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قراءة كتاب The Ladies' Knitting and Netting Book
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
increase twice, decrease twice; knit the centre stitch, decrease twice, increase twice, knit 2, increase 1. In future you will have stitches enough to make the pattern down the thumb like the pattern at the back, which is to be done with the 19 middle stitches of the thumb, the rest on either side are to be knitted plain: when you have increased 45 stitches and knitted 1 round, take all the other stitches on 2 other needles, and knit the thumb round, gradually decreasing a few stitches at the join. When the thumb is finished take the stitches for the hand on your needles as before, take up 5 stitches for the gusset at the bottom of the thumb, and continue knitting as before, (on the third needle you will have an odd stitch, which belongs to the 1st needle, it will prevent any mistake if you pass it on to the 1st needle); after doing a few rounds, decrease the gusset stitches until you have 64 stitches on the 1st needle: continue the pattern as before, and when the glove is long enough, begin the 1st finger with the first plain 20 stitches and the opposite 19; knit round, continuing the pattern down the outside of the finger: when you have done this finger, take up 4 stitches for the gusset at the bottom of the 1st finger,8-* 16 plain stitches, and 19 of the pattern. The other 2 fingers are done in the same manner: 14 plain stitches, 19 of the pattern, for the third finger, and 12 plain stitches and 19 of the pattern for the 4th finger, these numbers do not include the gusset stitches.
When finished, sew a piece of lace round the top, and run a narrow ribbon in the holes.
Plain open Mittens.
Begin on a round foundation of 30 or 34 stitches, with a mesh No. 14, and moderately fine silk.
Net 6 rounds, net 1 round with the silk twice round the mesh, (for the ribbon to run in,) and 6 rounds with it once round the mesh; in the next round, net 14 stitches, increase 1 stitch in both the following stitches, complete the round, and net 2 rounds without increase. Increase again in the next round before and after the stitches in which you increased before; net 2 rounds. Continue to increase 2 stitches every 3rd round until you have increased 7 times on each side, (to make the thumb fit nicely, the increase stitches should be made over each other for the last 3 times.) Net 1 round and the 14 thumb stitches. Net the thumb round for a round or two, and decrease by netting 2 together, if necessary, until the thumb fits tight; when it is nearly long enough net 1 round, 2 stitches in every stitch twice round the mesh; 1 round, taking the 2 stitches together, on a finer mesh, and 2 rounds on the fine mesh to finish. Cut off the silk, and fasten it on at one side of the thumb, make 2 stitches on each side and continue to net until the mitten is long enough. Finish the hand in the same way in which the thumb was finished. If it be thought an improvement, the 4 last rows can be repeated at the wrist, or a lace sewn on to finish it.
Another plain Mitten.
On a smaller mesh than the preceding.
Begin with a foundation of 39 stitches, net 3 rows with the silk once round the mesh, 1 row with it twice round the mesh, and 3 more rows with it once. Now begin to net rounds instead of rows, by netting the last stitch of the row to the first. Net 9 rounds. Net 6 stitches, increase 1 in the 7th, finish the round. In the next round increase a stitch on each side of the stitch added last round, finish the round and net another round without increase. Increase outside the last additional stitches every other round until you have 7 additional stitches. Net a plain round. Next round, increase within the additional stitches; a plain round. Increase a second time within the last increase; net 3 plain rounds; continue to net until you come to the stitch over the last added stitch, net this to the corresponding stitch on the other side of the thumb, net round the thumb (decreasing to make it fit properly) until it is nearly long enough: finish it by netting 1 round with double silk twice, and 3 rounds with single silk once, round the mesh. To finish the hand, fasten on the silk at the side of the thumb, make 2 additional stitches on each side, (if after 2 rows you decrease these 4 stitches to 2 the thumb will set better), and net until the mitten is nearly long enough, then repeat twice the 4 rounds with which the thumb is finished; the last round should be done on rather a finer mesh.
Annet Mittens.
Begin with 60 stitches. Net 4 rows; then net 1 row with the silk twice round the mesh, 2 rows with it once round the mesh, and begin to net rounds instead of rows. In the 1st round, every stitch has the silk passed twice round the mesh. 2nd round, pull the 1st stitch through the 2nd (from the back), net it, pull the 2nd stitch through the middle of the 1st, net it (taking care not to twist it), pull the 3rd through the 4th, net it, pull the 4th through the middle of the 3rd, net it, repeat these stitches until the round is completed. Net 1 round passing the silk twice round the mesh. In the next round, which is like the second, care must be taken that the thick part comes over the open part in the last pattern. In the round which follows, net 11 stitches twice round the mesh, increase 2 stitches in the 12th, net 5, and increase 2 stitches in the 6th. (All the stitches in this round have the silk passed twice round the mesh.) The next round is like the 2nd. Net 1 round twice round the mesh; then 1 like the 2nd. Repeat both these rounds. Net a round passing the silk twice round the mesh, increasing 2 stitches on each side; these additional stitches should be 4 further back than the last were, so as to leave a row of open stitches slanting from the 1st to the 2nd. Net 4 rounds as before. Increase again. Net 4 rounds more, and increase 2 stitches on each side over the last additional stitches. Net 3 rounds, and proceed to make the thumb as directed in the last pattern. When the thumb is nearly long enough, net 1 round twice round the mesh, 2 stitches in each stitch. In the next round net the 2 stitches as 1, and finish with 5 plain rounds, for the last of which use a very small mesh. To complete the hand fasten on the silk at the side of the thumb, make 2 stitches on each side, net the alternate rounds, and finish the hand like the thumb.
Honey-comb Mittens.
Mesh No. 17, foundation 46 or 48 stitches.
Net 3 rows. Net 1 row, putting the silk twice round the mesh; 2 rows once round the mesh; then begin netting in rounds. 1st round, for every stitch put the silk twice round the mesh. 2nd round, (each stitch once round the mesh,) net the 2nd stitch first half turning it; then net the 1st stitch plain. Net the 4th stitch half turning it, then net the 3rd plain, and finish the round in the same manner. Every alternate repetition of the pattern you must plain net 1 stitch before beginning the pattern, so as to bring the thick stitch over the open one. Net a plain round, and begin again with the