قراءة كتاب Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures

Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

x:1 may treasure the memorials of a child's growth, and
        she would not have them changed.

x:3 The first edition of SCIENCE AND HEALTH was pub-
        lished in 1875. Various books on mental healing have
        since been issued, most of them incorrect in theory
x:6 and filled with plagiarisms from SCIENCE AND HEALTH.
        They regard the human mind as a healing agent,
        whereas this mind is not a factor in the Principle of
x:9 Christian Science. A few books, however, which are
        based on this book, are useful.

        The author has not compromised conscience to suit
x:12 the general drift of thought, but has bluntly and hon-
        estly given the text of Truth. She has made no effort
        to embellish, elaborate, or treat in full detail so in-
x:15 finite a theme. By thousands of well-authenticated
        cases of healing, she and her students have proved the
        worth of her teachings. These cases for the most part
x:18 have been abandoned as hopeless by regular medical
        attendants. Few invalids will turn to God till all
        physical supports have failed, because there is so little
x:21 faith in His disposition and power to heal disease.

        The divine Principle of healing is proved in the
        personal experience of any sincere seeker of Truth. Its
x:24 purpose is good, and its practice is safer and more po-
        tent than that of any other sanitary method. The un-
        biased Christian thought is soonest touched by Truth,
x:27 and convinced of it. Only those quarrel with her
        method who do not understand her meaning, or dis-
        cerning the truth, come not to the light lest their
x:30 works be reproved. No intellectual proficiency is req-
        uisite in the learner, but sound morals are most de-

xi:1 Many imagine that the phenomena of physical heal-
        ing in Christian Science present only a phase of the
xi:3 action of the human mind, which action in some unex-
        plained way results in the cure of disease. On the con-
        trary, Christian Science rationally explains that all
xi:6 other pathological methods are the fruits of human
        faith in matter, faith in the workings, not of Spirit,
        but of the fleshly mind which must yield to Science.

xi:9 The physical healing of Christian Science results
        now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine
        Principle, before which sin and disease lose their real-
xi:12 ity in human consciousness and disappear as naturally
        and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and
        sin to reformation. Now, as then, these mighty works
xi:15 are not supernatural, but supremely natural. They are
        the sign of Immanuel, or "God with us," a divine
        influence ever present in human consciousness and re-
xi:18 peating itself, coming now as was promised aforetime,

             To preach deliverance to the captives [of sense],
             And recovering of sight to the blind,
xi:21 To set at liberty them that are bruised.

        When God called the author to proclaim His Gospel
        to this age, there came also the charge to plant and
xi:24 water His vineyard.

        The first school of Christian Science Mind-healing
        was started by the author with only one student in
xi:27 Lynn, Massachusetts, about the year 1867. In 1881,
        she opened the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in
        Boston, under the seal of the Commonwealth, a law
xi:30 relative to colleges having been passed, which enabled
        her to get this institution chartered for medical pur-
xii:1 poses. No charters were granted to Christian Scien-
        tists for such institutions after 1883, and up to that
xii:3 date, hers was the only College of this character which
        had been established in the United States, where
        Christian Science was first introduced.

xii:6 During seven years over four thousand students
        were taught by the author in this College. Meanwhile
        she was pastor of the first established Church of
xii:9 Christ, Scientist; President of the first Christian Sci-
        entist Association, convening monthly; publisher of
        her own works; and (for a portion of this time) sole
xii:12 editor and publisher of the Christian Science Journal,
        the first periodical issued by Christian Scientists. She
        closed her College, October 29, 1889, in the height of
xii:15 its prosperity with a deep-lying conviction that the
        next two years of her life should be given to the prep-
        aration of the revision of SCIENCE AND HEALTH, which
xii:18 was published in 1891. She retained her charter, and
        as its President, reopened the College in 1899 as auxil-
        iary to her church. Until June 10, 1907, she had never
xii:21 read this book throughout consecutively in order to elu-
        cidate her idealism.

        In the spirit of Christ's charity, as one who "hopeth
xii:24 all things, endureth all things," and is joyful to bear
        consolation to the sorrowing and healing to the sick,
        she commits these pages to honest seekers for Truth.


NOTE. - The author takes no patients, and declines medical consultation.


        For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this
        mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and
        shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
        things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
        whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things
        soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them,
        and ye shall have them.
        Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask
        Him. - CHRIST JESUS.

1:1 THE prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the
        sick is an absolute faith that all things are
1:3 possible to God,- a spiritual understanding of Him,
        an unselfed love. Regardless of what another may say
        or think on this subject, I speak from experience.
1:6 Prayer, watching, and working, combined with self-im-
        molation, are God's gracious means for accomplishing
        whatever has been successfully done for the Christian-
1:9 ization and health of mankind.

        Thoughts unspoken are not
