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قراءة كتاب Vacation Verse

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Vacation Verse

Vacation Verse

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 8

words, the pleasing song she sung—
    'Tis melody will charm me more and more,
'Tis music that will keep my spirit young,
'Tis joyance in my soul, though jarring on my tongue.

I've hummed the music after thee as well
    As changing tones of youth allowed, and fear,
And vexing sprites that choke the upward swell.
    But yet, perchance, some bosom it may cheer,
    By recollection making thee more dear
To those who've drunk thy music at its spring,
    To some, mayhap, who never learned to hear,—
Alas! poor, wretched souls!—its sound may bring
Some semblance of thy strain, some wish to hear thee sing.

What though I have expounded nothing new,
    And traced, I trow, unworthily the old?
Song is no mystic science.—Men may do
    Strange things in other spheres, and may unfold
    Secrets unthought, tell tales before untold;
But what thou wilt, the bard; nor less, nor more.
    And to the mind informed in Nature's mould
Thou has revealed thyself—the same of yore,
The same to-day thou art, and shalt be evermore.

Let them who will, content themselves to sing
    In trifling pageantry and gilt array,
To pluck the song-beads from the shimmering string
    That skirts thy robe. But such my soul doth sway
    As makes me hang upon thy breast and say
"I love thee!"—as a mistress?—then mine own;
    Blindly and recklessly?—some future day,
Mine eye, from thine clearer and stronger grown,
May thrid the straggling stars and search the deepening dawn.

O, make my soul an argosy of song,
    Tranquilly floating on a sea of peace,
As with her rowers beautiful and strong
    Some trireme bears among the Isles of Greece
    With music-muffled oars! Give safe release
From murky moorings, storms, and rocks that jar,
    And let its pearls in purity increase,
Until with singing sails it cross the bar
To melt in golden waves with gems of many a star!
