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قراءة كتاب Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

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Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

Cooley's Cyclopædia of Practical Receipts and Collateral Information in the Arts, Manufactures, Professions, and Trades..., Sixth Edition, Volume I

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

and formulæ, hitherto wholly unknown, or but partially developed, with various

improved plans of factories, laboratories, ventilation, &c., which the limits of this work will not permit me to describe in its pages, but on which I should be happy to communicate with parties interested in the same. Persons desirous of establishing any new branch of manufacture, or of improving an existing one, or of determining the purity or value of articles of food, wines, liqueurs, medicines, &c., or of obtaining formulæ or processes which are not contained in this work, may, in like manner, have their wishes complied with, by enclosing to me samples, or the requisite information.



John Attfield, Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S., Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
J. Wortley Axe, P.C.V.M.S., Professor of Histology in the Royal Veterinary College.
Lloyd Bullock, F.I.C., F.C.S.
E. L. Barret, B.Sc., F.I.C., F.C.S.
E. Canton, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital.
Spencer Cobbold, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Parasitology and Botany in the Royal Veterinary College.
Stephen Darby, F.C.S.
Dr De Vrij, of the Hague.
John Gardner, F.I.C., F.C.S.
William Harkness, F.I.C., F.C.S., F.R.M.S., Assistant Chemist in the Laboratory of the Inland Revenue Department, Somerset House.
C. W. Heaton, F.I.C., F.C.S., Lecturer on Chemistry at the Charing Cross Hospital.
Edmund Neison, F.I.C., F.C.S.
William Pritchard, Professor of Anatomy in the Royal Veterinary College.
A. E. Sansom, M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P., Physician to the Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest.
J. B. Simonds, Principal of, and Professor of Pathology in, the Royal Veterinary College.
John Spiller, F.I.C., F.C.S.
John Stenhouse, LL.D., F.R.S., formerly Lecturer on chemistry in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.


These, for the most part, consist of the first syllable, or the initial letter or letters of the words they stand for. As Prep., preparation; Pur., purity; Purif., purification; Obs., observations; Var., varieties, &c.—Ph., stands for pharmacopœia; B. P., for British Pharmacopœia; Ind. Ph., for Indian Pharmacopœia; Cod., for Codex.—L., E., D., P., U. S., &c., associated with the last two abbreviations, are the initial letters of the cities and countries which produced the respective works; as, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris, United States, &c. When no dates are given, the last editions of the pharmacopœias are referred to.

lb., oz., dr., respectively represent the pound, ounce, and drachm (18 oz.), Avoirdupois weight. This is the only weight employed in the British and last Dublin Pharmacopœias.

lb., oz., dr., and gr., refer to the pound, ounce, drachm, and grain, Apothecaries’ or Troy weight.

The word ‘drop’ in all cases indicates a measured drop or minim.

The names of individuals which appear in this work are those to whom the immediately attached information or formula is usually attributed, or on whose recommendation or authority it has been selected.

′     denotes the accented vowel or syllable.
′′     that the following consonant coalesces with the preceding letter in utterance.
†     that the name or the definition to which it is attached is ‘obsolete,’
*     that the name or the definition to which it is attached is ‘obsolescent,’ little used, or objectionable.
‡     that the name or the definition to which it is attached is ‘colloquial,’ or popular, or used only in trade.
§     that the name or the definition to which it is attached is ‘vulgar,’




A-, ab-, abs-. [L.] In composition, from, denoting distance, departure, separation, or opposition; as in aberration, abstraction, abnormal, &c.

A-, an-. [Gr.] In composition, no, not, without, denoting the absence or loss of some quality or thing; as in achromatic, anhydrous, amorphous, &c.

AB′ACA (kăh). A species of vegetable fibre, of several varieties, obtained in the Philippine Islands, and remarkable for its brilliancy, strength, and durability. The finer kinds are woven into muslins, and other delicate fabrics; the coarser are formed into mats, cordage, and sail-cloth. It has been recently employed in Paris for the manufacture of various articles of furniture and dress; including bonnets, tapestry, carpets, network, hammocks, &c. The fibre, and fabrics made of it, may be bleached and dyed in a similar manner to flax and linen.

ABATTOIR. A public slaughter-house for cattle, &c., usually erected within the walls or precincts of a continental town or city.

ABBREVIATION. One or more of the earlier letters of a word used to express the whole.

1. Abbreviations in general use:—

A.B., Bachelor of Arts.

A.D., In the year of our Lord.

A.I.C., Associate of the Institute of Chemistry.

A.I.C.E., Associate of the Institute of Civil Engineers.

A.M., Master of Arts.—Before noon.

A.R.A., Associate of the Royal Academy.

B.A., Bachelor of Arts.

Bart., Baronet.

B.C., Before Christ.

B.D., Bachelor of Divinity.

B.Sc., Bachelor of Science.

C.B., Companion of the Bath.

C.E., Civil Engineer.

C.S., Civil Service.

D.C.L., Doctor of Civil Laws.

D.D., Doctor of Divinity.

D.G., By the Grace of God.

Dr., Doctor.—Debtor.

D.Sc., Doctor of Science.

D.V., God willing.

Ed., Editor, or Edition.

e.g., for example.

F.C.P., Fellow of the College of Preceptors.

F.C.S., Fellow of the Chemical Society.

F.G.S., Fellow of the Geological Society.

F.I.C., Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry.

F.L.S., Fellow of the Linnean Society.

F.R.A.S., Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

F.R.C.P., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

F.R.C.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

F.R.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal Society.

F.R.S.E., Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

H.M.S., Her Majesty’s Ship.

H.R.H., His (or Her) Royal Highness.

i.e., That is.

Inst., Instant (the present month).

I.H.S., Jesus the Saviour of
