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قراءة كتاب Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653)

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Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653)

Divine Songs and Meditacions (1653)

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2


were summond up, by want of wakeing mind,

Their wonted course of exercise to keep,

And not to waste themselves in slumber deep;

Though no work can bee so from error kept

But some against it boldly will except:

Yet sith it was my morning exercise

The fruit of intellectuals to vent,

In Songs or counterfets of Poesies,

And haveing therein found no small content,

To keep that course my thoughts are therfore bent,

And rather former workes to vindicate

Than any new conception to relate.

Our glorious God his creatures weaknesse sees,

And therefore deales with them accordingly,

Giveing the meanes of knowledg by degrees,

Vnfoulding more and more the Mystery,

And opening the Seales successively, Rev. 6.

So of his goodnesse gives forth demonstracions,

To his Elect in divers Dispensacions.

In legall wise hee did himself expresse

To be the only Lord Omnipotent

A just avenger of all wickednesse,

A jelous God in power emminent,

Which terror workes, and pale astonishment;

Sith plagues for sin are holden forth thereby,

But with no strength to crush inniquity.

Now with the Law the Gospell oft appeares,

But under vailes, perspicuous unto few

Who were as those which of good tydings heares,

Rejoyceing much at the report or show

Of that the Saints now by possessing know;

Oft spake the Prophets Evangelicall,

Whose words like kindly drops of rain did fall.

But when the plenerie of time was come

The springs of grace their plesant streams out deald

Felicitie did evidence on her some

Salvacion and the way thereto reveald,

Who wounded were in spirit, might be heald;

Here God declares the Beauties of his Face,

Great Love, rich Mercy, free Eternall Grace.

This time was when the Sonne of Righteousnesse

His Luster in the world began to spread,

Which more and more to his he doth expresse

In tearms so large that they that run may read,

And to himselfe he doth the weaker lead;

He to his bosum will his Lambs collect,

And gently those that feeble are direct. Isa. 40. 11

And so in them a life of grace instill

Whereby they shall be able to obay

All Gospell precepts suting with his will,

And that without regard of servill pay,

But with free hearts, where Christ alone doth sway

Causing the apprehensions of his love,

To gender love, which still doth active prove.

Where Christ thus ruleth, I suppose remaines

No heart that hankers after Novelties

Whose ground is but the Scum of frothy braines

Perhaps extracted from old Heresies,

New formd with Glosses to deceive the eyes

Of those who like to Children, do incline

To every new device that seemes to shine.

I am perswaded they that relish right,

The Dainties of Religion, Food divine,

Have therby such a permanent delight,

And of best Treasures, such a lasting mine,

As that their hearts to change do not incline,

I therfore think theyr tastes of Truth is ill,

Who Truths profession, quickly alter will.

I speak not this to manifest despight

To tru Religions growth or augmentacion,

Nor do I take offence of greater Light

Which brings probatum est, or commendacion

From Truth it selfe, having therto relacion,

But rather with the Saints I doe rejoyce,

When God appeares to his in Gospel-voyce.

Now touching that I hasten to expresse

Concerning these, the ofspring of my mind,

Who though they here appeare in homly dresse

And as they are my works, I do not find

But ranked with others, they may go behind,

Yet for theyr matter, I suppose they bee

Not worthlesse quite, whilst they with Truth agree.

Indeed I grant that sounder judgments may

(Directed by a greater Light) declare

The ground of Truth more in a Gospel-way,

But who time past with present will compare

Shall find more mysteries unfolded are,

So that they may who have right informacion

More plainly shew the path-way to Salvacion.

Yet this cannot prevayl to hinder me

From publishing those Truths I do intend,

As strong perfumes will not concealed be,

And who esteemes the favours of a Freind,

So little, as in silence let them end,

Nor will I therfore only keep in thought,

But tell what God still for my Soule hath wrought.

When Clouds of Melancholy over-cast

My heart, sustaining heavinesse therby,

But long that sad condicion would not last

For soon the Spring of Light would blessedly

Send forth a beam, for helps discovery,

Then dark discomforts would give place to joy,

Which not the World could give or quite destroy.

So sorrow serv’d but as springing raine

To ripen fruits, indowments of the minde,

VVho thereby did abillitie attaine

To send forth flowers, of so rare a kinde,

VVhich wither not by force of Sun or VVinde:

Retaining vertue in their operacions,

VVhich are the matter of those Meditacions.

From whence if evill matter be extracted

Tis only by a spider generacion,

Whose natures are of vennom so compacted,

As that their touch occasions depravacion

Though lighting in the fragrantest plantacion:

Let such conceale the evill hence they pluck

And not disgorg themselves of what they suck.

So shall they not the humble sort offend

Who like the Bee, by natures secret act

Convert to sweetnesse, fit for some good end

That which they from small things of worth extract,

Wisely supplying every place that lackt,

By helping to discover what was meant

Where they perceive there is a good intent.

So trusting that the only Sov’rain Power

Which in this work alwaies assisted mee,

Will still remain its firme defensive Tower,

From spite of enemies the same to free

And make it useful in some sort to bee,

That Rock I trust on whom I doe depend,

Will his and all their works for him defend.

A Song expressing their happinesse who have Communion with Christ.

When scorched with distracting care,

My minde finds out a shade

Which fruitlesse Trees, false fear, dispair

And melancoly made,

Where neither bird did sing

Nor fragrant flowers spring,

Nor any plant of use:

No sound of happynesse,

Had there at all ingresse,

Such comforts to produce,

But Sorrow there frequents,

The Nurce of Discontents,

And Murmering her Mayd

Whose harsh unpleasant noise

All mentall fruits destroyes

Whereby delight’s convayd.

Whereof my judgment being certifide

My mind from thence did move,

For her conception so to provide,

That it might not abortive prove,

VVhich fruit to signifie

It was conceaved by

Most true intelligence

Of this sweet truth divine

Who formed thee is thine, Esay. 54. 5

Whence sprang this inference;

He too, thats Lord of all

Will thee beloved call,

Though all else prove unkind;

Then chearfull may I sing

Sith I enjoy the Spring,

Though Sesterns dry I find.

For in our Vnion with the Lord alone,

Consists our happinesse.

Certainly such who are with Christ at one

He leaves not comfortlesse.

But come to them he will

Their Souls with joy to fill.

And them to Fortifie

Their works to undergo

And beare their Crosse also,

VVith much alacrity:

VVho his assisting grace

Do feelingly imbrace,

VVith confidence may say,

Through Christ that strengthens me

No thing so hard I see Phil. 4. 14

But what perform I may.

But when the Soul no help can see

Through sins interposicion,

Then quite forlorn that while is she,

Bewailling her condicion;

In which deplored case

Now such a Soul hath space,

To think how she delayd

Her Saviour to admit

Who shu’d to her for it,

And to this purpose sayd,

Open to me my Love,

My Sister, and my Dove, Can. 5

My Locks with dew wet are

Yet she remissive grew,

Till he himselfe with-drew

Before she was aware.

But tasting once how sweet he is,

And smelling his perfumes,

Long can she not his presence misse,

But griefe her strainth consumes:

For when he visits one

He cometh not alone,

But brings abundant grace

True Light, and Holynesse

And Spirit to expresse

Ones wants in every case;

For as he wisedome is,

So is he unto his

VVisedome and Purity, 1 Cor. 1.30

Which when he seemes to hide,

The soul missing her guide,

Must needs confused lie.

Then let them know, that would enjoy

The firme fruition,

Of his Sweet presence, he will stay

With single hearts alone,

Who but their former mate,

Doe quite exterminate:

With all things that defile

They that are Christs, truly,

The Flesh do Crucifie

With its affections vile Gal. 5.

Then grounds of truth are sought

New Principles are wrought

Of grace and holinesse,

Which plantings of the heart

Will spring in every part,

And so it selfe expresse.

Then shall the Soul like morning bright

Vnto her Lord appeare, Can. 6.10

And as the Moone when full of Light

So fayr is she and cleare,

With that inherent grace

Thats darted from the Face

Of Christ, that Sunne divine,

Which hath a purging power

Corruption to devour,

And Conscience to refine;

Perfection thus begun

As pure as the Sonne,

The Soul shall be likewise

With that great Blessednesse,

Imputed Righteoussenesse

Which freely Justifies.

They that are thus compleat with Grace

And know that they are so,

For Glory must set Sayle apace

Whilst wind doth fitly blow,

Now is the tide of Love,

Now doth the Angell move;

If that there be defect

That Soul which sin doth wound,

Here now is healing found,

If she no time neglect;

To whom shall be reveald

What erst hath been conceald,

When brought unto that Light,

Which in the Soul doth shine

When he thats most divine,

Declares his presence bright.

Then he will his beloved shew

The reason wherefore she

Is seated in a place so low,

Not from all troubles free;

And wherefore they do thrive

That wicked works contrive;

Christ telleth his also

For who as friends he takes

He of his Councell makes,

And they shall secrets know: Iohn 15.15

Such need not pine with cares

Seeing all things are theirs,

If they are Christs indeed; Cor. 3.21.

Therefore let such confesse

They are not comfortlesse,

Nor left in time of Need.

A Song shewing the Mercies of God to his people, by interlacing cordiall Comforts with fatherly Chastisments.

As in the time of Winter

The Earth doth fruitlesse and barren lie,

Till the Sun his course doth run

Through Aries, Taurus, Gemini;

Then he repayres what Cold did decay,

Drawing superfluous moistures away,

And by his luster, together with showers,
