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قراءة كتاب Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

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‏اللغة: English
Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

Condensed Guide for the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Tests

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5


Ask in order, (a) "What day of the week is to-day?" (b) "What month is it?" (c) "What day of the month is it?" (d) "What year is it?" If S. gives day of month for day of week, or vice versa, repeat question with suitable emphasis. No other help.

Credit if there is no error greater than three days in (c) and no error in (a), (b), and (d). Spontaneous correction allowed.

2. Arranging Five Weights

Place 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 gram weights before S. and say, "See these blocks. They all look alike, don't they? But they are not alike. Some of them are heavy, some are not quite so heavy, and some are still lighter. No two weigh the same. Now, I want you to find the heaviest one and place it here. Then find the one that is just a little lighter and put it here. Then put the next lighter one here, and the next lighter one here, and the lightest of all at this end (pointing). Ready; go ahead." Give second and, if necessary, third trial, repeating instructions only if S. has used an absurd procedure. Do not show S. the correct method.

Credit for correct arrangement in two of three trials.

3. Making Change

Ask, "If I were to buy 4 cents' worth of candy and should give the storekeeper 10 cents, how much money would I get back?" Similarly for 12-15 cents; and 4-25 cents. S. is not allowed coins or pencil and paper. If S. forgets problem, repeat once, but not more. Spontaneous corrections allowed.

Credit if two answers of three are correct.

4. Four Digits Backwards

Say, "Listen carefully. I am going to read some numbers, and I want you to say them backwards. For example, if I should say 5—1—4, you would say 4—1—5. Do you understand?" Then, "Ready now; listen carefully, and be sure to say the numbers backwards." If S. gives digits forwards, repeat instructions. If necessary, give (b) and (c), repeating each time, "Ready now; listen carefully, and be sure to say the numbers backwards." 6, 5, 2, 8;    4, 9, 3, 7;    8, 6, 2, 9.

Credit if one set is repeated backwards without error.

5. Three Words in One Sentence

Say, "You know what a sentence is, of course. A sentence is made up of some words which say something. Now, I am going to give you three words, and you must make up a sentence that has all three words in it. The three words are 'boy,' 'river,' 'ball.' Go ahead and make up a sentence that has all three words in it." Repeat instructions if necessary, but do not illustrate. May say, "The three words must be put with some other words so that all of them together will make a sentence." Give only one trial, and do not caution against making more than one sentence. Do not hurry S., but allow only one minute. Then say, "Now make a sentence that has in it the three words 'work,' 'money,' 'men.'" If necessary give (c) desert, rivers, lakes, in the same way.

Credit if satisfactory sentence is given in two of three trials. (See The Measurement of Intelligence, pp. 243-45.)

6. Finding Rhymes

Say, "You know what a rhyme is, of course. A rhyme is a word that sounds like another word. Two words rhyme if they end in the same sound. For example, 'hat,' 'cat,' 'rat,' 'bat,' all rhyme with one another. Now, I am going to give you one minute to find as many words as you can that rhyme with 'day.' Ready; go ahead." If S. fails, repeat explanation, and give sample rhymes for day, as say, may, pay, hay. Otherwise, proceed, "Now, you have another minute to name all the words you can think of that rhyme with 'mill.'" Same, if necessary, for spring. Do not repeat explanation after "mill" or "spring."

Credit if three rhymes in one minute are given for each of two out of three words.

Alt. 1. Naming the Months

Say, "Name all the months of the year." If correct, check by asking, "What month comes before April?" "Before July?" "Before November?"

Credit if months are correctly named within 15 seconds with not more than one error, and if two of three checks are correct.

Alt. 2. Counting Value of Stamps

Say, "You know, of course, how much a stamp like this costs (pointing to a 1-cent stamp). And you know how much one like this costs (pointing to a 2-cent stamp). Now, how much money would it take to buy all these stamps?" (showing three 1-cent stamps and three 2-cent stamps). Do not tell values, where not known; if values are known but sum is wrongly given, give second trial, saying, "Tell me how you got it."

Credit if correct value is given in not over 15 seconds.

Year X

1. Vocabulary

See last section.

If both lists are given, 30 satisfactory definitions are required; if only one list is given, the requirement is 15.

2. Absurdities

"I am going to read a sentence which has something foolish in it, some nonsense. Listen carefully and tell me what is foolish about it." After reading say, "What is foolish about that?" Give sentences twice if necessary, repeating exactly. If response is ambiguous, ask S. what he means.

(a) A man said: "I know a road from my house to the city which is down hill all the way to the city and down hill all the way back home."

(b) An engineer said that the more cars he had on his train the faster he could go.

(c) Yesterday the police found the body of a girl cut into 18 pieces. They believe that she killed herself.

(d) There was a railroad accident yesterday, but it was not very serious. Only 48 people were killed.

(e) A bicycle rider, being thrown from his bicycle in an accident, struck his head against a stone and was instantly killed. They picked him up and carried him to the hospital, and they do not think he will get well again.

Credit if four responses out of five are satisfactory. (See The Measurement of Intelligence, pp. 256-58.)

3. Drawing Designs from Memory

Give S. pencil and paper, then say, "This card has two drawings on it. I am going to show them to you for ten seconds, then I will take the card away and let you draw from memory what you have seen. Look at both drawings carefully and remember that you have only ten seconds." Show card (X 3) for 10 seconds, right side up. Have S. reproduce designs immediately, and note on his paper which is the top of his drawing.

Credit if one design is reproduced correctly and one at least half correctly. (See scoring cards.)

4. Reading and Report

news report

Show selection and say, "I want you to read this for me as well as you can." Pronounce for S. all words he cannot make out, allowing not over 5 seconds' hesitation. (Record reading time and errors.) When S. has finished, say, "Very well done. Now, tell me what you read. Begin at the first and tell everything you can remember." When S. stops, ask, "And what else?"

Credit if selection is read within 35 seconds with not more than two errors, and if report given contains at least eight "memories"
