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قراءة كتاب Hazlitt on English Literature: An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature

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‏اللغة: English
Hazlitt on English Literature: An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature

Hazlitt on English Literature: An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

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On Reading Old Books   333   Notes   349




1778 William Hazlitt born at Maidstone in Kent, April 10.
1783-1786 Residence in America.
1787 ff. Residence at Wem in Shropshire.
1793-1794 Student in the Hackney Theological College.
1798 Meeting with Coleridge and Wordsworth.
1798?-1805 Study and practice of painting.
1802 Visit to Paris.
1805 Essay on the Principles of Human Action.
1806 Free Thoughts on Public Affairs.
1807 An Abridgment of the Light of Nature Revealed, by Abraham Tucker.
  Reply to the Essay on Population by the Rev. T. R. Malthus.
  Eloquence of the British Senate.
1808 Marriage with Sarah Stoddart and settlement at Winterslow.
1810 A New and Improved Grammar of the English Tongue.
1812 Removal to London.—Lectures on philosophy at the Russell Institution.
1812-1814 On the staff of the Morning Chronicle.
1814 Begins contributing to the Champion, Examiner, and the Edinburgh Review.
1816 Memoirs of the Late Thomas Holcroft.
1817 The Round Table.
  The Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays.
1818 A View of the English Stage.
  Lectures on the English Poets. (Delivered at the Surrey Institution.)
1819 Lectures on the English Comic Writers.
(Delivered at the Surrey Institution at the close of 1818.)
  A Letter to William Gifford Esq., from William Hazlitt Esq.
  Political Essays.
1820 Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth.
(Delivered at the Surrey Institution at the close of 1819.)
  Joins the staff of the London Magazine.
1821-22 Table Talk, or Original Essays (2 volumes).
1822 Episode of Sarah Walker.—Journey to Scotland to obtain a divorce from his wife.
1823 Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion.
  Characteristics in the Manner of Rochefoucauld’s Maxims.
1824 Sketches of the Principal Picture-Galleries in England.
  Select British Poets.
  Marriage with Mrs. Bridgewater.—Tour of the Continent.
1825 The Spirit of the Age.
1826 Notes of a Journey through France and Italy.
  The Plain Speaker, Opinions on Books, Men, and Things (2 volumes).
1828-1830 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte (4 volumes).
1830 Conversations of James Northcote.
  Death of William Hazlitt, September 18.






Hazlitt characterized the age he lived in as “critical, didactic, paradoxical, romantic.”[1] It was the age of the Edinburgh Review, of the Utilitarians, of Godwin and Shelley, of Wordsworth and Byron—in a word of the French Revolution and all that it brought in its train. Poetry in this age was impregnated with politics; ideas for social reform sprang from the ground of personal sentiment. Hazlitt was born early enough to partake of the ardent hopes which the last decade of the eighteenth century held out, but his spirit came to ripeness in years of reaction in which the battle for reform seemed a lost hope. While the changing events were bringing about corresponding changes in the ideals of such early votaries to liberty as Coleridge and Wordsworth, Hazlitt continued to cling to his enthusiastic faith, but at the same time the spectacle of a world which turned away from its brightest dreams made of him a sharp critic of human nature, and his sense of personal disappointment turned into a bitterness hardly to be distinguished from cynicism. In a passionate longing for a better order of things, in the merciless denunciation of the cant and bigotry which was enlisted in the cause of the existing order, he resembled Byron. The rare union in his nature of the analytic and the emotional gave to his writings the very qualities which he enumerated as characteristic of the age, and his consistent sincerity made his voice distinct above many others of his generation.

Hazlitt’s earlier years reveal a restless conflict of the sensitive and the intellectual. His father, a friend of Priestley’s, was a Unitarian preacher, who, in his vain search for liberty of conscience, had spent three years in America with his family. Under him the boy was accustomed to the reading of sermons and political tracts, and on this dry nourishment he seemed to thrive till he was sent to the Hackney Theological College to begin his preparation for the ministry. His dissatisfaction there was not such as could be put into words—perhaps a hunger for keener sensations and an appetite for freer inquiry than was open to a theological student even of a dissenting church. After a year at Hackney he withdrew to his father’s home, where he found nothing more definite to do than to “solve some knotty point, or dip in some abstruse author, or look at the sky, or wander by the pebbled sea-side.”[2] This was probably the period of his most extensive reading. He absorbed the English novelists and essayists; he saturated himself with the sentiment of Rousseau; he studied Bacon and Hobbes and Berkeley and Hume; he became fascinated, in Burke, by the union of a wide intellect with a brilliant fancy and consummate rhetorical skill.[3] Though he called himself at this time dumb and inarticulate, and the idea of ever
