قراءة كتاب A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof

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A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein
together with the present government thereof

A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

not long after they arrived they defaced the Collours which they brought over with them, being the English Redd Cross terming it a badge of the Whore of Babelon.

And not long after haveing received a Report that his Matie intended to send a Generall Governor over, and being informed by a Shallop that they had seen a great shipe and a smaller one goe into Cape Ann Harbor about 8 Leagues from Boston. There was an Alarme presently given and early in the Morning being Sabbath day all the Traine Bands in Boston, and Townes adjacent were in Armes in the streets and posts were sent to all other places to be in the same posture, in which they continued untill by theire scouts they found her to be a small shipe of Plymouth and a shallope that piloted her in, The generall and Publick report was that it was to oppose the landing of an Enemie a Governor sent from England, and with this they acquanted the Commanders.

And about the year 1636 one Brooks hearing one Evers to vilifie the Goverment of England both Civill and Eclesiasticall, and saying that if a Generall Governor were sent over he would kill him if he could, and he knew the Magistrats would bear him out in it, of which Brooks complaining by way of Information, the matter was handled that Evers had nothing said to him, and Brookes forced to escape privatly for England.

They also in the yeare 1646 & 1647 suffered a ship the Mary of Bristoll then standing out for the Kings Majestie to be taken by one Stagg haveing a Commission from the Parliament, and conveyed away although they had promised them a protection. They also Ordered the takeing downe of the Kings Armes and setting up the States, & the like by the Signe of the Kings head hanging before the doore of an Inne. And when that unhappy warr was between King and Parliat they compelled every Commander of a Vessell that went out from thence to enter into Bond not to have any Commerce with any place then holding out for the King, and in opposition to the then pretended power in England, Nor was there ever any Oath of Alleageance offered to any, but instead thereof they have framed two Oathes, which they impose on those which are made free. The other they terme the Oath of ffidelitie, which they force all to take that are above 16 yeares of age, a Coppy of it is as followeth—

I. A. B. by Gods providence being an Inhabitant within the Jurisdiction of this Comon Wealth doe freely and sincerely acknowledge myselfe to be subject to the Goverment thereof. I doe hereby swear by the great and dreadfull name of the ever liveing God, that I will be true and Faithfull to the same, and will accordingly yeild assistance thereunto with my person, Estate, as in equity I am bound And will also truly endeavor to maintaine and preserve all the Liberties and priviledges thereof, Submitting myselfe unto the wholesome Lawes made and established by the same. And further that I will not plot or practize any evill against it or consent to any that shall soe doe. But will timely discover and reveall the same to Lawfull Authority now here established for the speedy preventing thereof. So Help me God in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

By this it may be judged what esteeme they have of the lawes of England, swearing theire subjects to submite to lawes made only by themselfes, And indeed to Alleage a Statute Law of England in one of their Courts would be a ridiculous thing. They likewise long since fell to coyning of monies, melting downe all the English Coyne they can gett, every shilling makeing 15d in their monies, And whereas they went over thither to injoy liberty of Conscience, in how high a measure have they denyed it to others there wittnesse theire debarring many from the Sacraments spoken of before meerly because they cannot Joyne with them in their Church-ffellowship, nor will they permitt any Lawfull Ministers that are or would come thither to administer them. Wittness also the Banishing so many to leave their habitations there, and seek places abroad elswhere, meerly for differing in Judgment from them as the Hutchinsons and severall families with them, & that Honble Lady the Lady Deborah Moody and severalls with her meerly for declareing themselfes moderate? Anabaptists, Who found more favour and respect amongst the Dutch, then she did amongst the English, Many others also upon the same account needless to be named, And how many for not comeing to theire assemblies have been compelled to pay 5s a peece for every Sabbath day they misse, besides what they are forced to pay towards the mantenance of the Ministers, And very cruelly handled by whipping and imprissonment was Mr Clark, Obadiah, Holmes, and others for teaching and praying in a private house on the Lords day, These and many other such like proceedings, which would by them have been judged Cruelty had they been inflicted on them here, have they used towards others there; And for hanging the three Quakers last yeare I think few approved of it.

There are or will come unto the Honble Councell many Complaints against them, I shall say no more but come to

The Discription of Plymouth bounds.

Connahassett.—It begins where the Massachusets ends. Three miles to the Southward of the Massachusets Bay, where (neere by ye sea side) there stands a Village called Connahasset eight miles further there is a small River comes out, and a reasonable harbour at the mouth of it.

Scytuate.—On both sides is a Towne called Scytuate.

Greenes-harbour.—From Scituate by ye sea side is a considerable Town called Greens Harbour, a Towne well meadowed & good farmes belonging to it. It is 7 miles from Scytuate.

Ducksbury.—Seauen or eight miles from this Towne is Ducksbury which is also a good plantation and affords much provision, which they sell at Boston for the most part.

New Plymouth.—Three or Fower miles Southward of this is ye Towne of New Plymouth whence the Goverment took its Denomination. This place was seated about ye yeare 1620 or 1621 by a company of Brownists, which went formerly from England to Amsterdam, and not beeing able to live well there, they drew in one Mr Weston, and some other Merchants in London to Transport them and their Famelies into those Westerne parts; They intended for Virginia, but fell with Cape Cod aìs Mallabar, and gott into the Harbour of it, and finding it not fitt for Habitation, sought further and found this place and there settled liveing extream hardy for some yeares and in great danger of the Indians, and could not Long have subsisted, had not Plymouth Merchants settled Plantations about that time at Monhegon and Pascattaway, by whom they were supplyed and the Indians discouraged from assaulting them. It is a poor small Towne now, The People being removed into Farmes in the Country.

Sandwich.—Eighteene Miles more Southerly from Plymouth is a good Towne called Sandwich a Towne which affords good store of Provisions, and some yeares a quantity of Whalebone made of Whales which drive up dead in that Bay.

Barnstable.—Twelve Miles from Sandwich is Barnstable a Towne much like it and affords the same Com¯odities.

Yarmouth.—Seaven miles from Barnstable south east is the Towne of Yarmouth, much like the former, and had in it as the rest have good farmes about it, and sometimes also good benefite by drift Whales.

Billingsgate.—Six miles east of this Towne is Billingsgate which lyes in ye Southeast nooke of Cape Codd Bay, and from thence to the Sea on the South side of the sd Cape, it is a very litle way whereas to goe
