class="item">Axe. Hematite, deeply grooved, edge polished and of great weight. Very rare. 2¼ in. thick, 3 wide, 3¼ long. Pulaski Co., Mo.
133 |
Celt. Brown hematite, polished, edge slightly broken, very rare. Pike Co., Ill. |
134 |
Celt. Edge perfect and sharp, very rare. Pike Co., Ill. |
135 |
Mammal or Cone. Brown hematite, fine and perfect, base 2⅜ in., 2 in. high. Very rare. Pike Co., Ill. |
136 |
Plummets, (so called). Brown hematite, oblong, with small groove around the top, beautiful polish, exceedingly rare. St. Clair and Pike Co., Ill. |
2 pcs |
137 |
Plummets. Same as last, but made from white limestone; also a rare relic. 1⅛ × 4 in. Illinois. |
2 pcs |
138 |
Bone awl, made from deer’s horn, pointed end, 1½ × 6 in.; another, resembles a needle. ¾ × 2½ in. Mound in Arkansas. |
2 pcs |
139 |
Animal (Fox?) carved in bone, 2/3 × 2½ in.; also carved duck 1½ in. long; each with perforation, curious. Alaska. |
2 pcs |
140 |
Relics from mound, Clay Co., N. C. Two bear’s teeth, four human teeth, shells, etc. Lot. |
141 |
Pearl Shells. Perforated in process of making into fish-hooks, fine iridescent color on one side. San Miguel Island, Cal. |
3 pcs |
142 |
Pearl Shell Ornaments. San Miguel Island, Cal. |
5 pcs |
143 |
Whetstones. Very hard stone, narrow and with pointed ends. Scarce and desirable. S. W. California. |
4 pcs |
144 |
Bird Call. Terra cotta, black, turtle-shaped with head and flippers, round hole in back, two smaller ones at the side. Curious and rare object from Indian grave near Los Angeles, Cal. |
145 |
Terra Cotta Figures. Male and female Idols in red terra cotta. Decorated in various pigments; old fractures newly mended. Height 15 and 14 in. Found in ancient water conduit near Mojave, Hackberry, Ariz. V. rare and curious. |
2 pcs |
146 |
Bone Whistle. Made from human thigh bone, the large hole at one end plugged with a black, pitchy substance. Rare and curious. Santa Barbara, Cal. |
The four following lots, domestic utensils of the ancient Cherokees, are from a mound at Edgefield, S. C, dug up by Mr. William I. Scott, of Augusta, Ga., in 1895. |
147 |
Pipe, so called, but may be a lamp. Wide bowl surrounded by nine projecting stems, each perforated and reaching into the bowl. Total width 4¼ × 1¾ in. Steatite or soapstone, rare and curious. |
148 |
Cup. Steatite, with handle and spout; rare. 3 × 4 in. |
149 |
Cup. Steatite, with handle. 4 × 2¼ in. Rare. |
150 |
Dipper or Spoon. Short handle. Steatite, perfect and rare. 3½ in. |
151 |
Small Collection of Aztec relics, brought from Mexico many years ago, by Señor Da Costa Gomez. Terra cotta figure, 4½ in.; ancient Mirrors, polished surface, convex backs, 1½ in. (2); copper Idol, 3 in.; jade Amulet, 1¼ in.; obsidian Lip ornament; green jade Ornament, perforated, 1¼ in.; polished Pendant, 1½ in.; string of polished perforated stone Beads, fine colors (7). |
15 pcs |
152 |
Amulet. Heart-shaped, small perf.; fine green stone, jade or serpentine. 4¼ in. Rare and curious. Mexico. |
153 |
Aztec Beads. A necklace of perforated stone pebbles varying in size from ½ to 1¼ in., green and mottled colors, fine polish. Rare to excess. 38 pcs. |
Lot |
154 |
Arrow Points. Five fine arrow points and four flakings, obsidian. Mexico. Fine and rare. |
9 pcs |
155 |
Neck Ornament. Aztec, of obsidian, semi-lunar, small perf. at each end for suspension, ⅝ wide, 3½ in. across. V. fine and rare. |
156 |
Silver Chalice or Temple Cup from Ancona, near Lima, Peru, time of the Incas. Height 8½ in., width across mouth 2¾ in. Very thin silver, hammered from one piece of metal; centre of cup bears impress of a human face with ears and prominent nose; fanciful zig-zag ornamentation or crown above. In absolutely perfect condition and of the highest rarity, color black from oxidation. |
157 |
Silver Chalice. Without decorative ornamentation above the face; equally fine and perfect, both marvels of workmanship of a by-gone age, black color. 6⅞ in. |
158 |
Pottery Jar. Traces of brown-colored pigment, from Chiriqui graves, Colombia, S. A. 3 × 4 in. |
159 |
Knife. Obsidian, oval shaped, finely flaked; when held to the light, shows dark, cloudy lines across its surface; very showy and rare. 5 in. Lassen Co., Cal. |
160 |
Beads. Stone Beads from grave, La Salle, Ill. Bead made from the oliva shell, which is not found nearer than the Florida coast; this specimen from Indian grave at Peoria, Ill. |
2 pcs |
161 |
Perforated stone Beads, from Lodi, Miss. 1⅜ in. |
2 pcs |
162 |
Plummet or Sinker. Blue stone. Meredith, N. H. |
163 |
Arrow Point of remarkable shape, notched on each side; the base runs to a sharp point, perfect. 1¼ × 2¾ in. |
164 |
Copper Beads. Necklace of 24½ in. beads from Indian grave. Memaloose Is., Oregon. Rare. |
165 |
Copper Beads. From 1 to 6 in. in length, ¼ in. thick (20). Flathead Indian graves. Rare lot. |
166 |
Copper Pendant. Perforated for suspension, four notches at base. Same locality as No. 164, rare. |
167 |
Copper Ornaments from graves as above; one small Bracelet, two Pendants, one long Bead with original string still in the bead. Rare. |
4 pcs |
168 |
Glass Beads. Fine necklace of the Hudson’s Bay Trading Co. beads, from Flathead Indian grave, Memaloose Is., Oregon. |
Lot |
169 |
Earrings. Long earrings, each made from about 120 dentalium shells. Brass rings for suspension, length, 14 ins., width, 1¾ in. Very curious and rare. Oregon. |