قراءة كتاب The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen
an old tale retold

The Cock, The Mouse and the Little Red Hen an old tale retold

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

and the Mouse,
and the little Red Hen.”

one little fox “I’ll make a fire
 to roast the Cock,”
  said one little fox.
“I’ll put on the saucepan
to boil the Hen,”
said the second.
one little fox
“And I’ll get the frying
pan to fry the Mouse,”
said the third.
one little fox
one little fox “And I’ll have the biggest
helping when
they are all cooked,”
said the fourth, who
was the greediest of all.

So the four little foxes
jumped for joy, and the
big bad Fox went to get
his sack ready to start
upon his journey.

four little foxes dancing

the rooster

But what was happening
to the Cock and the Mouse,
and the little Red Hen, all
this time?

the mouse

Well, sad to say, the Cock and
the Mouse had both got out of
bed on the wrong side that

the rooster

the three at home

The Cock said the day was
too hot, and the Mouse grumbled
because it was too cold.

They came grumbling down
to the kitchen, where the good
little Red Hen, looking as bright
as a sunbeam, was bustling about.

“Who’ll get some sticks to
light the fire with?” she asked.

I shan’t,” said the Cock.

I shan’t,” said the Mouse.

“Then I’ll do it myself,” said
the little Red Hen.

So off she ran to get the sticks.

little red hen looks sad

“And now, who’ll fill
the kettle from the
spring?” she asked.

the rooster I shan’t,”
said the Cock.
I shan’t,” said
the Mouse.
the mouse

“Then I’ll do it myself,”
said the little Red Hen.
And off she ran to
fill the kettle.

the little red hen

the little red hen carries water

“And who’ll get the
breakfast ready?” she
asked, as she put the
kettle on to boil.

hen brings the kettle home

I shan’t,”
said the Cock.
the rooster speaks
the mouse runs away I shan’t,”
said the Mouse.

“I’ll do it myself,”
said the little Red Hen.

the messy breakfast table

All breakfast time the
Cock and the Mouse quarrelled
and grumbled. The
Cock upset the milk jug,
and the Mouse scattered
crumbs upon the floor

little red hen stands up

“Who’ll clear away the
breakfast?” asked the poor
little Red Hen, hoping

the mouse flings his hands up

they would soon leave
off being cross.

I shan’t,” said the Cock.

I shan’t,” said the Mouse.

“Then I’ll do it myself,”
said the little Red Hen.

So she cleared everything
away, swept up the crumbs,
and brushed up the fireplace.

hen cleans up

hen starts up stairs
