قراءة كتاب Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomie of Legerdemain Or, the art of jugling set forth in his proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly, so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the same, after a little practise.

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomie of Legerdemain
Or, the art of jugling set forth in his proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly, so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the same, after a little practise.

Hocus Pocus Junior: The Anatomie of Legerdemain Or, the art of jugling set forth in his proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly, so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the same, after a little practise.

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

againe, convey the ball that you retained under it.

Then with your right hand take up the second ball, and seeme to put it into your left hand, shutting it in due time: then open your left hand, tossing it, say, vade, and that's gone, then with your right hand take up the uppermost cup, and say, doe you see Gentlemen, they are snug'd like a yong man and a Maid in bed together, and in setting it down, convey the ball that you retain.

Then with your right hand take up the third ball, and seeme to put it in your left hand, but retain it, shutting your left hand in due time: then hold it from you, and then open your hand, tossing it up, and gaping after it, say, Mountifilede, mount, thats gone, and then take up the cup and say, here are all three againe. Then cover them againe, and say single is nothing, then clap the third cup upon them, saying, but double is somewhat.

Then may you seeme to pull all the three corks out of the top of the upper cup, causing them to vanish one after another, as I have sufficiently taught you before, which may be performed by that one ball that you reteine in your right hand.

And lastly, take the uppermost cup, and set it down first by it selfe, then with both hands nimbly hosting the two other cups, shuffle them one upon another, and the bals will not fall out, and so it will be thought that you have pulled the three bals out of the bottomes of the two uppermost cups. I could teach you to vary these feats a hundred wayes, but I leave that to those that intend to follow the trade.

How to make a great Ball seeme to come through a Table into a Cup.

SEt one of your cups upon a Table, and take a good big stoole-ball out of your pocket, and say, clapping your hand with the ball in it under the Table, My masters would you not think it a pretty trick that I should make this ball come thorow the table into the cup:

Then some one or other will take up the cup to see if it be so; then holding the ball betweene your two middle fingers of your right hand, stare him in the face, and say nay but you must not move my cup out of its place, while I have said my words of command: with that set your cup in its former place, and in setting it downe nimbly, convey the ball under it, and say, Hei Fortuna nunquam credo, vade couragious: Now see (say) if it be there or not, which when they see they will imagine was conjured into it by vertue of your words.

Other very pretty tricks with Bals.

REtaine one small ball in your hand, and lay three other small bals upon the table: then with your right hand take up one of the three bals, and put into your left hand, saying, There is one, then take up the second, and put that into your left hand also, and therewith likewise put the ball you retained in your right hand, saying, And there is two (yet you know there is three already) and shut your hand in due time: then take up the third ball in your right hand, and clap your right hand unto the upper part of your left arme, retaining the ball firmely pronounce these words: Iubeo celeriter, come all into my hand when I bid you. Then withdraw your right hand (holding the palm thereof downward) saying, That's gone Gentlemen: then open your left hand, and say, Here are all three together, and lay them downe on the Table.


TAke up one of the bals in your right hand, & put it into your left, holding it firmely between your forefinger and thumbe of your said left hand. Then with your forefinger and thumbe of your right hand (but be nimble) seeme to pull one ball out of another, which you may doe by slipping the ball that you retained in your right hand betweene the forefinger and thumb of the said hand, saying, Thus by activity have I learn'd to do, out of one little ball for to make two: and all of a bignesse, then lay all foure balls upon the table.


VVIth your right hand take up one of the balls, and seeme to put it into the left, but retain it, shutting your left hand in due time, and say, There is one: then hold your hand from you. Then with your right hand take up another, saying, Here I take another. Then pronounce these words, Mercus mercurius by the powder of experience, Iubeo; then open your left hand, saying, That's gone, and then open your right hand and shew them both together.

How to make a stone seeme to vanish out of your hand.

YOu must have a stone of a reasonable bignesse, such as you may well hide in your hand, sitting in such manner as I have formerly said, that you may receive any thing into your lappe, take this stone out of your pocket, saying, You see, Gentlemen, here is a stone, a miraculous stone: Will you have it vanish, vade, or go away invisible; which being said, withdraw your hand to the side of the table letting the stone slip down into your lap, in which time stare about you, saying, chuse you whether. Then reach out your hand and say: Fortuna variabilis, lapis inestimabilis Iubeo, vade, vade, couragius. Open your hand then tossing it up, and blow a blast, and look up, saying, Do you see it is gone. Your looking up will make them to looke up, in which time you may take the stone againe in the other hand, and slip it into your pocket.


By agility and nimblenesse of hand you may make a piece of a Hares skin to stir and run about you as a live creature, and at last to vanish away, which will bee imagined to be some Familiar that you deale withall.

TAke your stone againe out of your pocket, saying, here it is once againe, and I will give it unto any of you to hold, and reach your hand out unto them, and opening your hand, say Loe here it is. Then when any one is about to take it, withdraw your hand to the side of the table, and make your conveyance as before, in which time say, But you must promise mee to take it quickly:

Then will hee say, I will, then reach your hand being shut, out unto him againe, and while hee striveth, thinking to take it quickly, hold fast and say, Vade couragious, celeriter vade: in which time you may take up the stone in the other hand, and hold it from you. Then open your hand and say, loe, If you can hold a pretty Lasse no faster, when you have her, I will not give a pin for your skill.

How to make a Card vanish, and finde it againe in a Nut.

TAke what card you will, pill the printed paper from off it, and roll it hard up, and make a hole in a nut, and take out the kernell, and then thrust in the card, afterwards stop the hole of the Nut neatly with waxe, this Nut you must have in readinesse about you, and when you are in your play, call for such a card as you inclosed in your Nut, or else haue one in a readinesse, and say, You see Gentlemen, here is such a card: then wet it, and pill off the printed side, roll it up, and the usuall manner conuey it away: Then take your Nut out of your pocket, and giue it unto one, and say, Cracke that Nut, and tell
