قراءة كتاب Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings How to Knit Them With Plain and Fancy Turnover Tops

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‏اللغة: English
Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings
How to Knit Them With Plain and Fancy Turnover Tops

Cycling and Shooting Knickerbocker Stockings How to Knit Them With Plain and Fancy Turnover Tops

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

title="[Pg 20]"/>

5th round.—Knit plain side needles, rib the instep.

6th round.—Same as 1st.

Repeat 5th and 6th rounds until you have only 16 stitches left on 1st side needle, 23 on instep, 17 stitches on 2nd side needle. In all 56 stitches.

Repeat 6th round until your foot measures, including heel, 8½ inches.


This is all knitted plain. Prepare for it by knitting to end of instep needle on same needle, knit 3 stitches off next needle. Knit plain next needle. 3rd needle. Knit plain to within 2 stitches of end, slip these two on to instep needle. You will have 28 stitches on instep needle, 28 on the back needles.

To decrease the Toe.—Knit

1st round.—Instep needle. K 2, knit 2 together, knit to within 4 of end, when knit 2 together, k 2. Next needle. K 2, knit 2 together, knit to end. 3rd needle. Knit to within 4 of end, when knit 2 together, k 2.

2nd, 3rd and 4th rounds.—Knit all.

Repeat these four rounds twice more.

13th round.—Same as 1st.

14th and 15th rounds.—Knit all.

Repeat 13th, 14th and 15th rounds once more.

19th round.—Same as 1st.

Repeat this round until you have only 8 stitches left on your instep needle, and 8 on the back needles. Slip the 8 on back needles all on one needle. Cast off by knitting back and front needles together in the usual way.


Cast on same number of stitches as for Fancy Top. Rib, that is, k 5, p 2 alternately, a length of nine inches. (Follow directions from "Increasing for Calf.")


This top can be knitted as a change with either stocking leg. Same quantity of wool required.

With stocking wool cast on 78 stitches, 26 on each needle. Knit 4 rounds of k 1, p 1 alternately.

5th round.—* Slip 1 (taking it off as if purled, that is, putting the needle-point through the loop from right to left. All slipped stitches in this pattern are to be worked in this way). Knit 2 together; repeat from *. Knit loosely, not to draw the wool tight.

6th round.—* Throw wool over needle twice from back to the front, purl 1. This purled stitch is the slipped one of previous round. With wool still in front of needle slip 1 (the knit 2 together of last round), after which pass the wool to the back. Repeat from *.

7th round.—Knit plain, letting the thrown over twice wool drop, and knit it as one stitch. To make sure you have done this correctly, count over your stitches; there should be 26 on each needle.

Coloured stripe.—8th round, knit all.

9th round.—Same as 5th.

10th round.—Same as 6th.

11th round.—Same as 7th.

These four rounds constitute the pattern. With wool your stocking is knitted; repeat these four rounds twice, that is, 8 rounds.

Coloured stripe.—Repeat pattern three times.

Fancy Top No. 3

Stocking wool.—Repeat pattern twice.

Coloured stripe.—Repeat pattern once, break off coloured wool.

Stocking wool.—Repeat pattern once.

Knit 1, purl 1 alternately until your top measures 6 inches from casting on.

The rest of stocking knit according to receipt No. 1. (See directions for Stocking Leg.)

Fancy Top No. 4


This is a very simple but effective top.
