قراءة كتاب Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

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‏اللغة: English
Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

in one of the regular tests. Ordinarily the alternatives should be omitted. They have been included in the scale chiefly as a convenience in case materials are lacking for any of the regular tests, or in case any of the latter should be deemed for some special reason unsuitable. The ball and field test, for example, is often rendered unsuitable by coaching, and one of the alternates should always be substituted for the vocabulary test in the case of subjects whose mother tongue is other than English. Other substitutions or omissions are necessary in the case of subjects who are illiterate.

7. Care should be taken to ascertain the correct age. This is often misstated both by young normal children and by defectives. The age should be recorded in years and months.

8. In ordinary calculation of the intelligence quotient without any mechanical aid (as slide rule, calculating chart, or table), both age and mental age should be reduced to months before dividing.

9. To avoid the danger of large error it is absolutely essential that the adding of credits to secure mental age and the dividing of mental age by chronological age to secure the intelligence quotient be performed twice.

10. Finally, in calculating the intelligence quotient of subjects who are more than sixteen years old, the chronological age should be counted as sixteen. It is possible, as certain army data suggest, that a lower age than sixteen should have been taken, but until the matter has been more thoroughly investigated by the use of unselected adult subjects the age sixteen will continue to be used in the Stanford Revision.


2 Detailed directions for administering Stanford-Binet Scale and for scoring are available in Terman's The Measurement of Intelligence. (Riverside Textbooks in Education.) Houghton Mifflin Company.

Year III

1. Pointing to Parts of Body

Say, "Show me your nose." "Put your finger on your nose." If two or three repetitions of instructions bring no response, say, "Is this (pointing to chin) your nose?" "No?" "Then where is your nose?" Same for eyes, mouth, and hair.

Credit if correct part is indicated (in any way) three times out of four.

2. Naming Familiar Objects

Show S., one at a time, key (not Yale), penny (not new), closed knife, watch, pencil. Say each time, "What is this?" or, "Tell me what this is."

Credit if three responses out of five are correct.

3. Pictures—Enumeration

Say, "Now I am going to show you a pretty picture." Show picture (a) and say, "Tell me what you see in this picture," or, "Look at the picture and tell me everything you can see in it." If no response, "Show me the ——." "That is fine: now tell me everything you see in the picture." If necessary ask, "And what else?" Same for pictures (b) and (c).

Credit if at least three objects in one picture are enumerated spontaneously, or if one picture is described or interpreted.

4. Giving Sex

If S. is a boy, "Are you a little boy or a little girl?" If S. is a girl, "Are you a little girl or a little boy?" If no response, "Are you a little girl?" (if a boy); or "Are you a little boy?" (if a girl). If answer is "No," say, "Well, what are you? Are you a little boy or a little girl?" (or vice versa).

5. Giving Last Name

Ask, "What is your name?" If answer is only first or last name, e.g., Walter, say, "Yes, but what is your other name? Walter what?" and if necessary, "Is your name Walter Smith?"

6. Repeating Sentences

"Can you say, 'nice kitty'?" "Now say, 'I have a little dog.'" If no response, repeat first sentence two or three times. Same procedure for (b) "The dog runs after the cat" and (c) "In summer the sun is hot," except that these may be given only once.

Credit if at least one sentence is given without error after a single reading.

Alt. Repeating Three Digits

Say, "Listen. Say, 4, 2. Now say, 6, 4, 1." Same for 3, 5, 2, and 8, 3, 7. May repeat (a), not others. Rate, a little faster than one digit per second.

Credit if one set out of the three is given correctly after a single reading.

Year IV

1. Comparison of Lines

Show card (IV 1) and say, "See these lines. Look closely and tell me which one is longer. Put your finger on the longest one." If no response, "Show me which line is the biggest." Show twice more (reversing card at second showing) and ask, "Which one is the longest here?" If only two out of three are correct, repeat the entire test.

Credit if three responses out of three, or five out of six, are correct.

2. Discrimination of Forms

Use the forms supplied with the package of Test Material. One of the two cards containing the forms is to be cut up, so that the forms may be placed one at a time on the other card at "X."

Place circle at "X" on card and say, "Show me one like this," at same time passing the finger around the circumference of the circle. If no response, "Do you see all of these things?" (running finger over the various forms). "And do you see this one?" (pointing to circle again). "Now, find me another one just like this." A first error should be corrected thus, "No, find one just like this" (again passing finger around the outline of form at "X"). Make no comment on any other errors, but pass on to the square, then the triangle, and the rest in any order. Commend successes.

Credit for 7 correct choices out of 10. The first error, if corrected, counts as correct.

3. Counting Four Pennies

Place four pennies in a horizontal row. Say, "See these pennies. Count them and tell me how many there are. Count them with your finger, this way" (pointing to the first one on the subject's left)—"One. Now, go ahead." If S. gives number without pointing, say, "No, count them with your finger, this way," starting him as before. Have S. count aloud.

Credit for correct count tallying with pointing.

4. Copying Square

Show S. the square and say, "You see that?" (pointing to square). "I want you to make one just like it. Make it right here" (showing space on record blank). "Go ahead. I know you can do it nicely." Unless drawing is clearly satisfactory, repeat twice more, saying each time "Make it exactly like this," pointing to model. Pencil.

Credit if one drawing is satisfactory. Score liberally. (See scoring card.)

5. Comprehension

Be sure to get S.'s attention before asking question. Repeat if necessary. Allow 20 seconds for answer.

(a) "What must you do when you are sleepy?"

(b) "What ought you to do when you are cold?"

(c) "What ought you to do when you are hungry?"

Credit if two responses of the three are correct. (See The Measurement of Intelligence, p. 158.)

6. Repeating Four Digits

Say, "Listen. I am going to say over some numbers and after I am through, I want you to say them exactly as I do. Listen closely and get them just right." Give (a) 4, 7, 3, 9, then
