قراءة كتاب A Manual of the Antiquity of Man
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class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">CHAPTER XVII.
Objections to the Unity of the Race—Anatomical—Geographical—Disparity of—Non-existence of medium types—Phenomena caused by two united types—Objections answered—Both man and animals affected by climate, food, and condition—Examples—Argument from language—Ocean navigated by frail crafts—Examples—Captain Tyson and party—The two extremes exist in all nations, and even in families—People who have retrograded—Races will amalgamate and perpetuate their kind—Griquas—Papuas—Pitcairn Islanders—Law of hybridity—Close affinity of the races—Slow change of. 136
Controversy—Perversion of meaning—Men of science branded—Design of the chapter—Creation—"Bara"—Day—Man's appearance—Two accounts—Case of Cain—Sons of God—Remarks of Dr. Livingstone—Doctrine of unity of the race—Chronology—The Deluge—Septuagint—Monarchies—The Dispersion—Opinion of Dr. Hedge—No supernatural aid in the formation of Language—What God may do does not imply what he has done—Dean Stanley on the Biblical account of Creation. 143
No subject, of late years, has so much engrossed the attention of geologists as the antiquity of the human race. The interest was greatly increased by the publication of Sir Charles Lyell's "Antiquity of Man." This work called the attention of the public to the subject, and so great became the interest that many volumes and memoirs have been added to the list, discussing the question in various ways, and, for the most part, in such a manner as to add fresh interest and throw more light on the subject. The scientific men were slow to take advantage of the discoveries continually being made of the bones and works of man found in caves and associated with the remains' of extinct animals. It is probable, even at this late day, there would not have been so much discussion of this subject had not Sir Charles Lyell lent the weight of his great name to it. Educated men, everywhere, began to doubt the correctness of Archbishop Usher's chronology, and so complete has been the revolution of opinion that it is almost impossible to find an intelligent man who would limit the period of man's existence to 6,000 years.
To Aimé Boué, a French geologist, must be attributed the honor of having been the first to proclaim the high antiquity of the human race; to Dr. Schmerling, the learned Belgian osteologist, on account of his laborious investigations, untiring zeal, and great work on the subject, the merited title of being the founder of the new science; to M. Boucher de Perthes, its great apostle; while to Sir Charles Lyell and Sir John Lubbock must be ascribed the honor of having made the new theory popular.
The new science soon became permanently established, and the geologists at once set about classifying the facts before them, in order to assign to them their respective places in the geological epochs. All are agreed in respect to the chronological orders, but all have not used the same nomenclature, in consequence of which more or less confusion has been the result. Sir J. Lubbock has divided pre-historic archæology into four great epochs, as follows:
"I. That of the Drift; when man shared the possession of Europe with the mammoth, the cave-bear, the woolly-haired rhinoceros, and other extinct animals. This we may call the 'Palæolithic' period.
"II. The later or polished Stone Age; a period characterized by beautiful stone weapons and instruments made of flint and other kinds of stone; in which, however, we find no trace of the knowledge of any metal, excepting gold, which seems to have been sometimes used for ornaments. This we may call the 'Neolithic' period.
"III. The Bronze Age, in which bronze was used for arms and cutting instruments of all kinds.
"IV. The Iron Age, in which that metal had superseded bronze for arms, axes, knives, etc."[1]
These divisions are recognized by Lyell and Tylor.
Edward Lartet has proposed the following classification:
1st. Epoch of extinct animals (or of the great bear and mammoth).
2d. Epoch of migrated existing animals (or the reindeer epoch).
3d. Epoch of domesticated existing animals (or the polished stone epoch).
1st. The Bronze Epoch.
2d. The Iron Epoch.
This mode of division is adopted by M. Figuier, in his "Primitive Man," by the Museum of Saint-Germain in that portion devoted to pre-historic antiquities, and adhered to in essential points by Troyon and d'Archiac.
Professor Renevier, of Lausanne, has proposed a somewhat different scheme, founded upon the epochs of Swiss glaciation. It is as follows:
"I. Pre-glacial Epoch, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the elephant (Elephas antiquus), rhinoceros (R. hemitæchus), and the cave-bear (Ursus spelæus).
"II. Glacial Epoch, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the mammoth (Elephas primigenius), rhinoceros (R. tichorrhinus), cave-bear, etc.
"III. Post-glacial Epoch, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the mammoth and reindeer (Cervus tarandus).
"IV. Last Epoch, or epoch of the Pile-buildings, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the Irish elk (Megaceros hibernicus), aurochs (Bison Europæus)," etc.[2]
Westropp divides the periods of man, in respect to his stages of civilization, as follows: Savagery, hunters, herdsmen, and agriculturists.
In the following pages a somewhat different classification has been adopted, and may be thus explained:
I. Pre-glacial Epoch; that period antedating the glaciers of the post-tertiary, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the animals of the tertiary, southern elephant (E. meridionalis), etc.
II. Glacial Epoch; that period of the post-tertiary when man was forced to contend with the great ice-fields and the floods immediately succeeding them, when the mammoth (E. primigenius), rhinoceros (R. tichorrhinus), cave-bear, etc., began to flourish.
III. Interglacial Epoch; that period between the glacial and the second advance of the ice, in which man lived cotemporaneously with the animals of the preceding epoch, and the cave bear became extinct.
IV. Reindeer Epoch; that period when the glaciers again