xml:lang="af">Baasje (pronounced Baasie), little master.
Babiaan, baboon.
Berg schilpad, mountain tortoise.
Biltong, strips of sun-dried meat.
Bolmakissie, head over heels.
Bossies, bushes.
Broer, brother.
Buchu, an aromatic veld herb.
Carbonaatje, grilled chop.
Dassie, rock-rabbit.
Eintje, an edible veld root.
Gezondheid! Your health!
Haasje, little hare.
Hamel, wether.
Jakhals draaie, tricky turns.
Kaross, skin rug.
Kierie, a thick stick.
Klein koning, little king.
Kneehaltered, hobbled.
Kopdoek, turban.
Kopje, hill.
Krantz, precipice.
Kraal, enclosure.
Lammervanger, eagle.
Leeuw, lion.
Maanhaar, mane.
Mensevreter, cannibal.
Neef, nephew.
Nooi, lady or mistress.
Nonnie, young lady, miss.
Oom, uncle.
Outa, old man, prefix to the name of old natives.
Pronk, show off.
Reijer, heron.
Riem, leathern thong.
Rustband, couch.
Sassaby or Sessebe, a South African antelope.
Schelm, rogue; sly.
Schilpad, tortoise.
Sjambok, whip of rhino or hippo hide.
Skraal windje, fine cutting wind.
Skrik, to be startled; also fright.
Slim, cunningly clever.
Smouse, pedlar.
Soopje, tot.
Taai, tough.
Tante, aunt.
Tarentaal, Guinea fowl.
Tover, toverij, witchcraft.
Vaabond, vagabond.
Vlakte, plain.
Voertsed, jumping aside suddenly and violently.
Volk, coloured farm labourers.
Volstruis, ostrich.
Vrouw, wife.
Vrouwmens, woman.
Zandkruiper, sand-crawler.