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قراءة كتاب Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

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Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action

Man and Nature; Or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

—— Raccolta di Documenti sul Bonificamento delle Maremmo Toscane. Firenze, 1861. 8vo.

—— Rapporto sul Bonificamento delle Maremmo Toscane. Firenze, 1859. 8vo.

—— Rapporto sulle Operazioni Idrauliche ed Economiche eseguite nel 1859-'60 nelle Maremmo Toscane. Firenze, 1860. 8vo.

Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey begun An. Dom. 1610. London, 1627. Folio.

Schacht, H. Les Arbres, Études sur leur Structure et leur Végétation, traduit par E. Morren. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1862. 8vo.

Schleiden, M. J. Die Landenge von Suês. Leipzig, 1858. 8vo.

—— Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. Leipzig, 1848. 8vo.

Schubert, W. von. Resa genom Sverige, Norrige, Lappland, etc. Stockholm, 1823. 3 vols. 8vo.

Seneca, L. A. Opera Omnia quæ supersunt, ex rec. Ruhkopf. Aug. Taurinorum, 1831. 6 vols. 8vo.

Simonde, J. E. L. Tableau de l'Agriculture Toscane. Genève, 1801. 8vo.

Smith, Dr. William. A Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1860. 3 vols. 8vo.

—— A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. London, 1854, 1857. 2 vols. 8vo.

Smith, John. Historie of Virginia. London, 1624. Folio.

Somerville, Mary. Physical Geography. Fifth edition. London, 1862. 12mo.

Springer, John S. Forest-Life and Forest-Trees. New York, 1851. 12mo.

Stanley, Dr. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. London, 1863. 8vo.

Staring, W. H. De Bodem van Nederland. Haarlem, 1856. 2 vols. 8vo.

—— Voormaals en Thans. Haarlem, 1858. 8vo.

Stevens, Gov. Report in Pacific Railroad Report, vol. xii.

Strain, Lieut. I. C. Darien Exploring Expedition, by J. T. Headley, in Harper's Magazine. New York, March, April, and May, 1855.

Streffleur, V. Ueber die Natur und die Wirkungen der Wildbäche. Sitz. Ber. der M. N. W. Classe der Kaiserl. Akad. der Wis. February, 1852, viii, p. 248.

Ström, Isr. Om Skogarnas Vård och Skötsel. Upsala, 1853. Pamphlet.

Surell, Alexandre. Étude sur les Torrents des Hautes Alpes. Paris, 1844. 4to.

Tartini, Ferdinando. Memorie sul Bonificamento delle Maremme Toscane. Firenze, 1838. Folio.

Thomas and Baldwin. Gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1855. 1 vol. 8vo.

Thompson, Z. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical. Burlington, 1842. 8vo.

—— Appendix to History of Vermont. Burlington, 1853. 8vo.

Titcomb, Timothy. Lessons in Life. New York, 1861. 12mo.

Treadwell, Dr. Observations of, quoted from Report of Commissioner of Patents.

Troy, Paul. Étude sur le Reboisement des Montagnes. Paris et Toulouse, 1861. 8vo. pamphlet.

Tschudi, Friedrich von. Ueber die Landwirthschaftliche Bedeutung der Vögel. St. Gallen, 1854. 12mo.

Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in Peru. New York, 1848. 8vo.

Vallès, M. F. Études sur les Inondations, leurs causes et leurs effets. Paris, 1857. 8vo.

Valvasor, Johann Weichard. Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain. Laybach, 1689. 4 vols. folio.

Van Lennep. Extracts from Journal of, in the Missionary Herald.

Vaupell, Chr. Bögens Indvandring i de Danske Skove. Kjöbenhavn, 1857. 8vo.

—— De Nordsjællandske Skovmoser. Kjöbenhavn, 1851. 4to. pamphlet.

Venema, G. A. Over het Dalen van de Noordelijke Kuststreken van ons Land. Groningen, 1854. 8vo.

Villa, Antonio Giovanni Batt. Necessità dei Boschi nella Lombardia. Milano, 1850. 4to.

Viollet, J. B. Théorie des Puits Artésiens. Paris, 1840. 8vo.

Walterhausen, W. Sartorius von. Ueber den Sicilianischen Ackerbau. Göttingen, 1863.

Webster, Noah. A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary, and Moral Subjects. New York, 1843. 8vo.

Wessely, Joseph. Die Oesterreichischen Alpenländer und ihre Forste. Wien, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo.

Wetzstein, J. G. Reisebericht über Hauran und die Trachonen. Berlin, 1860. 8vo.

Wild, Albert. Die Niederlande. Leipzig, 1862. 2 vols. 8vo.

Wilhelm, Gustav. Der Boden und das Wasser. Wien, 1861. 8vo.

Williams, Dr. History of Vermont. 2 vols. 8vo.

Wittwer, W. C. Die Physikalische Geographie. Leipzig, 1855. 8vo.

Young, Arthur. Voyages en France, pendant les années 1787, 1788, 1789, précédée d'une introduction par Lavergne. Paris, 1860. 2 vols. 12mo.

—— Voyages en Italie et en Espagne, pendant les années 1787, 1789. Paris, 1860. 1 vol. 12mo.




Natural Advantages of the Territory of the Roman Empire—Physical Decay of that Territory and of other parts of the Old World—Causes of the Decay—New School of Geographers—Reaction of Man upon Nature—Observation of Nature—Cosmical and Geological Influences—Geographical Influence of Man—Uncertainty of our Meteorological Knowledge—Mechanical Effects produced by Man on the surface of the Earth—Importance and Possibility of Physical Restoration—Stability of Nature—Restoration of Disturbed Harmonies—Destructiveness of Man—Physical Improvement—Human and Brute Action Compared—Forms and Formations most liable to Physical Degradation—Physical Decay of New Countries—Corrupt Influence of Private Corporations, Note, 1



Modern Geography embraces Organic Life—Transfer of Vegetable Life—Foreign Plants grown in the United States—American Plants grown in Europe—Modes of Introduction of Foreign Plants—Vegetables, how affected by transfer to Foreign Soils—Extirpation of Vegetables—Origin of Domestic Plants—Organic Life as a Geological and Geographical Agency—Origin and Transfer of Domestic Animals—Extirpation of Animals—Numbers of Birds in the United States—Birds as Sowers and Consumers of Seeds, and as Destroyers of Insects—Diminution and Extirpation of Birds—Introduction of Birds—Utility of Insects and Worms—Introduction of Insects—Destruction of Insects—Reptiles—Destruction of Fish—Introduction and Breeding of Fish—Extirpation of Aquatic Animals—Minute Organisms, 57



The Habitable Earth originally Wooded—The Forest does not furnish Food for Man—First Removal of the Woods—Effects of Fire on Forest Soil—Effects of the Destruction of the Forest—Electrical Influence of Trees—Chemical Influence of the
