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قراءة كتاب The Ranidae: How to breed, feed and raise the edible frog
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The Ranidae: How to breed, feed and raise the edible frog
there is anything in the eatable line to be found it can be found there. This was not so of frog meat. After making several attempts and failing, finally one day I found about twenty pounds, which had been shipped from a distant point, and when I inquired the price? "One dollar a pound," it set me to thinking, as it will you, now that I have brought the subject to your notice. At prices like this and the demand far in excess of the supply, as I had inquired of the market man if he had many calls for frog meat, and his reply was, "More than we can get to supply." Now what more inducement does anyone want? This information should make you ambitious to go into the business of Frog Raising. You hear on all sides of you to-day that there is no opportunity to go in business and make money, as all the branches of industry are overproduced. Here surely is one line of business that is not overproduced. And a business that is not necessary to large capital to start, and one that bids fair to bring him who ventures good profitable results.
Information for Beginners.
We are constantly in receipt of inquiries from parties who want information regarding the raising of Frogs. So we have compiled the following pages to answer more fully such inquiries than we can by letter. If you do not find the information you want contained herein, let us hear from you, and we will take pleasure in advising you to the best of our knowledge.
The author of this book conceived the idea that there was a large amount of money to be made in Raising Frogs.
The object in publishing this book is to get persons who are so situated that they can make a business of raising Frogs interested so as to supply the growing demand that is year by year increasing, and with a price ranging from seventy-five cents to one dollar and fifty cents a pound. This should be an incentive to anyone to start in the business, when the work of Raising Frogs is so simple, and with such large returns to repay one for their efforts.
The principal thing is to study the nature of the Frog in habit and breeding. What knowledge we have in the breeding and raising is given herein, and with the experience gained from observation in Raising Frogs it soon becomes an interesting and profitable business. Frog Raising will bring in more profit for the same amount of time and money invested than any other industry that we know of. Every farmer, or farmer's boy, should have a Frog pond and Raise Frogs.
It is one of the lines of business that we have heard about, "That makes money for you while you sleep."
Many farmers already have Frog ponds, and at a greater profit than any other investment they have on their farm of a like amount. Poultry keepers should have a small Frog pond, especially if they market their product in some city near their Plant and have individual customers, and sell their product direct. They would always have a steady market for more Frog meat than they could supply, and at large profitable prices, as it's a luxury that most people indulge in and would do so more often if they knew where to get Frog meat.
Try yourself to buy Frog meat, and you will soon find that it's not to be had at any price in most places, and when it once becomes known that you are Raising Frogs you will soon find that your demand for Frog meat is much greater than you can supply. It works in very well with poultry raising if you can construct your ponds at not too great an expense, and is much more profitable considering the investment and work.
Those Desirous of Light Work.
Many who are unable to do heavy work will find Frog Raising a very desirable occupation. Being in the open air it tends to health, which is beneficial to those who are sickly and to whom it becomes necessary to take up one of the lighter occupations. The work is light and with care and study can be made a source of a substantial income, and carried on intelligently Frog Raising is as certain a business and as profitable if not more than many undertakings, and you will always find a ready market for all the Frogs you can raise. Any one of the large Hotels or Restaurants in New York City will use more Frog meat in a year than one Frog Raiser can supply, and you can get a standing order for shipments of a certain number of pounds each week. Make inquiries along this line and you will soon be convinced of the opportunity this business offers.
For the Country Home.
If you are living in the city the greater part of the year, and so fortunate as to have a country home, you by all means should put in a pond and Raise Frogs, as they will be a delicacy for yourself and also your friends when they come from the city to see you. And they will be one of the natural products of the country, which one comes from the city to the country to enjoy, and to many they will be an interesting and novel sight. And in winter, when you are away, they will be dormant and need no care.
As a Business.
If you are going into Frog Raising as a business, we recommend that you make a small beginning, for nothing is more discouraging, after having gone into a business exclusively, than to have reverses in the start and lose a large portion of your investment for want of a little practical experience. Many persons have met failure by starting on a large scale at first, and without practical experience, where had they started small might to-day be a grand success. This caution applies in all business ventures, and it's the mistake that is made and cause of most failures.
When to Begin.
We recommend the active work to begin in the early spring. Get your ponds ready as soon as possible. Get your stock and place it early, so it becomes familiar with its new quarters before the breeding season sets in.
How Much to Invest.
This, of course, depends largely on the circumstances. If you have abundant means and delight in some hobby and want to make a fancy proposition out of it, why you can make your ponds as expensive and picturesque as you wish. But for those who wish to make a business for the benefit of the income to be derived, should start with a small pond and about six pairs of Frogs. Then gradually increase your breeding pond as your stock and ability to handle it demands. Don't start with Frogs under four years of age. They will be the cheapest in the end.
The Ponds and How to Construct Them.
If you have a running stream of water on your place, the work of building the ponds is much easier than where you have to depend on filling them from pumped water.
It is necessary to have several ponds, one large pond is not satisfactory. The reason for this is explained later. A plant for business should have at least four ponds. The depth of the ponds need not be very great, three feet is ample, and they could be less if you can have a good loam bottom that will hold water. But three feet is very satisfactory, and this graduating off to two feet, and one