“Then I’ll do it myself,”
said the little Red Hen.

And she tripped away

But the lazy Cock and
Mouse each sat down in a
comfortable arm-chair by
the fire

the fireplace

and soon fell
fast asleep.

the mouse sleeps in a chair

the fox looks in the window

Now the bad Fox had
crept up the hill, and into
the garden, and if the Cock
and Mouse hadn’t been
asleep, they would have seen
his sharp eyes peeping in
at the window.

“Rat tat tat, Rat tat tat”, the Fox knocked at the door.

fox with a sack slung over his back

the mouse stands up

“Who can that be?” said the
Mouse, half opening his eyes.

“Go and look for yourself, if
you want to know,” said the
rude Cock

the mouse opens the door to the fox

“It’s the postman perhaps,”
thought the Mouse to himself,
“and he may have a letter
for me.” So without waiting to
see who it was, he lifted the
latch and opened the door.

As soon as he opened it
in jumped the big Fox, with
a cruel smile upon his face!

the fox with his sack

the mouse tries to run

“Oh! oh! oh!” squeaked the
Mouse as he tried to run up
the chimney.

“Doodle doodle do!” screamed
the Cock, as he jumped on the
back of the biggest

But the Fox only laughed,
and without more ado he
took the little Mouse by the
tail, and popped him into
the sack, and seized the
Cock by the neck and popped
him in too.

the fox looks up at the rooster

the hen comes running

Then the poor little Red
Hen came running down-stairs
to see what all the
noise was about,

and the Fox caught her
and put her into the sack
with the others.

the full sack

the hen jumps down to the fox

Then he took a long piece of
string out of his pocket, wound
it round and round and
round the mouth of
the sack, and tied it very
tight indeed.

the fox looks pleased with himself

After that he threw the sack
over his back and set off down
the hill.

the fox strolls away

“Oh! I wish I hadn’t been
so cross,” said the Cock, as
they went bumping about.

“Oh! I wish I hadn’t been
so lazy,” said the Mouse, wiping
his eyes with the tip of his tail.

“It’s never too late to mend,”
said the little Red Hen. “And
don’t be too sad.

sewing basket

See, here I have my little
work-bag, and in it there is
a pair of scissors, and a
little thimble, and a needle
and thread. Very soon you
will see what I am going
to do.”

Now the sun was very hot,
and soon Mr. Fox began to
feel his sack was heavy,
and at last he thought he
would lie down under a
tree and go to sleep for
a little while.

the fox in sunlight

the fox dozes under a tree

So he threw the sack down
with a big bump, and very
soon fell fast asleep.

Snore, snore, snore, went
the Fox.

the hen with her scissors

As soon as the little Red
Hen heard this, she took
out her scissors, and began
to snip a hole in the sack,
just large enough
