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قراءة كتاب Making Your Camera Pay
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
such excursions—it wants material on the animals in water or air or on land, that its readers may bag them the more easily; it desires material on bird-dogs, on outdoor devices and tricks, on tennis, motoring, baseball, cats, dogs, golf, horses, yachting, and on every phase of outdoor and sport life. Photographs of men prominent in each line are wanted; prints of hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing, sailing, and everything connected with the big outdoors. Here is a large and remunerative market for open-air photographs and sport prints.
Aerial Age, 280 Madison Ave., New York, wants material on aviation.
All Outdoors, Outing, Forest and Stream, Field and Stream, etc., want the wide variety of outdoor material that appeals to any sort of sportsman. These magazines circulate widely, and a study of them will disclose their needs.
Dogs are the subjects of such magazines as American Beagle, 639 West Federal St., Youngstown, Ohio; Dogdom, Battle Creek, Michigan; Dog Fancier, Battle Creek, Michigan; Dog World, 1333 So. California Ave., Chicago.
Material about cats is welcomed by such as Cat Review, 196 Centre St., Orange, New Jersey.
Fishing material appeals to the general run of outdoor magazines, including American Angler, 1400 Broadway, New York.
Tennis appeals to American Lawn Tennis, 120 Broadway, New York, and the Tennis Review, California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Golf material is used by American Golfer, 49 Liberty St., New York, and Golfer's Magazine, 1355 Monadnock Block, Chicago.
Motoring appeals to a long list of such publications as:
American Motorist, Riggs Building, Washington, D.C.
Mileage, 4415 No. Racine Ave., Chicago.
Motor, 119 West 40th St., New York.
Motordom, 110 State St., Chicago.
Motor Life, 239 West 39th St., New York.
Speed, 809 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del.
Then there are a variety of different subdivisions of this class, the mere names of which are sufficient to disclose the great variety of material they use:
American Checkers, 1846 So. 40th Ave., Chicago.
American Chess Bulletin, 150 Nassau St., New York.
American Cricketer, Morris Building, Philadelphia.
Baseball Magazine, 70 Fifth Ave., New York.
Billiards Magazine, 35 So. Dearborn St., Chicago.
Bird Lore, 29 West 32d St., New York.
Bowler's Journal, 836 Exchange Ave., Chicago.
The Horse World, 1028-30 Marine Bank Bldg., Buffalo, New York.
Spur, 389 Fifth Ave., New York—raising prize winners.
Yachting, 141 West 36th St., New York.
Photographic Magazines
These magazines pay more attention to the photograph itself than to what it pictures. Here is a market for artistic prints, for prints showing new working methods, and such material interesting to photographers. Artistic taste and technical accuracy are instrumental in getting you into these magazines.
American Photography, 428 Newbury Street, Boston.
The Camera, 210 No. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Camera Craft, Claus Spreckels Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
Photo-Era Magazine, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.
Theatrical Magazines
Theatrical magazines embrace the following representative few who desire prints of current news in the show world, new theatres, interviews with actors and actresses and photographs of them, etc.
The Drama, 306 Riggs Bldg., Washington, D.C.