قراءة كتاب Territory in Bird Life

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‏اللغة: English
Territory in Bird Life

Territory in Bird Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

A threefold burden is thus imposed upon the parents: they must find food for themselves, they must afford protection to the young by brooding, and they must supply them with the necessary food at regular intervals. And their ability to do all this that is demanded of them will be severely taxed by the brooding which must perforce curtail the time available for the collection of food.

Let us then suppose that the Reed-Buntings inhabiting a certain piece of marsh are divided into two classes, those which are pugnacious and intolerant of the approach of strangers, and those which welcome their presence. The nests of the former will be built in isolation, those of the latter in close proximity. In due course eggs will be laid and incubation performed, and thus far all alike will probably be successful. Here, however, a critical point is reached. If the young are to be freed from the risk of exposure, the parents must find the necessary supply of food rapidly. But manifestly all will not be in a like satisfactory position to accomplish this, for whereas the isolated pairs will have free access to all the food in the immediate vicinity of the nest, those which have built in proximity to one another, meeting competition in every direction, will be compelled to roam farther afield and waste much valuable time by doing so; and under conditions which can well be imagined, even this slight loss of time will be sufficient to impede the growth of the delicate offspring, or to lead perhaps to still greater disaster. If any one doubts this, let him first examine one of the fragile offspring; let him then study the conditions under which it is reared, observing the proportion of time it passes in sleep and the anxiety of the parent bird to brood; and finally let him picture to himself its plight in a wet season if, in order to collect the necessary food, the parents were obliged to absent themselves for periods of long duration.

Now take the case of the Guillemot. Its young at birth are by no means helpless in the sense that the young Reed-Bunting is, and food is readily procured. But breeding stations are scarce, for although there are many miles of cliff-bound coast, yet not every type of rock formation produces the fissures and ledges upon which the bird rests. Hence vast stretches of coast-line remain uninhabited, and the birds are forced to concentrate at certain points, where year after year they assemble in countless numbers from distant parts of the ocean. If, then, different individuals were to jostle one another from adjoining positions, and each one were to attempt to occupy a ledge in solitary State, not only would the successful ones gain no advantage from the additional space over which they exercised dominion, but inasmuch as many members that were fitted to breed would be precluded from doing so, the status of the species as a whole would be seriously affected. The amount of space occupied by each individual is therefore a matter of urgent importance. A few square feet of rock sufficient for the immediate purpose of incubation is all that can be allowed if the species is to maintain its position in the struggle for existence.

Our difficulty in estimating the importance of the various factors that make for success or failure arises from our inability to see more than a small part of the scene as it slowly unfolds itself. The peculiar circumstances under which these cliff-breeding forms dwell does, however, enable us to picture, on the one hand, the precarious situation of an individual that was incapable of winning or holding a position at the accustomed breeding station, and, on the other, the plight of the species as a whole if each one exercised authority over too large an area. With the majority of species it is difficult to do this. So many square miles of suitable breeding ground are inhabited by so few Reed-Buntings that, even supposing certain members were to establish an ascendency over too wide an area, it would be impossible to discover by actual observation whether the race as a whole were being adversely affected. Competition doubtless varies at different periods and in different districts according to the numerical standing of the species in a given locality and according to the numerical standing of others that require similar conditions of existence; at times it may even be absent, just as at any moment it may become acute. These examples show how profoundly the evolution of the breeding territory may have been influenced by relationships in the inorganic world, and they give some idea of the intricate nature of the problem with which we have to deal.

I mentioned that the first visible manifestation of the revival of the sexual instinct was to be found in the movements undertaken by the males at the commencement of the breeding season. Such movements are characterised by a definiteness of purpose, whether they involve a protracted journey of some hundreds of miles or merely embrace a parish or so in extent, and that purpose is the acquirement of a territory suitable for rearing offspring. They are thus directly related to the territory, and the question arises as to whether their origin may not be traced to such relatedness. So long as we fix our attention solely upon the magnitude of the distance traversed the suggestion may seem a fanciful one. Nevertheless, if the battles between males of the same species are directly related to the occupation of a position suitable for breeding purposes, if those which occur between males of closely related forms can be traced to a similar source, if the females take their share in the defence of the ground that is occupied, if, in short, the competition is as severe as I believe it to be, and is wholly responsible for the strife which is prevalent at the commencement of the breeding season—then such competition must have introduced profound modifications in the distribution of species; it must have even influenced the question of the survival of certain forms and the elimination of others; and since the powers of locomotion of a bird are so highly developed it must have led to an extension of breeding range, limited only by unfavourable conditions of existence.



Those who have studied bird life throughout the year are aware that the distribution of individuals changes with the changing seasons. During autumn and winter, food is not so plentiful and can only be found in certain places, and so, partly by force of circumstances and partly on account of the gregarious instinct which then comes into functional activity, different individuals are drawn together and form flocks of greater or less dimensions, which come and go according to the prevailing climatic conditions. But with the advent of spring a change comes over the scene: flocks disperse, family parties break up, summer migrants begin to arrive, and the hedgerows and plantations are suddenly quickened into life. The silence of the winter is broken by an outburst of song from the throats of many different species, and individuals appear in their old haunts and vie with one another in advertising their presence by the aid of whatever vocal powers they happen to possess—the Woodpecker utters its monotonous call from the accustomed oak; the Missel-Thrush, perched upon the topmost branches of the elm, persistently repeats its few wild notes; and the Swallow returns to the barn.

All of this we observe each season, and our thoughts probably travel to the delicate piece of architecture in the undergrowth, or to the hole excavated with such skill in the tree trunk; to the beautifully shaped eggs; to the parent birds carrying out
