قراءة كتاب Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

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‏اللغة: English
Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

11 almost Calm about 12 Saw a Boat coming from the Ship which we Decoy'd and took on board a Midshipman & 5 Men; there being a light Breeze of Wind & understanding by the People from the Ship that she was coming Out to us; clung our wind and stood out under easy sail till 4 o'clock, P.M. & hove too for Her, she came up about 6 and hailed after the usual Compliments were pass'd we wore Ship and gave her a whole broad side, without receiving a Shot: the Action continued till 5 minutes after seven very warm when her 2 Commanding Officers being the one Capt. Brurdon killed & the other Lt. Dobbs mortally wounded and about 20 of Her Men disabled and the Ships Rigging Sails &c. very much damaged they were oblig'd to give her up by the wave of the Hat; & a call for Quarters for having the Second Time cut away their Ensign staff they had no Colours to Strike.

Lost on our side,—Lt. Wallingsford [18] killed by a musket shot in the head. John W. Dangle by a double Hd. shot cut in two in the Fore Top.

Wounded,—Pierce Powers lost his right Hand, & his left badly wounded. James Falls by a musket shot through the Shoulder. Thos. Taylor lost his little Finger by a musket shot at the wheel.

Saturday, 25th.—Very pleasant and almost Calm a fine Opportunity for repairing and fitting for Sea from on board the Drake buried the Remains of Capt. Burdon with the Honors of war—spoke a Brigg from white Haven of about 300 Tons commanded by Capt. More, put a Prize Master and Hands on Board Her: at 12 we were not far from the place of action about 2 o'clock P.M. having a light Breeze sent away the Fishing Boat's crew with a present of Money 17 Guineas and the Drakes Main Sail & Mn. Top Sail; in the Evening committed the Body of Lt. Wallingsford to the deep with the Honours due to so brave an Officer.

Monday, 4th May.—Died of his wounds and the same day were decently buried the Remains of Nath1. Wells of Portsmouth, America.

Thursday, May 7th.—Arrived at Brest with the Ship Drake in Company.

May 9th, Saturday.—Sent on Shore to the Hospital Pierce Powers, James Falls & Thos. Taylor from the Ranger at the same Time sent from the Drake 13 Prisoners.

Sunday, 10th May.—Arrived here the Prize Brig Patience.

Wednesday, 13th.—Sent to the Hospital John Mott a Prisoner taken in the Drake.

Friday, 29 May.—Drew a petition in behalf of my good Friend Simpson now in gaol in Brest which was sign'd by Lt. Hall Mr. Cullam and myself & sent on shore to the Office in order to go to the Commissioners at Paris.

Thursday, 18th June.—Rec'd the news of an Engagement between a French & English Frigate not far from Morleaux, the French Frig. was ordered out to Adml. Byron to speak, she refus'd to Obey therefore were fired on by the Eng—the action began about half past 4 on the afternoon of yesterday and continued 5 hours, though the Engh. struck they were prevented bringing her off by Adml. Byron's Squadron 12 sail of the Line besides Frigates—the French Frigate lost 1 Lt. 1 officer of Marines and 38 men killed, and about 60 wounded.

Thursday, 2nd July.—Had the company of Col. Frazier & Mr. Pringle to Dine, afternoon went with them & Lieuts. Simpson & Hall on board the Britaigne of 110 Guns & 1400 Men were treated with the greatest civility & Respect from all on Board.

Friday, 3rd July.—This day arrived a Schooner called the Spy from New London with Dispatches from Congress.

Saturday, July 4th.—This being the Anniversary of American Independence, was observed as such Our Ship was dressed 13 guns discharg'd at 10 o'clock; At undressing 13 more; on drinking the Duke de Chartre's Health 9 guns were fired; a number of Patriotic Toast were drank; and universal Joy was diffused throughout the whole Ship's company.

Wednesday, July 8th.—This day the Fleet sail'd from this Place about 33 sail of the Line besides Frigates.

Thursday, 9th.—This Day arrived here a Brig from Carolina with Rice—no news C. Ray.

Friday, July 10th.—This Day the Lively Ship of war was brought into this harbour. On her refusing to comply with the commands of Capt. of the Frigate by which she was taken, she receiv'd a broadside from the Cannon & the fire from the Swivels & musketry both from below and aloft, which was returned by 3 guns when she struck. Her loss was about 20 kill'd & 40 wounded most of whom are since dead.

Friday, July 17th.—This day was brought in here the prize Cutter Alert of 12 guns the same which took the Lexington Brig of 14 guns Johnson Commr. She was taken by a Frigate.

Sunday, 28 June last were brought in here Two Cutters from Guernsey taken by Frigate Snow.

Wednesday, 22 July.—Rec'd the news of C. De Astangs arrival in Boston.

Monday, July 27th.—This day Thomas Simpson Esqr. [19] came on board with orders to take command of the Ranger; to the joy and Satisfaction of the whole Ships company.

Tuesday, July 28th.—This Day arrived from the Lamp [illegible] of 60 guns, with news of an Engagement between the Fleets.

Wednesday, July 29th.—Last night arrived a 74 This Day arrived the Fleet, excepting 1 of 80 1 of 60 and 1 Frigate, which they say parted from them in the Fog—they appear to have sustained no very considerable Damage in the late Fight.

Saturday, Augt. 8th.—Sent to the Hospital three of the Drake's People viz: Jno. Wilkinson Pilot John Colbert & John Rickets Seamen.

Sunday, Augt. 9th.—Sent to the Hospital Joseph Larcher a Prisoner from ye Drake.

Saturday 15.—Last night arrived Here the Barton & Providence, Whipple & Tucker from Nantes.

Thursday, 20th Augt.—Moved down in Company with the Providence & Boston Frigates, about four Leagues & came too, to give the People an Opportunity of expending their Prize Money. I had a very Fatiguing Time up to Brest on Business for Capt. Simpson and the widow of my deceas'd Friend Lt. Wallingford for whom I bought 32 Crowns worth.

Friday, 21st.—Very little wind this morning came to Sail & got down about 2 Leagues & anchored. At 3 P.M. came to Sail again and ran out with a fine Breeze.

Saturday, 22.—Very fine weather in the morning saw a Sail ahead were order'd by our Commodore to give chase came up with Her about 5 P.M. a Spanish Snow bound to Haver du Grace.

Sunday, 23rd Aug.—Chased a Dutchman all Day.

Monday, 24.—Spoke Brig call'd the Sally from London laden with Provisions, Beef Flour & Butter, 150 Tons Burthen. Sent her to America. Lat. 45.32 Long. 10.22.

Wednesday, September 2nd.—Being in chase in Latt. 47.21 Long. 27.24 at 3 P.M. carry'd away Our fore Top Mast and Main Top gall. Mast.

Wednesday, Sept. 9th.—Latt. 46.7 Long. 36.29. Took a Brig called the Friends from Granada bound to Glasco with Rum & Cotton about 100 Tons Burden. 10 Bags Cotton 134 Puncheons Rum.

Wednesday, 16th Septr. in Latt. 45.45 Long. 41.47 Took a Snow from Newfoundland Laden with Fish 150 Tons Burthen.

Thursday 17th.—7 Morn gave chase to a large Ship to windward as far as we could see them from Top of mast head 7 in the Evening, came very near them but night coming on lost sight of them.

