قراءة كتاب Geraldine Farrar: The Story of an American Singer

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‏اللغة: English
Geraldine Farrar: The Story of an American Singer

Geraldine Farrar: The Story of an American Singer

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2


The Days I Now Enjoy 108


"Columbia" (From a photograph by Ira L. Hill) Jacket illustration
Geraldine Farrar (From a recent photograph by Victor Georg) Frontispiece
Miss Farrar as a Little Girl in Melrose 2
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney D. Farrar 4
Miss Farrar and her First Singing Teacher, Mrs. Long 8
A Young Girl with a Phenomenal Soprano Voice 12
Growing up 16
The Goose Girl and her Flock 22
Calvé as "Carmen" 24
Jean de Reszke 26
Emma Thursby 28
Melba as "Marguerite" 30
Miss Farrar and her Mother 32
Dr. Holbrook Curtis 36
Maurice Grau 38
Five Well-known Parts 42
Camille Saint-Saëns 46
"I spent the Summer in Brittany" 50
The Royal Opera House, Berlin 52
The Kaiser 54
"My Third Season opened in 'Traviata'" 56
At Frau von Rath's 60
Lilli Lehmann 62
The Crown Prince of Germany 64
Cécile, Crown Princess of Germany, and her Children 66
Massenet 68
Marconi 70
Caruso 72
King Oscar of Sweden 74
"Sans Gêne" 80
"La Tosca" 82
Wolf-Ferrari 84
