قراءة كتاب Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of the Chipmunks of Wyoming

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Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of the Chipmunks of Wyoming

Geographic Distribution and Taxonomy of the Chipmunks of Wyoming

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

shorter and shallower; baculum shorter; slightly paler.

From E. m. confinis, the subspecies in the Big Horn Mountains, E. m. minimus differs in: Size smaller; skull shorter and narrower; mandible shorter and shallower; baculum shorter; paler.

From E. m. operarius, the subspecies to the east and southeast, E. m. minimus differs in: Size smaller; skull shorter and narrower; mandible shorter and shallower; baculum shorter; paler.

Remarks.E. m. minimus is the smallest of the chipmunks that occur in Wyoming. This pale little squirrel is found in the Red Desert in Sweetwater County, where the features distinctive of the subspecies are most strongly developed. Specimens from western Sweetwater County and northwestern Uinta County are intergrades between E. m. minimus and E. m. consobrinus and are referable to E. m. minimus.

Specimens examined.—Total number 167.

Sublette Co.: 60 mi. SE Jackson [Teton County], 1 (MM); 2 mi. SE Big Sandy, 1.

Fremont Co.: 40 mi. E Dubois, 1; 12 mi. N and 3 mi. W Shoshoni, 4,650 ft., 2; 9 mi. N and 3 mi. E Shoshoni, 4,700 ft., 2; 7 mi. N and 3 mi. E Shoshoni, 4,700 ft., 3; 2½ mi. W Shoshoni, 4,800 ft., 1; Granite Mountains, 6; Mount Crooks, 8,600 ft., 6.

Natrona Co.: 27 mi. N and 1 mi. E Powder River, 6,075 ft., 2; 15 mi. N and 1 mi. W Waltman, 1; 9 mi. S and 9 mi. W Waltman, 6,950 ft., 1; 16 mi. S and 11 mi. W Waltman, 6,950 ft., 2; Sun Ranch, 5 mi. W Independence Rock, 6,000 ft., 4; 9 mi. W and 1 mi. N Independence Rock, 1; 5 mi. W and 1 mi. S Independence Rock, 2.

Uinta Co.: 15 mi. WSW Granger [Sweetwater County], 1; 10 mi. SW Granger [Sweetwater County], 10 (MM).

Sweetwater Co.: Farson, 6,580 ft., 11; 5 mi. E Farson, 1; 27 mi. N Table Rock, 1 (MM); 27 mi. N and 37 mi. E Rock Springs, 6,700 ft., 1; 25 mi. N and 38 mi. E Rock Springs, 6,700 ft., 3; Junction of Big Sandy Creek and Green River, 6,400 ft., 7 (3MM); 17 mi. N and 6 mi. W Rock Springs, 7,000 ft., 1; Thayer Junction, 9 (MM); Table Rock, 1 (MM); Wamsutter, 1 (MM); Green River, 4 (MM); Bitter Creek, 2 (FC); 13 mi. S and 14 mi. E Rock Springs, 6,650 ft., 2; 18 mi. S Bitter Creek, 6,800 ft., 2; 22 mi. SSW Bitter Creek, 5; 26 mi. S and 21 mi. W Rock Springs, 3; Kinney Ranch, 6,800 ft., 21 mi. S Bitter Creek, 15; 30 mi. S Bitter Creek, 2; 32 mi. S and 22 mi. W Rock Springs, 1; 32 mi. S and 22 mi. E Rock Springs, 7,025 ft., 12; 33 mi. S Bitter Creek, 6,900 ft., 6; 3 mi. W Green River, and 2 mi. N Utah Boundary, 1; 1/2 mi. N Junction Henrys Fork and Utah Boundary, 2; 1 mi. N Linwood, Utah, 1 (MM).

Carbon Co.: 18 mi. NNE Sinclair, 6,500 ft., 2; Rawlins, 1; 30 mi. E Rawlins, 6,750 ft., 2; Bridgers Pass, 18 mi. SW Rawlins, 7,500 ft., 1.

Additional records (Howell 1929:38): Lincoln Co.: Fontanelle; Opal. Sublette Co.: Big Piney; Green River at junction with New Fork; Muddy Creek, near Big Sandy Creek. Fremont Co.: Jackeys Creek, 3 mi. S Dubois; Wind River near mouth of Meadow Creek; Ft. Washakie; Green Mountains, 8 mi. E Rongis. Natrona Co.: Bitter Creek, near Powder River; Rattlesnake Mountains; Casper; Independence Rock. Sweetwater Co.: Eden, Steamboat Mountain; Superior; Maxon; Green River, 4 mi. N Linwood, Utah; Henrys Fork, at mouth of Burnt Fork. Carbon Co.: Canyon Creek, 12 mi. S Alcova; Ferris Mountains; Shirley; Shirley Mountains; 8½ mi. SE Lost Soldier [= Bairoil]; Ft. Steele; Sulphur Springs. Albany Co.: Spring Creek, 10 mi. W Marshall; Sheep Creek. County uncertain: Little Sandy River; Green River.

Eutamias minimus consobrinus (J. A. Allen)

Tamias minimus consobrinus J. A. Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 3:112, June, 1890.

Eutamias minimus consobrinus, Miller and Rehn, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 30:42, December 27, 1901.

Eutamias lectus J. A. Allen, Brooklyn Inst. Mus. Sci. Bull. 1:117, March 31, 1905 (not in Wyoming), type from Beaver Valley, Utah.

Eutamias consobrinus clarus Bailey, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31:31, May 16, 1918, type from Swan Lake Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Type.—Male, adult, skull and skin, No. 186456 (NM); from near Barclay, Parley's Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Salt Lake County, Utah; obtained on October 31, 1888, by Vernon Bailey; original No. 361.

Diagnosis.—Size small; over-all tone of upper parts grayish brown; baculum small, as in E. m. minimus.

Description.Color pattern: Crown Smoke Gray mixed with Ochraceous-Tawny; upper facial stripe Fuscous; other facial stripes Fuscous or Fuscous Black mixed with Tawny; hairs inside posterior part of pinna Light Ochraceous-Buff; anterior margin of ear Ochraceous-Tawny; posterior margin of ear and postauricular patch grayish white; median dorsal dark stripe black with Ochraceous-Tawny along margins; other dorsal dark stripes black mixed with Ochraceous-Tawny; median pair of dorsal light stripes grayish white with Ochraceous-Tawny along margins; lateral pair of light dorsal stripes white; sides Ochraceous-Tawny or Light Sayal Brown; rump and thighs Smoke Gray mixed with Cinnamon-Buff; dorsal surface of tail Fuscous Black mixed with Cinnamon-Buff; ventral surface of tail Sayal Brown, Fuscous Black along margin, and Cinnamon-Buff or Ochraceous-Buff along outermost edge; antipalmar and antiplantar surfaces of feet Light Pinkish Cinnamon or Pinkish Buff; underparts grayish white mixed slightly with Buff. Skull and Baculum: Small but proportionally the same as in other subspecies of E. minimus.

Comparisons.—From E. m. pallidus, the subspecies to the east, E. m. consobrinus differs in: Color darker; size smaller; skull narrower and shorter; baculum shorter.

From E. m. confinis, the subspecies from the Big Horn Mountains, E. m. consobrinus differs in: Over-all tone of upper parts less grayish; underside of tail lighter; skull narrower and shorter; baculum shorter.

For comparisons with E. m. minimus see the account of that subspecies.

Remarks.—Specimens of this subspecies from the area between the Uinta Mountains and the mountains of the Wyoming and Wind River ranges, are clearly intergrades between E. m. consobrinus and E. m. minimus and are here referred to E. m. consobrinus. These specimens are paler than typical E. m. consobrinus and considerably darker than E. m. minimus. These intergrades came from an area where the habitat is intermediate between that of E. m. consobrinus and E. m. minimus but more nearly like that of E. m. consobrinus.

Specimens examined.—Total number, 135.

Yellowstone Park: Fishing Bridge, 1 (MM).

Park Co.: SW slope Whirlwind Peak, 9,000 ft., 1.

Teton Co.: N end Blacktail Butte, 6,600 ft., 1 mi. E Moose, 1; Bar BC Ranch, 6,500 ft., 2½ mi. NE Moose, 2; 3¾ mi. E Moose, 6,300 ft., 3; 3¾ mi. E and 3/4 mi. S Moran, 6,210 ft., 2; 5 mi. S Moran, 1 (FC); 2 mi. S Elk Ranch, 2 (FC); 7 mi. S Moran, 1 (FC); 19 mi. E and 2 mi. S Moran, 1; Flat Creek Pass, 1 (MM); Flat Creek-Crystal Creek Divide, 1 (MM); Flat Creek-Granite Creek Divide, 5 (MM); Dry Hollow, Jackson, 1 (MM); Jackson, 4 (MM); Jenny Lake, 2 (MM); Sheep Creek, Jackson, 1 (MM).

Lincoln Co.: 3 mi. N and 11 mi. E Alpine, 5,650 ft., 2; 13 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6,100 ft., 2; 10 mi. N and 2 mi. W Afton, 6,100 ft., 2; 6 mi. N and 2 mi. E Sage, 6,050 ft., 1; Kemmerer, 1; Cumberland, 14 mi. S and 1 mi. W Kemmerer, 6,550 ft., 6.

Sublette Co.: 5 mi. E and 9 mi. N Pinedale, 9,200 ft., 12; 10 mi. NE Pinedale, 8,000 ft., 2; W end Half Moon Lake, 7,900 ft., 5; 3 mi. E and 5 mi. N Pinedale, 7,500 ft., 3; 2¼ mi. NE Pinedale, 7,500 ft, 3; 4 mi. W Pinedale,
