قراءة كتاب The Ranidae: How to breed, feed and raise the edible frog
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The Ranidae: How to breed, feed and raise the edible frog
will insure safe delivery of live frogs.
Some Things About Frogs.
We here repeat many of the principal items we have previously mentioned, because they are the questions which are most frequently asked. Frogs are very prolific. One bunch of eggs will hatch more than a thousand tadpoles, and if you had the facilities, they could be hatched and reared to marketable size. A good running stream, which can be coursed through all your ponds, makes Frog Raising very simple and profitable. A living can be made from "Frog Raising" if you are favorably located, and the main qualities needed is patience and good common sense, to which observation should be added. It takes Frogs, to grow to marketable size, from two to three years.
The eggs take six weeks to hatch out. The tadpole takes from five to six months to turn into a Frog. And the Frog, to grow to marketable size, about two years.
Here lies the secret of the high price of Frog meat. The time it takes before the Frog can be developed to marketable size discourages many from entering into the business. But once equipped and the first three years gone over, from that time on the revenue is continuous and the profit large, and you have a yearly income equalled by no other line of business, as you have always got some Frogs that are coming into marketable size. And the income, from this product, depends entirely on how large a scale you want to enter it. Another source of revenue, which is very profitable, is selling breeding Frogs to beginners, as it is only the "Edible Frog" that is profitable to raise for market, and it takes from four to five years to get the best breeders. They bring good prices. The prices range according to the age. Frogs will breed from two years old, but the best results are obtained from the older mates, as the older and larger the Frog, the heavier and larger the spawn, and the more eggs will hatch and produce stronger and sturdier tadpoles, and from these mates the Frogs grow large more quickly. So in starting, it is always better to pay a little more for your breeding stock and not use so many pairs, and get good old settlers, as the saying is, when you hear them croak, "There is a good old settler." And be sure to start right, not with the common meadow green Frog, which is eatable, but has a strong taste and does not grow to any size. The average size of this Frog at most any age is about three inches, and you will be greatly disappointed after you have spent your time and find that you have not had the profitable breeder. Get the Frog known as the "Edible Frog of England." This is the (Rana Esculenta).
The subject of Frog Raising is a limited one. We have, however, tried to give as briefly as possible all the essential details and secrets to success of Raising Frogs.
Be sure and get the Edible Frog when you start, as they are the best for table and bring the highest prices, and grow to marketable size more rapidly, which is a big item. We always have breeding stock for sale at following prices:
3 year old Frogs, per pair | $ 4.00 |
4 year old Frogs, per pair | 8.00 |
5 year old Frogs, per pair | 10.00 |
Place your orders early, so as to be sure and get your breeders in time to get the advantage of early breeding. Send money by registered letter or money order to
Allendale, New Jersey.