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قراءة كتاب Taxonomic Status of Some Mice of The Peromyscus boylii Group in Eastern Mexico, With Description of a New Subspecies

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Taxonomic Status of Some Mice of The Peromyscus boylii Group in Eastern Mexico, With Description of a New Subspecies

Taxonomic Status of Some Mice of The Peromyscus boylii Group in Eastern Mexico, With Description of a New Subspecies

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

Brown or Mummy Brown middorsally, Clay Color on sides); supraorbital border rounded; anterior palatine foramina long.

Comparisons.P. b. beatae differs from other subspecies of P. boylii by the combination of large size, long tail, and dark color.

Remarks.—Thomas (1903:485) described P. beatae on the basis of five specimens from Xometla Camp (lat. 18° 59' N, long. 97° 10' W) and one juvenile from Santa Barbara Camp, both on the Volcán de Orizaba, Veracruz. Thomas thought that beatae was related to aztecus, but the differences relied on by him to distinguish the two are the same as those that distinguish aztecus from boylii. Osgood (1909:153) placed beatae in synonymy under P. b. levipes because Mount Orizaba (type locality of beatae) is "relatively very near" Mount Malinche (type locality of levipes), and Thomas had not compared beatae with levipes. Xometla, on the east side of the Volcán de Orizaba, is approximately 56 miles east of the Tlaxcalan part of Mount Malinche and is situated where the Tropical Life-zone begins, whereas Mount Malinche is in the Austral Life-zone on the Mexican Plateau; the difference in habitat between the two places is great. Topotypes of levipes differ from two topotypes of beatae in the same fashion as do other specimens of levipes (from San Luis Potosí) from other specimens of beatae (from Veracruz). Unfortunately, the topotypes of beatae lack external measurements and are subadults, but their coloration agrees with that of other specimens that are here referred to beatae.

Hall and Kelson (1959:634, map 364) incorrectly mapped the distribution of levipes in Veracruz. There are at least two places named Xuchil in the state of Veracruz and Hall and Kelson (loc. cit.) unfortunately plotted the one at lat. 20° 42' N, long. 97° 42' W whereas the specimens actually were collected at the Xuchil on the pleateau south of the Volcán de Orizaba (18° 53' N, 97° 14' W) in the west-central part of Veracruz. The specimens from Xuchil are P. b. beatae.

Intergradation in color between the two subspecies levipes and beatae is seen in specimens from Jalapa and Zacualpan (3 km. N, also others from 3 km. W), Veracruz. Intergradation between these two subspecies possibly will be found elsewhere along the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Specimens examined.—Total 60 as follows: Veracruz: 1 km. E Jalancingo, 6500 ft., 2; 2 km. S Jalancingo, 2; 6 km. SSE Altotonga, 8000 ft., 8; 1 km. W Las Vigas, 8500 ft., 2; Las Vigas, 8500 ft., 13; 2 km. E Las Vigas, 8000 ft., 5; 3 km. E Las Vigas, 8000 ft., 8; 5 km. E Las Vigas, 7 (TAM); 5 km. N Jalapa, 4500 ft., 2; Jalapa, 1 (USNM); 10 km. SE Perote, N slope Cofre de Perote, 10,500 ft., 1 (TAM); Xometla Camp, Mt. Orizaba, 8500 ft., 2 (BM); Sta. Barbara, Mt. Orizaba, 12,000 ft., 1 (BM); Xuchil, 6 (CM).

Peromyscus boylii ambiguus new subspecies

Type.—Male, adult, skin and skull, No. 33092, United States National Museum, from Monterrey, Nuevo León; obtained on February 17, 1891, by Wm. Lloyd, original number 377.

Geographic distribution.—Eastern Coahuila, central Nuevo León, and the Sierra San Carlos, Tamaulipas.

Diagnosis.—Size small for the species; tail averaging longer than head and body (90-114%); dorsal coloration ochraceous, slightly darker middorsally;

cheeks and lateral line Capucine Orange; skull small; supraorbital border rounded; anterior palatine foramina short.

Comparisons.P. b. ambiguus differs from P. b. levipes in smaller size,
