href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@38941@[email protected]#ILL_221" class="pginternal" tag="{}a">Purgatory Bluff
Whitehall |
Washington Park, Newport |
D'Estaing |
Earl Howe |
Rochambeau |
Rochambeau's Head-quarters |
Louis XVI |
Military Map of Rhode Island, 1778 |
Lafayette |
Baron Vioménil |
Trinity Church, Newport |
Chastellux |
Lauzun |
Mathieu Dumas |
Deux-Ponts |
De Barras |
Latour D'Auvergne |
Tail-piece |
Graves on the Bluff, Fort Road |
Tombstones, Newport Cemetery |
Perry's Monument |
Oliver Hazard Perry |
Friends' Meeting-house |
George Fox |
Charles Lee |
Mount Hope |
The Glen |
A Rhode Island Windmill |
William Barton |
Silas Talbot |
Prescott's Head-quarters |
Agricultural Prosperity |
From Butts's Hill, looking North |
Quaker Hill, from Butts's Hill, looking North |
Battle-ground of August 29, 1778 |
King Philip, from an old Print |
Inscription on Dighton Rock |
Old Leonard House, Raynham |
New London in 1813 |
public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@38941@[email protected]#ILL_261" class="pginternal"