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قراءة كتاب Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

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‏اللغة: English
Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

Cambridge, Mass., I am indebted for the following authentic annals from his manuscript volume, in the library of the New-England Historic, Genealogical Society, in Boston, relative to his and my father's earliest progenitors.

Dr. Green's earliest ancestor who came from England to this country, was:

1. James1 Green, yeoman, 24 years. He was an inhabitant of Charlestown, 1634, and admitted freeman of the colony in 1647, purchasing lands and settling in "Mystic Fields," since called Maiden. He died March 29, 1687, aged 77 years, leaving a widow and two sons, John and James. After a proper provision for his widow and son James, he willed his "lands and housing thereon" to his son John.

2. John2 (James1), the eldest son of James, was born about 1650 and died at the age of 59, leaving a widow, three daughters and one son, Samuel, to whom, after providing for his widow and daughters, he by will gave all his lands in Maiden and Charlestown "to him and his heirs forever."

3. Samuel3 (John2 James1), who was born in 1679, was a representative of the town in the general court in 1742. His wife died at the age of 72, and he died February 21, 1761, at the age of 82, leaving four sons: James, John, Timothy and Ezra, and one daughter, Mary Daua. To his beloved son Ezra, he by will gave all the remainder and residue of his real and personal estate, he paying his debts, funeral expenses and the various bequests to his other children and granddaughters.

4. Ezra4 (Samuel3 John2 James1), was born in 1714, and married Sarah Hutchinson, who died July 7, 1741, at the age of 26 years. His second wife, Eunice Burrell, of Lynn, died October 20, 1760, aged 47, leaving two sons, Ezra and Bernard. For his third wife, he married Mary Vinton, by whom he had one son, Aaron. Said Ezra Green was deacon of the church in Maiden, selectman and representative in the general court during the years of 1760, '61 and '62. He died April 28, 1768, at the age of 54 years. By his will, after providing for his beloved widow Mary, he gave to his son Ezra twenty acres of land in Chelsea, and about five acres near "Penny Ferry," apart from what he had paid for his collegiate and medical education, and the gift of a horse, which he deemed equivalent to the homestead, real and personal (except what he had disposed of to his son Aaron, besides his collegiate educational expenses), which he bequeathed to his son Bernard, making as it did the fifth generation, and embracing more than two hundred years since its first purchase by James Green in 1610.

Dr. Green was in his second year's naval service, when, by the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, he was married to Susanna Hayes in the twentieth year of her age. She was then reputed to have been quite handsome and a great favorite with all her acquaintance. She had a delicate and petite figure, nut-brown hair, shading bright hazel eyes that lit up her regular cut features with a winning expression, which played over a soft transparent complexion, lovely as a fresh-blown rose.

Her father's will, making his estate reversionary in the event of his daughter's decease without issue, happily placed her and her husband in no such unpleasant dilemma; for in the brief time of nineteen years, thirteen children were born to them, viz.:

i. Eunice, b. July 1, 1780; d. Oct. 7, 1782.
ii. Reuben Hayes, b. Aug. 20, 1783.
iii. Charles, b. March 26, 1785; d. April 5, 1854.
iv. Deborah Shackford, b. March 20, 1787; d. May 7, 1860.
v. Sarah, b. Oct. 19, 1788; d. Nov. 2, 1874.
vi. Samuel, b. Jan. 4, 1790; d. Jan. 23, 1791.
vii. Martha, b. July 13, 1791; d. Nov. 25, 1792.
viii. Eunice, b. Oct. 8, 1792; d. May 25, 1839.
ix. A Daughter, b. July 15, 1794; still-born.
x. Martha, b. June 9, 1795; d. Aug. 3, 1795.
xi. A Son, b. April 27, 1796; still-born.
xii. Samuel, b. Oct. 5, 1797; d. Nov. 3, 1823.
xiii. Walter Cooper, b. July 1, 1799.

My mother's earliest paternal ancestor [7] in America,

1. John1 Hayes, is said to have emigrated from Scotland about 1680, and settled in Dover, New-Hampshire. He had a grant of land in 1693. By his wife Mary Horn, he had seven sons and three daughters, viz.:

2. i. John, b. 1686.
ii. Peter.
iii. Reuben.
iv. Ichabod, b. March 13, 1691-2.
v. Samuel, b. March 16, 1694-5.
vi. William, b. Sept. 6, 1698.
vii. Benjamin, b. ——, 1700.
viii. A Daughter, m. Phipps.
ix. A Daughter, m. Ambrose.
x. A Daughter.

2. John2 (John1), married Mrs. Tomson, and lived at Tole-End, four miles from Dover corner. He was a deacon of the First Congregational Society in Dover. They had eight children, viz.:

i. Ann, b. June 3, 1718.
3. ii. Reuben, b. May 8, 1720; d. 1762.
iii. Joseph, b. March 15, 1722.
iv. Benjamin, b. March 6, 1723.
v. Mehitabel, b. Dec. 11, 1725.
vi. John, went to North Yarmouth, Maine, to reside.
vii. Elijah, went to Berwick, Maine.
viii. Ichabod, went to Berwick, Maine.

3. Reuben3 (John2, John1), was born May 8, 1720. He lived at Tole-End and married Abigail Shackford, by whom he had only one child, viz.:

      i. Susanna, b. March 23, 1759.

Reuben Hayes died in 1762, at the early age of 42 years, and by his will, after a liberal provision for his wife Abigail, he gave all the residue of his estate, real and personal, to his only child
