In a Sermon preached in Westminster Abbey on February 28th, 1880, after the funeral of Sir Charles Lyell, entitled: "The Religious Aspect of Geology." |
Steinthal (H.). |
The Legend of Samson: An Essay, by H. Steinthal, Professor of the University of Berlin. Appendix to Goldzhier's Hebrew Mythology. |
Synchronology. |
Synchronology of the Principal Events in Sacred and Profane History from the Creation to the Present Time. Boston: S. Hawes, 1870. |
Tacitus (C.). |
The Annals of Cornelius Tacitus, the Roman Historian. Translated by Arthur Murphy, Esq. London: Jones & Co., 1831. |
——. |
The History of Cornelius Tacitus. Translated by Arthur Murphy. London: Jones & Co., 1831. |
——. |
Treatise on the Situation, Manners, and People of Germany, by Cornelius Tacitus. Translated by Arthur Murphy. London: Jones & Co., 1831. |
Taylor (Charles). |
Taylor's Fragments: Being Illustrations of the Manners, Incidents, and Phraseology of the Holy Scriptures. Intended as an Appendix to Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. London: W. Stratford, 1801. |
Taylor (Robert). |
The Diegesis: Being a Discovery of the Origin, Evidences, and Early History of Christianity, by Rev. Robert Taylor, A. B. (From the London Edit.) Boston: J. P. Mendum, 1873. |
——. |
Syntagma of the evidences of the Christian Religion, by Rev. Robert Taylor, A. B., with a brief Memoir of the Author. (From the London Edit.) Boston: J. P. Mendum, 1876. |
Taylor (Thomas). |
Taylor's Mysteries; A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries, by Thomas Taylor. Amsterdam. |
Thornton (Thomas). |
A History of China, from the Earliest Records to the Treaty with Great Britain in 1842, by Thomas Thornton, Esq., Member of the R. A. S. London: William H. Allen & Co., 1844. |
Tylor (E. B.). |
Researches Into the Early History of Mankind, and the Development of Civilization, by Edward B. Tylor. 2d Edit. London: John Murray, 1870. |
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Primitive Culture; Researches into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, &c., by Edward B. Tylor, in 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1871. |
Vishnu Purana. |
The Vishnu Purana, A System of Hindoo Mythology and Tradition, Translated from the Original Sanscrit, by H. H. Wilson, M. A., F. R. S. London: 1840. |
Volney (C. F.). |
New Researches in Ancient History, Translated from the French of C. F. Volney, Count and Peer of France. (From the London Edit.) Boston: J. P. Mendum, 1874. |
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The Ruins; or, Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires, by Count de Volney, Translated under the immediate inspection of the Author. (From the latest Paris Edit.) Boston: J. P. Mendum, 1872. |
Wake (C. S.). |
See Westropp. |
Westropp (H. M.). |
Ancient Symbol Worship. Influence of the Phallic Ideas in the Religions of Antiquity, by Hodder M. Westropp and C. S. Wake, with Appendix by Alexander Wilder, M. D. London: Trübner & Co., 1874. |
Williams (Monier). |
Indian Wisdom; or Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethnical Doctrines of the Hindoos, by Monier Williams, M. A., Prof. of Sanscrit in the University of Oxford. London: W. H. Allen, 1875. |
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Hinduism; by Monier Williams, M. A., D. C. L., Published under the Direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education Appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London: 1877. |
Wisdom (Apoc.). |
The Book of Wisdom, Attributed to Solomon, King of Israel. |
Wise (Isaac M.). |
The Martyrdom of Jesus of Nazareth. A Historic Treatise on the Last Chapters of the Gospel, by Dr Isaac M. Wise. Cincinnati. |
Beausobre's Histoire Critique de Manichée et du Manicheisme, Amsterdam 1734; Baronius' Annales Ecclesiastici; Hydes' Historia Religionis Veterum Persarum; Rawlinson's Herodotus; Lenormant's The Beginnings of History; Hardwick's Christ and other Masters; Daillé's Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers, London, 1841; Apollonius de Tyana, sa vie, ses voyages, et ses prodiges, par Philostrate, Paris, 1862; Sir John Malcolm's History of Persia, in 2 vols., London, 1815; Michaelis' Introduction to the New Testament, in 4 vols. edited by Dr. Herbert Marsh, London, 1828; Archbishop Wake's Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, London, 1719; Jeremiah Jones' Canon of the New Testament, in 3 vols., Oxford, 1793; Milman's History of Christianity; Barrow's Travels in China, London, 1840; Deane's Worship of the Serpent, London, 1883; Baring-Gould's Lost and Hostile Gospels, London, 1874; B. F. Westcott's Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 4th Edit., London, 1875; Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, in 6 vols., Amer. ed. 1810; J. W. Rosses' Tacitus and Bracciolini, London, 1878; and the writings of the Christian Fathers, Justin Martyr, St. Clement of Alexandria, Irenæus, Origen, Tertullian and Minucius Felix.