قراءة كتاب The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha

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‏اللغة: English
The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha

The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">Of the arrival of Clavileno; with the conclusion of this prolix adventure

313 LXXII. The instructions which Don Quixote gave to Sancho Panza, before he went to his government; with other well-digested matter 319 LXXIII. Of the second instruction Don Quixote gave Sancho Panza 322 LXXIV. How Sancho Panza was carried to his government; and of the strange adventure that befell Don Quixote in the castle 325 LXXV. How the great Sancho Panza took possession of his island, and in what manner he began to govern 328 LXXVI. Of a dreadful alarm which Don Quixote experienced 331 LXXVII. Which gives a further account of Sancho Panza's behaviour in his government 334 LXXVIII. What happened to Don Quixote with Donna Rodriguez; as also other passages worthy to be recorded 340 LXXIX. What happened to Sancho Panza as he went the rounds in his island 342 LXXX. Which narrates the success of the page that carried Sancho's letter to his wife 350 LXXXI. A continuation of Sancho Panza's government; with other entertaining passages 355 LXXXII. A relation of the adventures of the second disconsolate or distressed matron, otherwise called Donna Rodriguez; with the letters of Teresa Panza to the Duchess and to her husband 360 LXXXIII. The toilsome end and conclusion of Sancho Panza's government 364 LXXXIV. What happened to Sancho by the way; with other matters which you will have no more to do than to see 368 LXXXV. Which treats of matters that relate to this history, and no other 370 LXXXVI. Of the extraordinary and unaccountable combat between Don Quixote de la Mancha and the lackey Tosilos, in vindication of the matron Donna Rodriguez's daughter 372 LXXXVII. How adventures crowded so thick on Don Quixote that they trod upon one another's heels 376 LXXXVIII. Of an extraordinary accident that happened to Don Quixote, which may well pass for an adventure 383 LXXXIX. What happened to Don Quixote going to Barcelona 388 XC. Of what befell Don Quixote at his entrance into Barcelona; with other events more true than ingenious 397 XCI. Of the adventure of the enchanted head; with other trifling matters that must not be omitted 399 XCII. Of an unlucky adventure which Don Quixote laid most to heart of any that had yet befallen him 404 XCIII. Wherein is given an account of the Knight of the White Moon; with other matters 406 XCIV. How Don Quixote resolved to turn shepherd, and lead a rural life for the year's time he was obliged not to bear arms; with other passages truly good and diverting 410 XCV. Of the ominous accidents that crossed Don Quixote as he entered
