قراءة كتاب Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836 Volume I. - Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826-1830

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836
Volume I. - Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826-1830

Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836 Volume I. - Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826-1830

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

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Patagonian Frontispiece. Monte Video to face page 1 Distant View of Mount Sarmiento (with two other views) 26 Curious Peak—Admiralty Sound (with other views) 52 Patagonian 'toldo' and tomb 94 Monte Video Mole 105 Rio de Janeiro 106 Fuegian Wigwams at Hope Harbour, in the Magdalen Channel 126 Monte Video—Custom-House 187 Corcovado Mountain 188 Mount Sarmiento 252 San Carlos de Chilóe 275 Breast Ploughing in Chilóe 287 Point Arena—Chilóe (with other views) 300 South West opening of Cockburn Channel (with views of Headlands) 407 Wollaston Island, near Cape Horn 433 Chart of a part of South America, by Captain P. P. King 463
Note.—The loose Plates are to be folded into pockets in the covers of the volumes.



Page 76, line 4 from bottom, for lying, read being.

118, Heading, line 4, for Beagle sailed, read Beagle sails.

123, line 17, insert narrow, before and shoal.

164, line 23, instead of the, read our.

174, line 6, for cuts, read cut.

193, line 5, for have, read had.

223, (Note) line 2 from bottom, for they, read he.

229, line 9, for was, read were.

265, line 8, after day, insert a colon instead of a comma.

273, line 21, after as well, insert as.

301, line 23, for Lieutenants Skyring and Graves again took with them, read Lieutenant Skyring again took with him.

411, line 2, dele the.

437, line 16, for contiue, read continue.

443, line 19, for wit, read with.

462, line 21, for Santa Catalina, read Santa Catharina.

473, line 17, after which is, insert a.

481, bottom line, for 53. 32. 30, read 53. 52. 30.

485, line 7, (of positions) for 53. 31, read 53. 51.

—— bottom line, for 11. 51, read 3. 26.

488, line 9, for Northern, read Southern.

489, line 4 from bottom, for 46. 03, read 46. 30; and for 40. 50, read 40. 05.

490, line 6, for 50°, read 49°.

491, line 6, for 36. 56, read 36. 16.

493, line 9, for 54. 30. 00, read 54. 05. 20; and for 73. 1. 30, read 73. 25. 30.

526, for Variation, read Dip.


529, line 8, for Harlau read Harlan.

531, line 6, for Keroda read Kerodon.


532, line 1, for Dumérel, read Duméril.

—— line 7, for Miloago, read Milvago.

—— line 19, for Sparoerius, read Sparverius.

533, line 16, dele Spix.

—— bottom line, for Silvia, read Sylvia, and in next page the same.

534, line 12, dele Fursa, Veillot.

—— line 10 from bottom, for Smaragdimis, read Smaragdinus.

536, line 9 from bottom, for Strutheo, read Struthio.

—— line 6 from bottom, for rinacea, read binacea.

537, line 14, for Totamus, read Totanus.

538, line 5, for subtas, read subtus.

—— lower lines, where Hœmatopus occurs, read Hæmatopus.

540, last line, for meneque, read mineque; and for pariè, read parcè.

541, line 12, for Catarrhoctes, read Catarrhactes.

—— line 2 from bottom, for ud, read ad.

543, line 13, for gracillimus, read gracillimis.


545, last line, for brachyptera, read brachypterus; for Patachonica, read Patachonicus.
