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قراءة كتاب Etidorhpa; or, The End of Earth. The Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the Account of a Remarkable Journey

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‏اللغة: English
Etidorhpa; or, The End of Earth.
The Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the Account of a Remarkable Journey

Etidorhpa; or, The End of Earth. The Strange History of a Mysterious Being and the Account of a Remarkable Journey

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

savant, who flourished in 1762, contributes an exhaustive work on the "Flora of the Antilles." He is antedated many years, however, by Dr. John Clayton, who is termed Johannes Claytonus, and Dr. John Frederick Gronovius. These gentlemen collated a work entitled the "Flora of Virginia," which is among the first descriptions of botany in the United States. Two venerable works are those of Mattioli, an Italian writer, who gave his knowledge to the world in 1586, and Levinus Lemnius, who wrote "De Miraculis Occultis Naturæ" in 1628. The father of modern systematized botany is conceded to be Mons. J. P. Tournefort, whose comprehensive work was published in 1719. It is the fortune of Mr. Lloyd to possess an original edition in good condition. His "Histoire des Plantes," Paris (1698), is also on the shelves. In the modern department of the library are the leading French and German works. Spanish and Italian authors are also on the shelves, the Lloyd collection of Spanish flora being among the best extant. Twenty-two volumes of rice paper, bound in bright yellow and stitched in silk, contain the flora of Japan. All the leaves are delicately tinted by those unique flower-painters, the Japanese. This rare work was presented to the Lloyd library by Dr. Charles Rice, of New York, who informed the Lloyds that only one other set could be found in America.

One of the most noted books in the collection of J. U. Lloyd is a Materia Medica written by Dr. David Schoepf, a learned German scholar, who traveled through this country in 1787. But a limited number of copies were printed, and but few are extant. One is in the Erlangen library in Germany. This Mr. Lloyd secured, and had it copied verbatim. In later years Dr. Charles Rice obtained an original print, and exchanged it for that copy. A like work is that of Dr. Jonathan Carver of the provincial troops in America, published in London in 1796. It treats largely of Canadian materia medica. Manasseh Cutler's work, 1785, also adorns this part of the library. In addition to almost every work on this subject, Mr. Lloyd possesses complete editions of the leading serials and pharmaceutical lists published in the last three quarters of a century. Another book, famous in its way, is Barton's "Collections Toward a Materia Medica of the United States," published in 1798, 1801, and 1804.

Several noted botanists and chemists have visited the library in recent years. Prof. Flueckiger formed the acquaintance of the Lloyds through their work, "Drugs and Medicines of North America," being struck by the exhaustive references and foot-notes. Students and lovers of the old art of copper-plate engraving especially find much in the ornate title pages and portraits to please their æsthetic sense. The founders are not miserly, and all students and delvers into the medical and botanical arts are always welcome. This library of rare books has been collected without ostentation and with the sole aim to benefit science and humanity. We must not neglect to state that the library is especially rich in books pertaining to the American Eclectics and Thomsonians. Since it has been learned that this library is at the disposal of students and is to pass intact to some worthy institution of learning, donations of old or rare books are becoming frequent.


Prologue—History of Llewellyn Drury, 1


  • I. Home of Llewellyn Drury—"Never Less Alone than When Alone," 3
  • II. A Friendly Conference with Prof. Chickering, 16
  • III. A Second Interview with the Mysterious Visitor, 23
  • IV. A Search for Knowledge—The Alchemistic Letter, 35
  • V. The Writing of "My Confession," 44
  • VI. Kidnapped, 46
  • VII. A Wild Night—I am Prematurely Aged, 55
  • VIII. A Lesson in Mind Study, 63
  • IX. I Can Not Establish My Identity, 67
  • X. My Journey Towards the End of Earth Begins—The Adepts Brotherhood, 74
  • XI. My Journey Continues—Instinct, 80
  • XII. A Cavern Discovered—Biswell's Hill, 84
  • XIII. The Punch Bowls and Caverns of Kentucky—"Into the Unknown Country," 89
  • XIV. Farewell to God's Sunshine—"The Echo of the Cry," 99
  • XV. A Zone of Light, Deep Within the Earth, 105
  • XVI. Vitalized Darkness—The Narrows in Science, 109
  • XVII. The Fungus Forest—Enchantment, 119
  • XVIII. The Food of Man, 123
  • XIX. The Cry from a Distance—I Rebel Against Continuing the Journey,
