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قراءة كتاب Sheffield and its Environs 13th to the 17th century A descriptive catalogue of land charters and other documents forming the Brooke Taylor collection

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‏اللغة: English
Sheffield and its Environs 13th to the 17th century
A descriptive catalogue of land charters and other documents forming the Brooke Taylor collection

Sheffield and its Environs 13th to the 17th century A descriptive catalogue of land charters and other documents forming the Brooke Taylor collection

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

lying in the said town and fields of Over Haddon, which same messuage and eighteen acres of land, with the appurtenances, the said John his brother had from the gift and grant of Cecilie their mother by a certain charter etc. Witnesses: John de Farefeld (?) of Over Haddon, John ... of the same town, John de Gyte, Nicholas Pygges (?), Thomas de ... Vellum: one skin 10 × 3½, seal missing. Notes: this deed is in bad condition and the writing is much faded, many words and sentences being illegible; but the general outline and date are clear and doubtful names are indicated in the above abstract. One of the witnesses John de Gyte of Over Haddon is mentioned as purchaser of land in Over Bondsale 3 Hen VI (1424), in a grant abstracted in Jeayes’ “Derbyshire Charters” No 317.

Genealogy deduced.

William de Brodehurst = Cecilia
William of     John
Over Haddon        
all living except perhaps Cecilia 22 Jan 1425-6



(1426) November 6th, in the 5th year of Henry VI. Letter of attorney (Lat), dated at Ouerhaddon, from Richard son of John Walker of Ouerhaddon to William de Brodhirst senior and John his son, to give seisin to William de Brodhirst junior and Margorie his wife, in one messuage and xxvi acres of land and meadow, with the appurtenances, in Ouerhaddon, following the form and effect of a certain charter of the said John Walker to the same William de Brodhirst junior and Margorie. Vellum: one skin 12 × 1½ seal missing.

Genealogies deduced.


John Walker = ......
of Ouerhaddon      
both living 6 Nov 1426


William Brodhirst = ......
John     William = Margorie
all living 6 Nov 1426



(1565) July 12th, in the 7th year of Elizabeth. Award (Engl) of Gregorye Reyvell of Stanyngton, Robert Hawksworthe of Thornsett, Phyllyppe Morton of Ughyll and Thomas Greyve of Westnall in the countye of Yorke yomen. Reciting that where certayn debate contraversye and varyance then of late had been dependynge betwene Henry Gelat of Wygtuysle in the countye of Yorke yoman of the one partye and Henry Morton and Henry Ibotson of the same Wygtuysle in the same countye yomen of the other partye, and especyally of for and concernynge the occupacion of certayne Byredole lands in Wygtuyslee afforsayd, in so muche as bothe the sayd partyes had submytted them selffs to stand to and adyde obserue performe fullfyll and kepe the award arbytrament order rule dome and judgement of them the sayd Gregorye Reyvell etc arbytratourers indefferently electe and chosen betwene the sayd partyes to arbytrate award etc, of in for and uppon almanner of matters accyons suyts grudges trespasse quarrells detts and demaunds what so euer they be had moved styrred and in any wyse dependynge betwene the sayd partyes, frome ye begynynge of the worlde unto the day of makynge heroff for the pacyffyenge wheroff they the sayd arbytratourors had takyn uppon them the offyce and aucthoryte of arbytrament at Wygtuysle affor sayd and then and there awarded etc, in manner and form foloynge; Fyrste, we award etc, that the sayd partyes shall frome hencefurthe be faythefull lovers and friends and deale as lovynge nebors ought to do; also we award etc, that the sayd Henry Morton and hys heyrs shall at all times herafter haue hold occupye and enyoye one parcell of wodd ground wch he haythe heretofore claymed, set lyenge and beynge in a place called the nether croft and commonly called the cloyghe without let trouble or ympedyment of the sayd Henry Gelot and hys heyrs etc; and further we award etc that the sayd Henry Gelot and his heyrs shall at all tymes herafter haue hold occupye and enyoye one parcell of land lyenge in the nether end of one close called the hallowes, as yt ys now devyded and meared by hus, without vexacion let trouble or ympedyment of the sayd Henry Morton and Henry Ibotson and ther heyrs etc; and further that all other mears and balks shall at all tymes herafter be kept and used contenually as they be now appoynted by hus; and further we award that bothe the sayd partyes at all tymes herafter in tyme of mast shall gether all the mast that shall fall frome ther own trees, where so euer the same shall fortune to fall, without let etc, and that all swyne of bothe partyes in mast tyme shall have all ther swyne to go at libertye throughe out all the byredole lands, belongynge to the Town of Wygtuysle without lett or harme. Vellum: one skin 13 × 7, seals missing. Notes: the deed is indented, there are no witnesses. Mast is the fruit of beech and forest trees, food for swine.



1568 October 24th, in the 10th year of Elizabeth. Grant (Engl) made between Vincent Munday of Marketon in the county of Derby esquire and Edward Mundy (sic) gentleman, son and heir apparent of the said Vincent, of the one part and John Weston of Mackworth in the county aforesaid gentlemen of the other part; whereby the aforesaid Vincent and Edward, for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred pounds paid to the said Vincent and Edward by the said John Weston, delivered gave granted sold bargained released and confirmed to the said John Weston and his heirs executors and administrators, all that messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, situate lying and being in The Highe Frith within the parish of Alstonefield in the county of Stafford and being part parcel and member of the manor of Alstonefield aforesaid and thereafter named; following and more at large expressed; to wit all that messuage farm or tenement called Hawkesyarde or otherwise Hawkesearthe, then in the tenure or occupation of Raphe Bradburye and Maud his wife: then follows a full description of the outbuildings lands etc, with extracts from the deed of covenant of the 15th May 1399 hereinbefore abstracted and a full copy of which grant is given in the appendix hereto. Witnesses: John Walker, Thomas Mundye gent, Thomas Brunt, John Oakes yeoman
