قراءة كتاب John Pettie, R.A., H.R.S.A. Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work

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‏اللغة: English
John Pettie, R.A., H.R.S.A.
Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work

John Pettie, R.A., H.R.S.A. Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">7. Ho! Ho! Old Noll!

W. J. Chrystal, Esq.   8. A Sword-and-Dagger Fight Corporation Art Gallery, Glasgow   9. Two Strings to her Bow " *10. Bonnie Prince Charlie Charles Stewart, Esq. 11. Disbanded Fine Art Institution, Dundee 12. Portrait of Sir Charles Wyndham as David Garrick Sir Charles Wyndham 13. The Clash of Steel John Jordan, Esq. 14. A Storm in a Teacup Colonel Harding 15. Grandmother's Memories Trustees of the late Alex. Rose, Esq. 16. The Chieftain's Candlesticks By permission of the late Mrs. Morten

* On the cover


Like many great painters, John Pettie was of humble origin. Born in Edinburgh in 1839, he was the son of a tradesman who, having reached some prosperity, purchased a business in the village of East Linton and moved there with his family in 1852. The boy was born with art in his blood, and Nature never intended him for the dull and respectable vocation to which his father was anxious that he should succeed. More than once, when despatched on an errand to storeroom or cellar, he was discovered making drawings on the lid of a wooden box or the top of a cask, totally oblivious of his journey and its object. A portrait of the village carrier and his donkey, done when he was a boy of fifteen, struck neighbouring critics as being almost "uncanny," and overcame even his father's objections to art as a possible career.

Greatly daring, his mother carried off her son to Edinburgh, a bundle of drawings beneath his arm, to visit Mr. James Drummond, one of the leading members of the Royal Scottish Academy. "Much better make him
