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قراءة كتاب A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof
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A briefe discription of New England and the severall townes therein together with the present government thereof
Bay neare Cape Elizabeth and built a good House and fortified well on an Island lyeing before Casco River this he sold and his Interrest in the Patent to Mr Ceeley Mr Jope and Company of Plimouth, In this Casco Bay are many scattering Families settled. There was a Patent granted for this Bay some yeares since by the title of the Province of Ligonia to Collonell Alexander Rigby afterwards a Judge, and under this Goverment the People lived some yeares, till of late the Government of the Massachusits hath made bold to stretch its Jurisdiction to the midle of this Bay, and as lyeing in their way have taken in a dozen of Goverments more.
Richmond Island.—There was long since a Patent granted to Mr Robert Trelawny of Plymouth from Cape Elizabeth to Spurwinke River including all Richmond Isle, an Excellent ffishing place, His Agents for matter of Goverment long since submitted to the Province of Mayne, for which Province a Patent was long since granted to Sr Ferdinando Gorges there are not many people in it, Those that are, are under the Goverment of the Massachusits.
Black Point.—The next place inhabited is Black Point two miles from Richmond Island; For this a Patent was granted to Captaine Cammock whose successor Mr Henry Joselin lives there now, and severall Families besides, they were under the Goverment of the Province of Mayne, but now Commanded by the Massachusits.
Saco.—Three miles beyond this is Saco River abounding with ffish as Basse, Sturgeon and Salmond. The Northside of the River was granted by Patent to Mr Lewis and Capt. Bonithan, and the Southside to on Mr Richard Vines, upon this River are severall Families setled formerly under the Goverment of the Province of Majne and here was keept some time the Generall Court for that Province, but now Commanded by the Massachusits.
Wells.—Three miles from Saco River are Cape Porpyes Islands a good ffishing place, where are Severall Families setled, and 4 miles from thence is Wells a handsome and well peopled place Lying on both sides of a River, for which Place a Patent was long since Granted to on Mr John Stratton but now Commanded by the Massachusetts.
Bristoll now Yorke.—About 12 miles further is the River Agomentine, for which and the lands adjacent a Patent was (nere 30 yeares since) granted unto Sr Ferdinando Gorges, Mr Godfrey, Alderman ffoote of Bristoll myselfe, and some others, On the northside of this River at our great Cost and Charges wee setled many ffamilies, which was then called Bristoll, and according to the Patent, the Goverment was conformable to that of the Corporation of Bristoll, only admitting of Appeales to the Generall Court for the Province of Mayne which was often keept there, but some yeares since the Goverment with the rest was Swallowed up by the Massachusetts.
Nichiquiwanick.—About 3 miles from Agomentine is the River Pascataway which is 6 miles from the mouth. It brancheth itselfe in two Branches, the South branch of which retaineth the name of Pascataway the other Nichiquiwanick, on the Northside of this River there are severall Divisions of Land granted long since by Patents unto diverse persons as Capt Mason, Capt Griffith, Mr Gardener and others, on which are severall persons setled for 12 miles togither. At the Falls of Nichiquiwanick 3 Excellent Saw-Mills are seatted and there and downward that side of ye River have been gotten most of the Masts which have come for England, and amongst the rest that admired Mast which came over some time last year containing neere 30 Tun¯es of Tim¯ber (as I have been informed).
Cochequo.—On the Sowth side of that Branch is a Creeke Cochequo, whereon at the head are 2 Saw Mills, and affoord good Masts, & Mutch Tarr hath been made on that Creeke side.
Dover.—Belowe where the River parteth stands on a Tongue of Land the Towne of Dover, for which place and the land adjacent some gentlemen of or about Shrewsbury have a Patent.
Oyster Creeke.—On the Northside of the South Arme is Oyster Creeke on which place are many people setled some Saw Mills and affoords yow Good Masts, and further up is another Saw Mill on Lamperell Creeke.
Exeter.—Above this at the fall of this River Pascatoway is the Towne of Exceter, where are more Saw Mills, doune the Southside of this River are Farmes and other Stragling Families.
Strawberry Bank. The Great House & Isle of Shooles.—Within 2 Myles of the Mouth is Strawberry Banke where are many Families, and a Minister & a Meeting House, and to the meeting Houses of Dower & Exceter, most of the people resort. This Strawberry Banke is part of 6000 acres granted by Patent about ye yeare 1620 or 1621, to Mr David Thompson, who with the assistance of Mr Nicholas Sherwill, Mr Leonard Pomery and Mr Abraham Colmer of Plymouth Merchants, went ower with a Considerable Company of Servants and built a Strong and Large House, enclosed it with a large and high Palizado and mounted Gunns, and being stored extraordinarly with shot and Ammunition was a Terror to the Indians, who at that time were insulting over the poor weake and unfurnished Planters of Plymouth. This house and ffort he built on a Point of Land at the very entrance of Pascatoway River, And haveing granted by Patent all the Island bordering on this land to the Midle of the River, he tooke possession of an Island com¯only called the great Island and for the bounds of this land he went up the River to a point called Bloudy Point, and by the sea side about 4 milles he had also power of Goverment within his owne bounds, Notwithstanding all this, all is at this day in the power and at the disposall of the Massachusitts. Two Leagues of lyes the Isle of Shooles one of the best places for ffishing in the land, they have built a Church here and maintaine a Minister.
Hampton.—Eight Miles to the Southward of Pascatoway is a small River called Monoconock, on which River is a large Town called Hampton, The inhabitants living weell by Corne and Cattle, of which they have great store, Ther was a Patent granted for this very place to Capt Mason neare 40 yeares agoe & this was the first land the Massachusits stretcht there line over beyond there true bounds: For about 3 miles South of this place, at there first coming over they sett up a house and named it the bound House as finding it three miles from Meromack, the North bound of there Patent, and with this they rested contented for about 10 yeares.
Salisbury New & Old.—Seaven Miles to the Southward of Hampton is Meromack River, on the mouth of which on the Northside is seatted a Large Toune called Sallisbury, and 3 miles above it a Village called old Salisbury, where ther is a Saw Mill or two. The Commodities this Toune affords are Corne, Cattle, Boards and Piper Staues.
Haverell Andover.—Fouer Leagues up this River is Haverell, a pretty Toune & a few miles higher is the Toune of Andouer both these Tounes subsist by Husbandry.
Newbury.—At the mouth on the southside of Meromack and upwards is seated the Towne of Newbury, the Houses stand at a good distance each from other a feild and Garden between each house, and so on both sides the street for 4 Miles or therabouts betweene Salisbury and this Towne, the River is broader then the Thames at Deptford, and in the Sumer abounds with Sturgeon, Salmon and other ffresh water fish. Had we the art of takeing and saveing the