href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@37272@[email protected]#Page_59" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">59
Sign-board of Washington Hotel, Salem, Mass. Owned by Essex Institute |
63 |
Sign-board of Hays’ Tavern, West Brattleboro, Vt. |
65 |
Cooper Tavern, Arlington, Mass. |
68 |
Travellers’ Rest, Shelbyville, Ky., 1783 |
71 |
Miller’s Tavern, Lancaster, Penn. |
73 |
Ellery Tavern, front, Gloucester, Mass. |
79 |
Ellery Tavern, lean-to, Gloucester, Mass. |
83 |
Bill of Cromwell’s Head Tavern, Boston, Mass. Owned by Mrs. H. M. Hunt, Kingston, R. I. |
facing |
86 |
Bill of Fare of City Hotel, Hartford, Conn. Owned by Mr. George F. Ives, Danbury, Conn. |
89 |
Platter, Mendenhall Ferry and Tavern, Schuylkill River, Penn. Owned by Miss Frances C. Morse, Worcester, Mass. |
93 |
Collin’s Tavern, Naugatuck, Conn. Photographed by Mr. George C. Atwell, Hartford, Conn. |
97 |
Old Rum Bottles |
102 |
Burgoyne Tavern, Westfield, Mass. |
106 |
Tavern Pitcher, Happy Farmer, Crouch Ware |
109 |
Flip Glasses, Loggerhead and Toddy Stick. Owned by Pocumtuck Valley Historical Association |
110 |
Porcelain Monteith Bowl, 1700 |
115 |
Punch Bowl, bearing Insignia of Order of the Cincinnati, Chinese Ware |
117 |
Sign-board of Amherst Hotel, Amherst, Mass. From History of Amherst |
123 |
Eagle Tavern and Sign-board, Newton, N. H. |
126 |
Cider Pitcher and Cups, Copper Lustre Ware |
129 |
Parsons’ Tavern, Springfield, Mass. |
131 |
Toby Fillpots, Staffordshire Ware. Owned by Miss Frances C. Morse, Worcester, Mass. |
134 |
Flip Glasses and Nutmeg Holders. Owned by Miss Frances C. Morse, Worcester, Mass. |
136 |
Sign-board, Stratton Tavern, Northfield Farms, Mass. Owned by Pocumtuck Valley Historical Association |
140 |
Sign-board, Three Crowns Tavern, Salisbury, Lancaster County, Penn. Painted by Benjamin West |
143 |
Browne’s Hall, Danvers, Mass. |
145 |
Hat Tavern and Sign-board, Leacock Township, Lancaster County, Penn. Sign-board painted by Benjamin West |