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قراءة كتاب The Story of the Great War, Volume 7 American Food and Ships; Palestine; Italy invaded; Great German Offensive; Americans in Picardy; Americans on the Marne; Foch's Counteroffensive.

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Story of the Great War, Volume 7
American Food and Ships; Palestine; Italy invaded; Great German Offensive; Americans in Picardy; Americans on the Marne; Foch's Counteroffensive.

The Story of the Great War, Volume 7 American Food and Ships; Palestine; Italy invaded; Great German Offensive; Americans in Picardy; Americans on the Marne; Foch's Counteroffensive.

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@34161@[email protected]#img005" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">49

  • The Battle of Cambrai 68
  • American Front in France Where the First Clashes Between Americans and Germans Occurred 87
  • The Italian Advance in Istria 190
  • Different Stages of the Italian Retreat 205
  • The Campaign in Palestine 219
  • The British Advance in Mesopotamia and Palestine 235
  • Five Zeppelins Destroyed After the Air Raid on London, October 19-20, 1917 263
  • German Offensive from Arras to the Oise, March-June, 1918 271
  • Range of the German 80-Mile Gun 279
  • German Advance Between Ypres and Arras, March-June, 1918 292
  • German Drive Toward Paris, Which Began May 27, 1918. This Map Shows the Farthest Advance 309
  • German Thrust South of Ypres and Where It was Stopped 316
  • Where Foch Definitely Stopped the German Offensive, June 14, 1918 316
  • Line-up at the Great German Offensive, March-June, 1918 323
  • Allied Counteroffensive on the Marne 326
  • Military Establishments in the United States 345
  • Where American Marines Stopped the German Advance on the Marne 383
  • Austrian Offensive and the Italian Counteroffensive, June-August, 1918 453
  • The "Montello," Where the Austrian Offensive Broke Down 457
  • Austro-Italian operations on the lower Piave river 457
  • Raids of German Submarines on United States Shipping on the Atlantic Coast 465
  • Italian Naval Exploits 469
  • British Naval Attacks on the German Bases of Zeebrugge and Ostend 472



    On August 1, 1917, the second day of the Franco-British offensive in Flanders, Field Marshal Haig's troops delivered a counterattack at a late hour of the night against the Germans north of Frezenberg, and close to the Ypres-Roulers railway. The assault, made through heavy rain that transformed the battle field into a morass, was a complete success, the British winning back lost ground on a front of 300 yards, which Prince Rupprecht had captured in a dashing attack a few hours before. At every point in this sector the British succeeded in driving out the enemy and completely reestablished their former lines.

    In the morning and again in the afternoon of August 2, 1917, persistent and violent efforts were made by the Germans to win back lost territory to the east of Ypres. In spite of heavy losses they continued to attack at short intervals British positions from the Ypres-Roulers railway to St. Julien. Every assault was shattered by the British artillery barrage or the concentrated rifle fire of the British infantry.

    Although the constant falling rain made observation difficult the British aviators continued active. When not scouting for the infantry they carried out daring attacks on the German aerodromes and on transport and infantry bodies with bombs and machine-gun fire. Few German machines ventured above the lines in the unfavorable weather. The British airmen brought down six
