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قراءة كتاب An Answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, lately printed, intituled, A letter from Monsieur de Cros, to the Lord ----

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An Answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, lately printed, intituled, A letter from Monsieur de Cros, to the Lord ----

An Answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, lately printed, intituled, A letter from Monsieur de Cros, to the Lord ----

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

more capable of performing such an Undertaking than He is. In the first place he proclaims it to all Mankind, that he is fitter to write just and solid things than Sir W. T. and secondly, before the Words are well out of his Mouth, he would not be guilty of so much presumption as to think himself better qualified for such an Undertaking than Sir W. T. If there be any meaning in this sensless inconsistent passage, it amounts only to this, viz. That 'tis possible for a Man to write more justly and solidly than another (as for instance Monsieur de Cros (if you'll take his own Word for it) can write more justly and solidly than Sir W. T.) and yet after all, with these two Qualifications, is not capable of writing better than he that has neither of them. Writing justly and solidly are none of Monsieur de Cros's Talents; and therefore he was resolved to be revenged upon them.

What follows is extremely surprizing. Whenever I put Pen to Paper, says Monsieur de Cros, p. 9. I will write without Complaisance, without Flattery, without Passion: 'Tis strange he did not add without Sence and Meaning. No doubt but Monsieur de Cros will write without Complaisance let him begin when he will; so far we readily believe him: But that he will ever be persuaded to renounce two of the dearest Qualities about him, Flattery and Passion, is somewhat hard to digest. 'Tis true he promises fine things all along, but is still so unkind to himself as to give us but very small hopes that he'll remember to be as good as his Word. And 'tis very natural for the censorious World not to regard what a Man promises, especially if he does not regard them himself. In this small inconsiderable Letter, as short as it is, he has taken care to exercise both his Flattery and his Passion; and if it was impossible for him to write four Sheets without calling them both to his Assistance, can it be supposed he can write threescore without a spice of them? Nay, continues the sweet-tempered Monsieur de Cross, I will not express the least Passion, no, not so much as against Sir W. T. but will do him the kindness to instruct him in abundance of things, which he poor Man has executed without knowing the true Reason why he was set on to do them. This is an Effort of good Nature which Sir W. T. little imagined to receive at his Adversary's hand, and upon that score very much questions the continuance of it. Perhaps, as was intimated before, the Court might employ Sir W. T. in some Affairs, without acquainting him with the true Grounds and Motives; and 'tis evident Sir W. T. no where denies it. However if Monsieur de Cros will so far oblige him as to give him a true Light into those Matters, he promises to receive it with all due Gratitude and Deference.

I came not by this Intelligence, says Monsieur de Cros, p. 9. by being a Counsellor of State to King Charles the II. How then in the name of Wonder came he by it? But by having had the Happiness for several years to possess no small room in the confidence of a certain Minister, who has in several occasions of the last Importance been as it were the Primum Mobile of that Conduct, which has surprized all Europe. 'Tis a scurvy Complement, this to the Memory of K. Charles (whom for all that de Cros pretends still to honour) to tell the World that Monsieur Barillon (for that is the first Letter of this certain Minister's Name) an Ambassador of a foreign Prince, and one engaged in Interests visibly opposite to those of England, knew more of his Affairs than any of his own Subjects and Privy-Counsellors. The whole Nation is indeed satisfied that our Court was at that juncture too much influenced by French Councils; but few will be brought to believe that the French knew more of our own Affairs than we our selves did. By their Bribes and constant Application to the Ministry then reigning we grant they might know as much as we, but hardly more, unless it be proved that we did their Business implicitly, just as Sir W. T. run through several Negotiations for K. Charles, without knowing the Reasons and Grounds of them. As we have already observed, 'tis no new thing for our mighty Statesman to contradict himself, and he does it trés grossiérement in this particular. Here he informs us that he owes all his Intelligence to his frequent Conversations with Monsieur Barillon; and a little below, where we shall, perhaps, examine this Matter more carefully, we are told, p. 29. that this Ambassador came not to London till several years after his Arrival there, and that then he never maintain'd any Commerce with him au prejudice de son devoir, i. e. to the prejudice of his Duty. Now how Monsieur de Cros as Counsellor of State to King Charles the II. should be ignorant of several important Affairs relating to that Prince, but as the Confident of Monsieur Barillon, should be made acquainted with them, and yet all this while preserve his Duty inviolate, is a contradiction fit to be reconciled by no Man but the Party that made it.

Having thus made it appear from whence he borrowed his Materials, Monsieur de Cros very gravely assures his noble Lord, p. 11. that after his death infallibly, and perhaps while he is alive (for alas, poor Gentleman, he never knew his own Mind above a quarter of an hour) his Memoirs shall appear in publick, and there he will discover abundance of things the truth of which has been hitherto concealed with so much Address and Dexterity. Lord what an insufferable deal of Impertinence and Noise have we already had about the intended Writings of Monsieur de Cros. First of all he promises, p. 8. to print a Book of Remarks upon Sir W. T's Memoirs, and this Book is to be at least full as big as the Memoirs. In the second place, p. 9. he promises to visit the World with a Book of his own Memoirs, in which (to see how strangely Children and Books do sometimes degenerate from their Parents) there is to be neither one Word of Complaisance, nor Flattery, nor the least grain of Passion. Nay what is more remarkable, it shall reveal several important but hidden Truths; it shall unlock the Cabinets of Princes; it shall turn Whitehall and Versailles inside out, and in short come out with a hundred more Advantages than ever any Book before it could boast off.

But what will you say to him, if after all this Parade and Ostentation, he never publishes his Memoirs; for upon my Word the thing is extremely doubtful. Can it be imagined that a Man of Monsieur de Cros's Christian Temper and Complexion will ever be accessary to any Man's Ruine, but especially to that of a great Minister of State, who can be reproached with nothing in the World, p. 12. but only a blind Obedience to the Will of the King his Master? No, no, he is far from pursuing the Destruction of any one, tho' never so great an Enemy to him; and therefore since his Memoirs will most infallibly ('tis his own Expression, ibid) produce so tragical an effect, there's no Question but he may be easily prevailed with to suppress them. Besides what may serve to confirm us farther in this Opinion, he solemnly professes, p. 12. that he still preserves a profound respect for the Memory of the late King, and that he has a great regard for several Persons of Quality who even at this time of day are deeply interested that he should hold his Tongue. Now from hence I gather that as 'tis impossible for him to write his Memoirs without being somewhat familiar with the
